Did the debate change your vote?
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monthly (
September 27th, 2016
It changed mine. I was a Bernie supporter and I had decided that I was going to vote for Jill Stein. Not through any particular animosity towards Clinton, but Stein more represented my point of view. After the debate, seeing them side by side, I see what a clear and present danger a President Trump is, and also I see how close the polls are. I’m in a swing state, so I’m now with her.
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46 Answers
Nope, but I have been a Hillary supporter for a long time. The debate wasn’t going to change my mind, but then again there hasn’t been a debate in decades to get me to change my mind.
Nope. I was also a Sanders supporter, but having an understanding of the electoral process, I know that a 3rd party candidate, no matter how wonderful they appear to be, can’t win.
I also trusted Sanders enough to be POTUS, so I trusted his endorsement.
No, but it made me feel better about Trump’s chances.
No, not at all,
but both had good points at certain times.
I was firmly in camp Hillary. Nothing changed.
No, I’m a Bernie supporter who reluctantly, but firmly, put my faith in Hillary.
The Donald certainly didn’t disappoint last night. Hubris + bluster + no substance = Donald Trump.
Only way I’d switch to Trump is at gunpoint. Even then I’d have to think it over.
(Am I the only jelly old enough to remember that’s a reference to one of Jack Benny’s most famous radio and TV routines? It’s on YouTube.)
I didn’t watch the insanity but, I would have voted Bernie had he had a snowballs chance in hell of winning, but I am not breaking my lengthy status of being a non-voter for either of the likes of these two. Bad and worse, some choice. haha
No, neither the party of Tweedle Dee or Tweedle Dumb is getting my vote. And since no one is flipping sides, just shows how useless and a waste of money those debates are.
Changed my vote. So it wasn’t a waste of money for me. Better than watching football.
No, after Bernie was out, I was firmly in Hillary’s camp.
Nope. I still can’t find a reason to vote for Hillary. In many ways she will be worse for progressives than Trump.
I’m voting for Stein (and I’m in a swing state). The only hope for this country is for the Democratic Party to wake the fuck up in a very serious way. We need a complete overhaul of the party’s leadership and approach to corporate America (and their money). That won’t happen if Clinton wins.
It had me waver in the direction of voting for Clinton rather than Stein, even though that would not represent my actual preference for a real progressive, and I still am outraged about the DNC stealing the candidacy from Sanders, and I don’t trust her to live up to her face performance. I still think there needs to be a revolution before this country can be considered an actual democracy. As much as I think Trump is mainly a TV personality, he seemed notably more rational, if often childish and wrong-minded, in this debate, and I appreciated him loudly calling out the TPP and the DNC’s abuse of the primary.
Nope. I was also a Sanders supporter, but having an understanding of the electoral process, I know that the point of voting for a 3rd party candidate is not necessarily because you think they will win, no matter how many people may try to pretend that it’s okay to vote for Hitler just so long as you aren’t voting for Satan. I also recognize that Sanders is part of the Democratic party machine now, so his endorsement is not to be trusted.
Didn’t watch because I knew it wouldn’t.
FWIW, while I am much more progressive than Clinton and would prefer a less centrist candidate, I think she may have the cojones and skill to force some compromises and get some things done.
@janbb There’s not a single Republican that would be caught dead compromising with Clinton. The only thing she would be able to get done is giveaways to her pals on Wall Street.
@monthly So, it’s good you watched it because you would have handed the presidency to Trump.
@gorillapaws I don’t think that’s true based on her record in the Senate. I think she is much more of a political player than Obama – for good and bad.
And I could see Elizabeth Warren in her Cabinet as Treasury Secretary and there’d be some push back then.
@Call_Me_Jay I hope you mean that you feel better because his chances are lessened.
Nope. But, I find it interesting the debate brought you over to the Hillary camp. I was feeling like the debate probably didn’t change anyone’s mind.
For me it’s an issue of marriage equality. Up until recently it was illegal for me to get married in most states. Trump’s Supreme Court nominations are a danger to my wife and me. After seeing the debate I decided once and for all I’d get my head out of my idealistic liberal ass and vote for my best interest.
It did not change my vote. I did not expect that it would. As are most Republican voters, I am not voting for Prez this year, I am voting for Supreme Court Justices.
@rojo so you are voting for someone who may lead us down a road of taking my wife away from me? You are okay with that?
I don’t vote(by choice.) But did anyone expect this ‘debate’/ shit show to really change the minds of the voters?
Was anything truly revealed, that wasn’t there before?
At least in the past , debates could focus on difference of opinion on world issues between two informed candidates.
This election as a whole, has been, to me, America’s most embarrassing moments.
These are the best two in the whole country?
Either that’s how pathetic we all are, or how pathetic the pickings are for president. Either way, none of us should be thrilled with the choices this year. AGAIN…......
For those who oppose ‘non voters,’ like myself, you have to agree that it’s usually ‘the lesser of two evils.’ When it comes to the final two scumbags corrupt, and manipulative enough to be president ,they’reusually both bad choices. This year, a clown got to the big game.
This whole pathetic process has been truly exposed this time.
It’s incomprehensible to me,that these are the best candidates. Crazy…
What a joke…...
I’ve said it before. If this election was a movie/book, it would have terrible reviews.
Critics would say that
Trump’s ‘character ’ is too unrealistic to be a real presidential candidate.
Alas, the truth is stranger than fiction.
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@MrGrimm888 According to this thread some democrats were influenced by the debate and will now be able to pull the lever for Hillary when they were previously unsure.
@monthly Why does Rojo have to vote on your one issue?
First, thank goodness, gay marriage is legal. At this point it will be tricky to have it taken away, and I personally haven’t heard many people campaigning to get it changed. True, there might still be some state level shit that tries to limit access for gay people, but since it’s now a federal law it’s almost like gay people have more protection from the fed than straight people regarding marriage.
Second, this has been a problem for people who are conservative fiscally, but socially liberal for a long time. Many of my friends were pro gay marriage and pro choice, but voted republican. It seems to me Trump could care less about gay people getting married, but it is true influence over the Supreme Court is a real and present danger, I just don’t think gay marriage is in significant danger. Just like gays in the military. I can’t tell you the hate bullshit ignorance I saw on my Facebook right before that was passed. Now, no one talks about it.
@janbb What piece of progressive legislation that she, as a senator, got Republicans to warm up to? There was the huge corporate giveaway in 2004. the bankruptcy bill, or the war in Iraq, none of those bi-partisan efforts seem to involve Republicans voting for something progressive, to the contrary, every example of her bipartisan record that I can think of involves caving to the interests of corporate interests and conservative ideology…
Oh, and Clinton hates Elizabeth Warren. Her donors won’t allow her to have her in the cabinet (even if she wanted to). Warren was the obvious VP choice, but Clinton choose the guy who is even more conservative than she is.
I did not watch and I’m still voting for Stein.
I will not support our corrupt two party system that claims to be a democracy.
If Trump wins we will not have slave owners, WWIII, abortions performed in alleys and gays hiding in closets. The fearmongering isn’t going to work this time.
@gorillapaws I don’t find arguing on Fluther productive any more, particularly about the election. The last thing I’ll say on the subject is a quote from Thomas Friedman in today’s Times. He is a well-respected columnist and political analyst:
“I am not enamored of Clinton’s stale, liberal, centralized view of politics, but she is sane and responsible; she’ll do her homework, can grow in the job, and might even work well with Republicans, as she did as a senator.”
@JLeslie Rojo is free to vote for whomever Rojo chooses. I’m merely pointing out my own point of view and how Rojo’s vote could potentially effect me and millions of other people.
@monthly I just don’t think that issue is a big risk this time around, but I could be wrong.
Being English I have no vote to change, but for the american electorate, here’s a depressing fact.
Assuming Hillary wins, given that she serves at least 4yrs & taking Obama out of the equation, your country will have been run for 30…count them, 30yrs by just 2 families.
I mean seriously, is that all you got to give? Pause for thought.
The debate changes very little. As far as the negatives go concerning the 2 candidates, there is one fact that so outweighs all else, that I just can’t get past it. And it’s this. One of the 2 participants has consistently demonstrated an appalling lack of understanding on the workings of our government and the world in general. This would ordinarily be considered so glaring a handicap that the political hay to be reaped should be bountiful indeed. Yet so severe and volatile are the extremes in temperament of the candidate, and so injudicious and crass the rhetoric displayed, that the issue of the ignorance and deficit of social skills required to permit such behavior takes a back seat. Now in truth only a fool would expect unvarnished veracity from a politician, but there should be consequences to a campaign strategy based specifically on insults and “making things up”.
@JLeslie I believe you’re wrong. Breyer, Ginsberg, and Kennedy are all in their 80s. Scalia needs replacing. That’s potentially 4 SCOTUS judges who could be replaced in the next 4 years. Two of those justices are firmly in the liberal wing. Kennedy wrote the majority opinion in Obergefell vs. Hodges. If Trump is elected, the progressive cause will have a majority opponent in the Supreme court for decades.
@monthly I guess I would research the likelihood a similar case would be heard in such a short amount of time following a decision. A reversal is usually not seen within a few years I don’t think. I only say this not to convince you, but maybe so you don’t feel too worried. I’m no expert on law or the Supreme Court, but a case would have to make its way up to the court and accepted. The court doesn’t just decide they want to change a decision.
I do agree the Supreme Court is very much in play this ejection.
^^ I’d like to be “ejected” right about now.
I didn’t watch. I did roll my eyes dramatically at the live-posted updates on Facebook in between innings of the Cubs game.
I’ll vote for Hillary. I’m not happy about it, but better a Republican in office than Marmalade Mussolini.
@Seek I’m not happy about it either. I do like the fact that she’s stood for women’s issues for over 20 years. But she doesn’t set my heart a pitter-pat. Her voice grates on me too. She’s fine in interviews, engaging even. It’s just when she’s speaking to a crowd I want to plug my ears.
Marmalade Mussolini. That’s pretty funny.
Democrats fall in love and Republicans fall in line.
And this shit is getting really fucking irritating. Trump screams all the time. Hillary is shrill. She needs to smile more. Her pant-suits….. THE FUCKING HORROR.
Trump is overweight walnut shoved in a orange flavored condom. He gets 5% of the shit Hillary gets over look and voice. I don’t give a fuck if she fakes a smile. My sisters kids won’t die if she is elected president.
Why do they say Hillary doesn’t smile? Yes she does. The expectation for women to smile constantly is horrible.
I didn’t watch. Bernie supporter originally. I switched to Hillary because both Bernie and Obama endorse her. They know a hell of a lot more about the whole process than I do and I trust them.
Maybe she should throw out a girlish giggle now and again @JLeslie.
I read @Seek‘s post above, (“I’ll vote for Hillary. I’m not happy about it, but better a Republican in office than Marmalade Mussolini.”)
and I’m thinking:
I’ll vote for Hillary. I’m not happy about it, but better Hilary, a democrat in office than Marmalade Mussolini.
@ Pachy: “I’m thinking it over” is my favorite Jack Benny script. Thanks for reminding me of that skit.
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