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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Have you ever seen your insides from an injury (NSFW)

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25069points) September 25th, 2016

I saw the inside of my foot from a slice from a metal file cabinet (I could see the insides of my foot… it was cool and scary.. Like the skin wasn’t attached to the muscles ) . Also I cut my self deep from an accident and saw my fatty Insides in my side when I was a child. How about you? I hope that It doesn’t turn into a pissing contest.

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8 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

This isn’t quite the same thing, but close.

I had a colonoscopy a couple of years ago (such fun!) – and the doctor gave me the option of being all the way asleep or just partially so. The techs turned the screen so that I could see the picture from the camera probe that was spinning up and down my intestines.

It was fascinating!! Really cool to know what the inside looked like. And they pointed out the abnormalities, which were also interesting to see. It helped me understand what they were finding.

So .. I’m all for it!

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@elbanditoroso I was under from my colonoscopy. Thanks for sharing.

Seek's avatar

I have a photo of my son’s placenta somewhere (on the scale. It was 7½ lbs. I think the plan was to shock my midwife). That’s probably the closest thing.

They wouldn’t let me be awake for my gallbladder surgery, or take the diseased organ home. More’s the pity.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I saw the MRI from my shoulder saw the rip.

zenvelo's avatar

I had couple of screws in my ankle when I broke my leg. I was wide awake with a local when they were removed; saw the whole thing. And the tool he used was a medical grade Yankee screwdriver set to reverse.

For each of my ex=wife’s c-sections, I got to see the whole incision and then the lifting of the amniotic sac and it get sliced open and the baby removed.

AshlynM's avatar

No, can’t say that I have.

Stinley's avatar

I saw my daughter’s x-ray after she broke her arm. It was a really bad break as the bone was in two pieces. We want back after a week to check it was in position correctly. On this x-ray I could see little tendrils of new bone forming between the two ends which were about a centimetre apart. It was really amazing.

I cut my finger over 30 years ago on a glass Perrier bottle that exploded. I could see the fatty layer and a white bit that I think was the bone. That was scary. I still have a scar.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I sliced the top of my ankle open on a bike fender when a kid pushed me off my bike. I walked home. Mom stuck me on the bathroom counter, with my foot in a basin of water. When I moved my foot I could see the tendon working in there, moving back and forth across my ankle. It was pretty cool. Really lucky I didn’t slice it in half, too.

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