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JLeslie's avatar

Do you think the debate coming up between Hillary and Trump will change any minds?

Asked by JLeslie (65868points) September 24th, 2016 from iPhone

Are you planning on watching?

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34 Answers

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I’m planning to watch. If it is a disaster then a third party might actually get a chance to pull ahead, but unlikely. It will be a story that I can tell my grandkids about what I was doing when WWIII started.(I don’t have any kids right now)

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m going in knowing I will not vote but will watch the spectacle

kritiper's avatar

I think it will convince some undecideds to vote for Hillary. No, I don’t plan to watch.

cookieman's avatar

I certainly plan to watch. Far too much possibility it will be a rhinoceros crowd fuck to pass up. I’m hoping Trump loses his cool a la Jack Nicholson – “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH”. I want to see a mouth-foaming meltdown.

please, please, please, please

BellaB's avatar

The group of undecided voters has been getting bigger for the last couple of weeks. I’m going to be watching the polls with great interest to see if the debates throw more people into the undecided barrel.

I won’t watch. I will listen. I find I pick up more when I’m not distracted by the visuals.

gondwanalon's avatar

I’ll watch.
I think that most folks who have been paying attention to the campaigns have decided who they’ll vote for. So even if their candidate messes up real bad they’ll not likely change their mind. Therefore I don’t the debate will effect the the poles much at all no matter what happens.

JLeslie's avatar

^^That’s what I think.

Cruiser's avatar

From my perspective I have seen a sizable momentum shift in favor of Trump. He is still campaigning his ass off while Hillary is nowhere to be seen. As shallow as it is at face value….Cruz has finally proffered his endorsement of the Donald which should activate a domino effect of all the other republicans who have disavowed Trump. Add the NRA and multiple Police unions, growing support from the black community…I find it compelling that Trump can ride into the debate as the front runner. So between now and the final minutes of the debate there are HUGE number of votes, especially the undecideds that are at play that could go one way or the other depending on the performance of either candidate.

filmfann's avatar

I will watch, but it won’t change my mind.
Undecided viewers will be watching Trumps temperament, and Hillary’s health and reasoning.

johnpowell's avatar

“He is still campaigning his ass off while Hillary is nowhere to be seen.”

Dude. She does tons of campaign stuff. Every single day. But it is boring stuff like policy. MSNBC just gave 30 minutes to Trump to pimp his hotel and then at the end he spent 60 seconds saying Obama was born in America.

Clinton is out there. She says sane shit so the media has a hard time covering it. Trump is all bullshit so it makes the medias job really easy.

canidmajor's avatar

And I don’t plan to watch.

Pachy's avatar

I think the debates could change the minds of some Undecideds but most likely not those of the candidates’ current followers )including mine).

Sure, I’m going to watch. I’d love to see Trump blow up on stage.

Cruiser's avatar

@johnpowell Sorry and not to argue your point…she is not on the trail as AFAICT and is sequestered somewhere rehearsing for the debate. Trump on the other hand is making hay and campaigning his ass off. The Clinton News Network would be all over Hillary if she was out on the trail but again she apparently isn’t and why she is absent from the fawning adoring news cycle.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’ll watch. I think the undecideds will have a change to see both canidates “face to face”.
I don’t know what will happen. The unpredicablity of Trump will prevail.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I’m not watching. I know who I’m voting for and the debates aren’t going to sway me, so there’s little point in me spending my valuable time watching them.

@Cruiser “Sorry and not to argue your point…she is not on the trail as AFAICT ”

As far as I can tell Trump isn’t on the trail. But I’m not really paying attention to Trump, to really tell one way or the other, and I doubt you’re really paying attention to Clinton.

ucme's avatar

You’re pretty much buttfucked either way so, mind changing ain’t gonna do no good know how

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Tropical_Willie ” I think the undecideds will have a change to see both canidates “face to face”.”

To be frank, I think anyone who’s undecided between Clinton or Trump by this point probably has no real political values and is probably just looking to see which personality they like better.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Darth_Algar —That is what the undecideds are “no real political values.”

Jaxk's avatar

I will definitely be watching. Both candidates have the potential to self destruct. If it happens I want to see it instead of listening to the sound bites and opinions of others. I also want to see what role the moderator plays in the debate. I expect this debate to have about the same impact as any other Presidential Debate but with 10–15% undecided at this point, it could make the difference on who gets the job. Win, lose, or draw it should be interesting and I always like to make my own decision on which way it goes.

Cruiser's avatar

@Darth_Algar Thanks for projecting your indifference onto my answer. Once again you are clueless and way off base as to what I think and what I pay attention to. Not even going to try to guess where your head is at.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Indifference? Hardly. However I know where my vote is going and thus have no interest in keeping up with campaign appearances.

Cruiser's avatar

@Darth_Algar “However I know where my vote is going and thus have no interest in keeping up with campaign appearances.” which makes your earlier comment even more curious…

Pandora's avatar

No and yes. I will watch for as long as I can stomach hearing Trump. The debate may only appeal to those who are undecided or better yet the independents who are thinking of going with a 3rd party and recognize that that their choice has a snowball chance in hell of making it so it will just be a wasted vote. Those will be the only minds that may be changed.
Both on Trump and Hillary side of the votes are pretty solid in their camps.
Trump may be able to persuade some Republican women that aren’t firm in Hillary side, if he doesn’t come off as a woman hater.
But I predict that Trump will win the debate because the only standard for him to pass tonight is appear calm and Presidential. His policies doesn’t matter. Even if it’s all fictional.
Hillary could be the most appealing and trust worthy as possible and have a solid policy all night long, but in the morning, everyone will be talking about how Trump didn’t drool on himself, and seemed so Presidential and in command. And Hillary will be seen as a too well informed know it all. If she plays dumb then she is ill prepared. She has no real way to win, unless Trump loses his cool and comes off as really stupid. At least that is my thoughts on how it may go. The bar is set very low for him and very high for her. Like it has always been for women.

Cruiser's avatar

@Darth_Algar You said…” have no interest in keeping up with campaign appearances.” ” yet you still felt compelled to interject your opinion on whether Trump is on the campaign trail and whether or not I am following Hillarys’ activities. Just seems to be contradictory especiall your assumption of what I know or don’t know about Hillary. FYI…I know a lot more about Hillary than Trump because she is the one who scares me the most.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Going to be one hell of a spectacle tonight. My wife just sent me a text that we are not watching this sober so I guess I’ll pick up a bottle of wine on the way home.

jonsblond's avatar

I watched Supernatural, then Monday Night Football. I enjoyed myself.

Still not voting for Trump or Clinton.

Darth_Algar's avatar

@Cruiser “yet you still felt compelled to interject your opinion on whether Trump is on the campaign trail”

Quite the contrary. I, in so many words, stated that because I am not keeping up then any view I were to offer, in regards to whether or not he was on the campaign trail, would be meaningless. Likewise, I suspect that you don’t actively keep up with Hillary’s campaign appearances.

Now with all that said, perhaps if Trump had spent a little less recent time “campaigning his ass off” and a little more time rehearsing for the debate then perhaps he wouldn’t have had a “broken mic” last night.

Cruiser's avatar

No @Darth_Algar You ASSume I don’t keep up with Hillary. I know her entire platform chapter and verse and how detrimental it would be to my company to continue the platter of crap the Obama administration has served us the last 7.5 years. Plus her wanting to raise the death tax to 65% puts me at the front of the line of Never Hillary voters.

Darth_Algar's avatar


That’s lovely, however my statement was not at all about her platform or policies. You’re attempting to rebut an argument I did not make.

Cruiser's avatar

@Darth_Algar WTH Do you call this statement of yours then?? “Likewise, I suspect that you don’t actively keep up with Hillary’s campaign appearances.” That is a dumbass assumption on your part and nothing less.

Darth_Algar's avatar


How the hell do you read “platform”, “taxes”, etc out of “campaign appearances”?

Cruiser's avatar

Umm @Darth_Algar What do you think Hillary discusses at her campaign appearances?

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