Can cervical displaysia be healed naturally?
Asked by
chelle21689 (
September 28th, 2016
from iPhone
Two years ago I was diagnosed with cervical displaysia because of HPV. They watched it closely and a year later I ended up clearing and not needing a procedure.
3 months ago, it seemed to have returned and is now moderate instead of mild. Displaysia is now inside and near my glands whatever that means. Doctor said that the lab results could be interpreted differently from another lab suggesting LEEP. So one may not think I need it whereas the other might think I do.
My dr. and I talked, I don’t know if this has to do with my lifestyle? I have gotten lazy and have not worked out for several months and have developed poor eating habits again. I used to watch what I eat. Could this be why? My doctor says maybe and we can wait another month and get a second opinion from a specialist.
She wants to avoid LEEP as much as we can to preserve my cervix if I want kids one day.
Any women with success stories?
I’m going to immediately buy veggies and workout a bit again….if anything helps.
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26 Answers
The labs can easily differ or be wrong. Not comforting I know. My guess is your negative result was wrong after listening to the entire story.
It has been suggested that monogamous young people only need a PAP once every three years, because positive results often resolve on their own, and “surgery” isn’t necessary.
Even with poor eating habits you are young, basically healthy, and probably have good immune system. Eating better is always a good thing, but do not rely on nutrition to cure you from cancer. You have abnormal cells right now, not cancer if I understand correctly.
Did you have an actual HPV test done? Or, just a PAP. Also, have you had a sample sent to a different lab? Under a microscope simple inflammation caused by other problems can be diagnosed as probable HPV when it isn’t. I had this happen to me when I was having vulvar tissue problems. When a biopsy was sent to an expert they found no HPV. This was the exact same piece of tissue. However, there is specific genetic HPV testing and that should be accurate. That is different than a lab tech looking through a microscope.
I would not wait too long for it to disappear. The longer you wait the more extensive the removal might be. It seems to me you have had it for two years now. Millions of women get the area treated and still have babies. I guess you would need to know the risks with your particular situation.
Get a second opinion and a different lab I think. Then you can make a decision.
Did the doctor do a culposcopy?
Disclaimer: I’m not a doctor.
^Is correct. Get a second opinion and soon. If you do have Dysplasia, left untreated it can turn into cancer, but treatment can cure it. It can also return so you will need regular check ups.
The only way to prevent it is abstinence. To reduce the risk use condoms.
^^Abstinence almost doesn’t matter anymore. Dysplasia from HPV means she is infected. Abstinence can prevent her from getting other strains of HPV, but whatever she has already she has forever.
Doctor did a culposcopy. I’m pretty sure it’s HPV because they diagnosed me with high risk when I went in for a routine pap.
Don’t know if it’s a different lab. I’m sure it’s the same….
I fear that I will need several LEEP procedures and that the HPV displaysia will keep returning until there is nothing left and then I’ll get cancer.
No! Don’t be afraid of that. My generation had tons of positive results and had the “bad” tissue removed and most often it never came back again. Seriously, I know tons of women that had it done 30+ years ago and never another bad Pap smear.
If you had the HPV genetic testing done he will know exactly what type of HPV virus is. There number.
Please get a second opinion. Is your doctor young?
I had severe dysplasia in 2008 and my doctor suggested an immediate LEEP. I had it done and I have not had an abnormal pap since.
If you get cancer they will have to remove much more to ensure clear borders. you moved from mild to moderate and it’s more likely the negative result was false. Get another test, talk to another doctor. Let another doctor do a culposcopy right off the bat, after he does the tissue sample, so maybe you just pay for one appointment. When you call ask if it can be sent to a different lab. Let him tell you what he sees.
Did your doctor say you are likely to have a weak cervix because they will have to cut away a lot of tissue? That to me means maybe there is more reason to get rid of it. It’s so rare to have a cervix problem afterwards, and sometimes they can overcome the problem during pregnancy. Cervical cancer is no joke.
Recently, my best friend had an abnormal pap, they followed up for a while, things appeared to be normal again, then suddenly another abnormal pap. It turned out to be cervical cancer. It’s natural to be anxious in this position, the “what ifs” are daunting, and trying to pin the results on our own habits gives us a sense of control in a scary situation. Although there’s certainly no harm in eating more vegetables and being more active, it’s not likely to be the ultimate solution. I think that discussing with your doctor and getting a second opinion are your best moves.
For what it’s worth, I also know several women who have been through this and who never had an abnormal pap ever again.
She’s probably in late 50’s.
What happened to your friend? Is she okay?
Would I still be able to have children with LEEP? :/. Seems a lot of women can have kids but then why is my doctor making a huge deal about avoiding it? She of course wand me to get it done but wants a second opinion.
Second opinion.
Once in a while women can get a weak cervix or develop scar tissue from a surgical procedure. It’s rare. A cervix can be stitched for pregnancy and scar tissue can often be dealt with. In my opinion you should not be concerned at all about either. Your problem does not seem to be going away.
A friend of mine’s neice died from cervical cancer.
Another woman I know developed cancer, but she’s fine. She already had had all of her children when it happened.
I know at least 15 women who have had bad Pap smears or some form of dysplasia or cancer who had to have it removed.
Probably around 6 of them it was before they had children. One there was a concern of her cervix for pregnancy and she has a 19 year old son now. The rest didn’t have any problems.
That’s reassuring. It didn’t come back abnormal? Two of my sisters had it done…they don’t think of t as a big deal but it’s hard knowing I could have something develop in to cancer and need invasive procedure done.
My friend is doing very well, she had most of her cervix removed and has more frequent appointments to keep a watchful eye on things. She is already done having children, but I have other friends who have been in this situation and who went on to have perfectly healthy pregnancies and deliveries.
Nothing wrong with a second opinion.
My contribution might not be very up to date because I had dysplasia in 1982.
They froze my cervix. I’m not sure if that’s what LEEP is but we found out later that I was in the first weeks of pregnancy when they did the procedure and had a healthy baby. I didn’t have any trouble having a woopsie pregnancy again two years later.
I think more than likely I will need the procedure but thanks for the answers. It eases me some to know women are okay and can have kids. I’ve already bought my healthy snacks, took supplements, and drinking my green tea. Doesn’t hurt to try, if anything it will motivate me to eat better again…I gained some weight lol.
To clarify I am referring to LEEP as surgery. It’s all surgery to me whether it’s removing the dysplasia or the cancer.
Once it’s cancer there might not be a procedure to help. Once it’s cancer and can move into other organs you can die. The 5 year survival rate when caught early is very high, I think it’s over 90%. Once it moves to other tissues I think it dives to 50%. I’m probably off a little. I just remember looking it up when her neice was diagnosed, because I was shocked she didn’t recover.
Since you are watching it closely I guess its unlikely you wouldn’t catch it early? Just make sure you are really weighing the risks. The person I know who died was in her early 30’s with very young children. Her cancer was extremely aggressive. I don’t want to scare you into the procedure I just want to scare you into another opinion. A doctor you can ask questions and be sure you feel good about the decision.
I’m guilty of not getting a colonoscopy I need. Basically, the same sort of thing, if I remove polyps I can avoid certain cancers. So, it’s not like I’m any better. My girlfriend who is about to start chemo after surgery for colon cancer read me the riot act last night.
Did the friend’s niece not have regular check ups?
I feel we’ve been monitoring it close. Two years ago when they first saw it I had a pap, then colposcopy, and then 6 months later another map and was cleared… Then a year later I guess it was there again.
I know my health comes first but it would suck for my job because someone is leaving for maternity leave and I’m her back up essentially. The office would be down for a couple days.
I wonder what is going on in my boss’ head with me requesting leaving early or whatever for my dr. Appointments.
@chelle21689 I’ve never heard of anyone missing work for two days from that procedure?
She had regular check-ups. I asked the same thing. What I don’t know is if they discovered it as dysplasia and waited, or if they discovered it as full blown cancer. It was extremely aggressive what she had.
My sister had it done and she was groggy from anesthesia and still felt the after affects next day.
Anesthesia? For LEEP? I didn’t know. Maybe I’m thinking of a less invasive procedure for cutting away the bad tissue. Most women tolerate minor scrapes to their cervix very well.
it’s a surgical procedure @JLeslie. My daughter had to have it done. It’s a hospital procedure. I can’t remember how much time she had off. I’ll ask her. She’s going through a similar thing at the moment @chelle21689 so I feel for you. She has an appointment with a specialist soon.
^^I had a bad PAP smear and they cut away the bad areas right in the office. No anesthesia. I don’t remember what they called it.
Just found out the specialist is male… Lol. Never had a male doctor before but I’m going to suck it up at being even more comfortable. Haha.
:-) @chelle21689. My daughter’s last specialist was hot. She said she found it weird having to discuss her health problem with him. Not because he was male, but because he was male and hot! I hope you’re okay and can get this resolved soon. I know I’m hoping the same for my daughter.
If it’s any consolation, I have a lot of reproductive health issues and I always preferred a female doctor in that realm. But, the last 2 specialists I’ve had are both male and they are two of the best doctors I’ve ever had, hands down.
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