Is my math correct for measuring my age from time travel (details inside )?
15! * 26! + 20. 15 years ago +52 / 2 week period in a year + 20 years when it started. My math said that I am 5 10^38. Or 5 with 38 zeros. What is the prefix for 38 zeros. Edit 500 sextilion
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39 Answers
There are 52 weeks in a year.
@Jeruba thanks I fixed it. It was every two weeks I travel. From 15 years year 2000 august 25 every two weeks. 5 Octotrigintillion years old
Where does the 15! and 26! come from?
15 years ago @ 26 two week periods . Every two weeks from August 25 year 2000. Repeated + 2 weeks. Edit it might be 16! Years ago since it is 2016. All that time and I haven’t accomplished anything.
Yes, you are many times older than the Universe itself.
Why are you using factorial, ”!”? 26! = 26×25x24..x 2×1. I don’t see the relevance. Your calculation reminds me of this
@LostInParadise I’m using ! Because it is an increments of two weeks from August 25 2000 + September 12 2000 + September 25 2009 + 2 weeks + October 12 + Sept 25+ September 12 + August 25… Ect too Sept 25 , 2016… I only have grade 12 math. If you have better than please share. Maybe the sum of ( { ). EDIT I totally love Calvin and Hobbes.
The use of factorials makes no sense to me, either.
To answer your question, we need to know why breaking down the travel into two week periods is important. You seem to be implying that you’ve lived a much, much longer time because of your time travel, but it’s not clear why from your equation. Do you live two weeks for every day of your normal life? We can build a better formula if we know that. And it won’t use factorials.
I extend my life by 2 weeks because It Is how long I get to see of the future before I travel back to August 25 , 2000. It took me 2 weeks to die the first time. I go back to August 25 + 2 weeks then August 25 + 4 weeks, + August 25 + 6 weeks, ect until now and a bit more because today is not the present date but the past. I don’t have the math to do it easier, I would have to work it out on and add 2 weeks on my calculator manually. I would have to block off a couple of hours to work it out manually. August 25 , 2000 is where I started believing in time travel. I move forward In plus two week increments Plus how many increments back to August 25, 2000.
If I understand what you are saying, the calculation is 2 + 4 + 6 … 26 = 2(1+2+3+...+13) The expression in parentheses is an arithmetic series, which you should have learned in school. The sum of numbers from 1 to n is n(n+1)/2. We end up with 13×14= 182.
Edit – See @zenvelo‘s answer below. We end up with 390×391 = 152,490
@LostInParadise Thanks that’s much better than 500 sextillion. GA. 182 years old. I will alter my stats.
@Darth_Algar Yes. I can’t bring back the lotto numbers or do anything other than minor tweaks.
The calculation you want is additive not multiplicative. You have 2+4+6+8+10…+390+390+392 weeks added to your life.
Except you don’t. You aren’t stuck in August of 2000.
@zenvelo My best guess is that I have PTSD from a horrible two weeks alone on campus where I was locked out in the sun and starving and being dumped by my soulmate in the computer lab email . It seems reasonable that something happened to me on that date that I am blocking out. Time travel and visons still seem plausible since I’ve had a LONG time to think about it.
You’re not time traveling, you’re having flashbacks.
@Darth_Algar My psychiatrist wants proof before changing my diagnosis. He still thinks that I have schizophrenia.
@RedDeerGuy1 I am not discounting something awful happening. but you have not travelled into the future and then back. If you have, who wins the election? And who will win the Stanley Cup next spring?
@zenvelo I predicted stuff from the past to my junior high principal he never showed up to clear my name. I can’t remember anything good. Or I would stock up on lotto numbers and go nuts. I can only change minor stuff from thinking about my actions. I would really like to know if the asteroid hits earth in 2029. If think that today is not sept 24 , 2016. And we are in a holographic simulator.
And you very well may have schizophrenia. That doesn’t preclude you also having post-traumatic stress disorder. Or, frankly, he may feel that you have schizophrenia, rather than PTSD, because you insist that you’re a time-traveling immortal.
@Darth_Algar Ok that sounds reasonable. If I stop telling people that I am a time-traveling immortal I would have to start looking for full time work (at A&W or McDonalds) to pay my rent when my disability gets cut and I would have to find housing because I am living in Schizophrenia housing . I would loose all the free time to Fluther. Maybe I could move back to Jasper and Work at the convenience store again? Then I can bring back TallJasperMan’s account.
@all I am suggesting that this question be put in social. Too keep the quips from being modded. Thanks for not tearing into me.
@RedDeerGuy1 I am on disability also due to mental illness (Bipolar and PTSD). I feel pretty sure that if you stop talking about Astral travel you will still qualify.
[Mod says] Moved to Social on request.
@RedDeerGuy1 , Surely you are not saying that you made up the story of astral time travel so you can live off of the government. Didn’t you say that your psychiatrist does not want to hear about your astral travels? He must have other reasons for giving you medication for schizophrenia. I am assuming that you have been taking the medication and not throwing it in the trash. Sometimes it is difficult to make sense of what you are saying.
@LostInParadise No I actually believe(d) that I was traveling thru time. I take the medication and wait for my time to be believed. I can work, but I have anxiety from being harassed at my night shift at the store that I worked at. Sorry for not making sense. Darth makes a good point. I could have PTSD. I asked my psychiatrist about it and he laughed and dismissed me. I will look for a job close by and see if I can hold down a part-time job. The whole think for being on disability is that I can’t afford $600 a month for pills and injections and there was a murder that week from a nutcase who went off his pills one the week that I applied for disability I told the social worker that I would refuse to take my pills if I wasn’t put on disabilty. I might be able to work part time in a slow paced environment and see what happens. I basically got my self trapped in a cycle of dependence and was enabled by the social workers. I keep asking to be allowed back home and they say no.
I would like to see what would happen if I hadn’t told people about my time travel (PTSD) or whatever it is. I would probably been made manager of my store right about now and kept it as a little secret. I’m too trusting.
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So your psychiatrist only has you taking pills because of your time traveling stories?
@anniereborn In the hospital I asked to go to the next world. He took it as a suicide threat. Which It wasn’t. I wanted to advance in the timeline and continue the next chapter in my life story (get a career and have a girlfriend and to go back to university and not work at a dead end job) . He won’t take me off the pills because I said that 4 years ago in October 2012.I might have to wait until he retires in 20 years.
You have to take the natural logarithm of both sides.
I don’t know much about the value of E and less on how to use it. All I know is that it is 2.5, unless your joking?
@RedDeerGuy1 , Do you think the medication is helping you? It would be a shame if you were trapped in a dependency cycle and were not getting any benefit from it. Your talk about astral time travel reminds me of certain shamanistic beliefs. I saw a video by Stanford professor Robert Sapolsky where he said that shamans are schizoid, which is apparently a very mild form of schizophrenia. While belief in time travel seems odd to me, it is not necessarily an impediment to your daily life. If you confided your belief in time travel only to people you can trust, do you think you could hold down a job? You have mentioned that you feel anxious every time that you leave your apartment. That could also be a problem. You need to have a serious discussion with your psychiatrist about your current state and where you would like to be headed.
Pictures or it didn’t happen :)
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