Are you seeing lawn signs for presidential candidates in your neighborhood?
Asked by
Jeruba (
September 28th, 2016
This is the first presidential election I can remember in which none of my neighbors have signs on their lawns or in their windows for one candidate or the other. In fact, I’ve scarcely seen more than one or two signs or banners anywhere around town. I think that’s remarkable and illustrates the many ways in which this election is profoundly different.
I’m in a large Northern California city.
Are you seeing the same thing where you are, and where is that?
Tags as I wrote them: political signs, politics, presidential election, Clinton, Trump, public partisanship.
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60 Answers
I had not thought about it, but no, I have not noticed any presidential signs in my neighborhood and they are usually everywhere this close to the election.
My neighbor across the street has a Johnson/Weld sign.
I’ve only seen two Trump signs and no Clinton ones in my general area.
Nah. A lot of poorly-spelled writing on pickup-truck tailgates, though. I’ll leave the content to your imagination.
Yes, but I live in a very old neighborhood. Across the street is a sign for Grover Cleveland.
Yes, although not as many as four years ago. But it’s still early.
No Clintons, two Trumps nearby.
However I am seeing a bunch of Clinton bumper stickers – more than Trump.
Georgia will be an interesting race this year.
For the last three months.
Did you jellies get the part of the question that asks what area you’re in? Region is enough—Northeast, Midwest, Southwest, whatever. Of course be more specific if you prefer.
I have seen a small number of Hillary signs, and starting to see a lot of Hillary bumper stickers. I am in the SF Bay Area.
I saw a Trump sign last week up in Reno. I was a bit shocked.
I’ve seen one Trump sign. All the other signs are for local positions.
No, but I live in a rural area. Sierra Nevada foothills of Northern CA.
I don’t think the horses and cows care who’s getting elected. haha
I’ll have to ask my daughter that lives in the Sacramento area if she is seeing any down there.
I think it is because the last eight years has seen Americans become demented and perverted in thinking it is OK to attack someone for a differing political opinion. This is another new negative American trait born in recent years. I heard on the news last night that someone received an anonymous letter to remove their yard sign promoting their presidential choice. They ignored it and their yard was set on fire.
Mostly they are for local candidates, have seen a few, most for Trump though…..
Haven’t seen a yard sign yet. But I also live 4 blocks from campus and there are never signs around here.
The only thing I have seen is the Hillary shirts my mom and I wear.
Southwestern New England here, and startled that I don’t see more. In the six block radius around my house, there is only one, and it’s Trump/Pence. Which is either very brave or very foolish considering the deeply indigo nature of the area.
Central Texas: Very, very few and those I do see are Trump/Pence although a couple of streets over there is still a yard sign for Ted Cruz.
And most of the bumper stickers I see are either for Bernie Sanders, Cruz or Republican stickers from a previous election.
Not one yet for either candidate and in my well heeled largely conservative neighborhood in the far western suburbs of Chicago and I remember lots of yard signs in 2012 and 2014. This is only more curious as when I talk to my neighbors there is resounding support for Trump to win the election yet few are willing to telegraph their support for Trump (or more accurately their desire to see Hillary lose) with a yard sign and I suspect that dynamic is happening across the country.
What totally took me by surprise was when we dropped our son off at college in Green Bay WI we went to visit my cousin who lives on a lake west of Green Bay and nearly every one of his neighbors and him had a Trump yard sign, I stopped counting after 40 signs yet not one Hillary sign to be seen.
There’s a correlation between number of signs, personal self-confidence, and penis size.
Just as men of a certain age need to have fancy sports cars, loud exhaust systems, and big screen TVs to show others their virility, the same is true for Trump signs. Men need to prove their manlihood by displaying Trump signs as a compensation for inadequacies in other areas.
@elbanditoroso So is this otherwise known as tall men with little hands syndrome?
Not sure of the analogy, @Cruiser , but probably.
Nope. But that is not unusual. I saw Bernie stickers and signs a lot during the first half of the year, but since he stepped down there is not much political hullabaloo going on in Los Angeles. I’ve seen 2 Hillary stickers and 1 Trump sticker. Everyone knows that Hillary will take California.
Excellent question, @Jeruba. I really hadn’t noticed until now, but, no, I’m not seeing any lawn signs. I live in a hyper-political city next to Washington, DC, so most elections generate honky-tonk levels of signage.
I think it’s because this city is also bluer-than-blue, so Clinton v. Trump really isn’t an issue.
I read none of the answers above.
I’ve seen a lot of Trump signs.
Not a single Hillary sign.
Even in the Bernie enclaves
Then there is the tale of this Trump sign.
As much as I may disagree with someone’s choice, I don’t believe election signs on private property should be vandalized.
Saw a Trump sign today while out walking my dog.
The dog peed on it. I laughed.
There are Trump signs everywhere around here, in the rural Midwest. Huuuge signs.
I’m so perplexed by the Trump candidacy that if I pull up to a yard sale and there is a Trump sign in the yard, I hesitate to go in. How can they not be mentally unstable?
And that’s not hyperbole. It’s my actual thought process. A friend of mine asked me this week who I was going to vote for, and I said I wouldn’t tell them that, but I would give them a hint. “I’d shoot myself in the head before I would vote for Donald Trump for president.” I do not want to know who supports Trump for president. I’ve tried to wrap my mind around it, and I can not. Telling me you support Trump for president will be a mental black mark against you for as long as I can hold the thought.
Usually I have amazing empathy for people. Pedophiles and Trump supporters I can’t understand.
^ @ibstubro – Amen, brother. I am definitely in the 7% of people who have ended friendships over this election cycle.
If all we’re seeing is Trump signs, there’s more than one way to interpret that. It might be an indication of proportional support, or it might be belligerence vs. keeping the peace.
Still nothing in my area.
@Jeruba I ‘m kind of assuming that maybe the campaigns have decided that’s not the best use of money.
There is one in my son’s town for Trump. That’s the only sign I’ve seen. I’ve seen more ridiculous “Hillary for Jail” signs than anything.
I saw another Trump sign today on the highway that runs through our town. Still no Hillary.
I have a half hour commute each way to work. Because of this question, I was looking for signs yesterday. None for Trump or Hillary. A few for local candidates, but not as many as in the past.
This is really one of the most depressing elections ever. But…I think Hillary will do OK. We survived Bush Jr. didn’t we?
God I’m going to miss Obama.
Okay. Here’s my recent intuition.
On the national level, yard signs are for the voters. No one has ever driven by a sign for a presidential candidate and thought, “Yeah, okay, that’s a great sign, I’ll vote for it!.” Yard signs are a show of solidarity with other voters. Mass appeal. The undecided are swayed. There is not a single (WTF HILLARY, I don’t know the woman) CLINTON sign in my area. I thought I would see a bunch in a Bernie town I visit. No. Maybe 1 Clinton.
I finally saw one for Hilary in someone’s yard yesterday. I need to get over to the Democratic headquarters in my town and get a yard sign for Hillary.
Saw my first Clinton sign today. It was… boring. Could they maybe try to be a little less bland?
I take yard signs to be a public and personal endorsement. To me they say “I’m supporting this candidate (or cause) and am willing to say so publicly. I’m taking a stand.” If I see a lot of signs in my neighborhood for a particular candidate for city council, let’s say, I can’t help being aware that my vote either is or is not in accord with those of my neighbors. I can’t say for sure that this hasn’t subtly influenced me in some elections.
The only yard sign I ever put up was for Kerry when he opposed Bush. I got the last one at the local headquarters, and it wasn’t free: they expected a donation. So I don’t think the dearth of signs is about the campaign’s use of funds. My hypothesis is that people are reluctant to take a public stand on this one unless they are ready to deal with confrontation and/or conflict with their neighbors. That’s why I speculated that it’s about keeping the peace. But this is guesswork—I don’t know.
I voted in the last gubernatorial election for the first time, to put my 2 cents in against Brownback.
His minions put his sign in my yard without my permission. I called the police and asked if that sign was my own personal property now, to do with what I pleased. They said it was. So I bought a can of red spray paint, sprayed a circle with a line through it on the sign.
He still got reelected.
I was just thinking today that I haven’t seen any bumper stickers and then later I saw two.
I have a Bernie bumper sticker.
A guy came to the auction today and his (adult) son was wearing a Trump shirt. I don’t know who started the conversation, but he asked me who I was going to vote for. I told him Clinton. (By the way, I’m voting for Clinton, not Hillary. You know, “Balance the Budget Bill’s” wife. I don’t care to be on a first name basis with her.) He was amazed and saddened. So I said to him, “Has your life been so bad the past 8 years that your willing and ready to flush it down the toilet?” Knowing that he has prospered greatly. As a veteran, he gave me the Benghazi argument. I said, “I know, and I agree with what you’re saying, but I’m willing to vote for 4 more “years of the same” and hope to hell someone stops her from being re-elected. Are you willing to risk your life/style on Trump?”
Now, I’ll finally quote the Trump supporter.
“The thing is, Trump can’t do all that stuff he’s talking about. He’s not acting alone. Congress will keep him from doing anything crazy!”
So. The presumably Republican congress can reign in a Republican president, but not a “four more years of the same”, Democratic president.
But Hillary Clinton, as SOS, had the power to sacrifice American lives.
I make it a practice not to discuss politics in the current political climate, but it’s not always avoidable.
I’m sad that Trump signs rub my nose in the level of irrationality and ignorance that a large part of the most privileged humans ever to exist (Americans) still hold.
Rein in. It’s about horses, not monarchs.
You’re not your. Read for content
@ibstubro If you’re referring to the OP’s question, she used the correct form of “your.” She wasn’t trying to say ” are neighborhood.”
Gourd dammit, @Dutchess_III, I was referring to @Jeruba‘s post. There were errors more glaring than the one she pointed out.
Less refined errors. lol
@Jeruba IS the OP, @ibstubro. I did a search for every “your” there was in this thread and I found only one wrong form…and it was yours. Perhaps you can link me to what you’re referring to, to clear up this confusion.
Trump is everywhere. I think I’ve seen 2 Clinton
Someone mangled the Clinton sign in front of my neighbor’s house.
All of the Trump signs appear to still be standing.
I’m so ready to vote on Wednesday, and then check out, mentally, from all this crap.
I finally saw one, three days ago. A small one, rather inconspicuous. For Hillary.
We now have a couple Hillary signs on my block.
The house near the freeway exit that always has very large signs (10 ft x 20 ft) for Republicans only has one modest sign for the local Assembly race.
For the life of me I can’t get a Hillary sign! I talked to the folks at the Democratic headquarters here. They said Hillary’s campaign isn’t funding them. They have to depend on city, county and state help. But I’m on the “list.”
Wait…I probably could get a Trump sign and spray paint a big red circle, with a line through it, and put it in my yard.
That would be a great idea.
One fringe benefit could be, that it’s really hard to vandalize a sign that’s already been vandalized. ;-)
Except, it occurred to me, folks might think I’m actually for Trump and some Hillary lover defaced it.
So you wouldn’t consider the prospect of alt-right fringe groups camped out on your yard, ignorantly “guarding” what they think is your Trump sign, to be a fringe benefit? ;-)
I am afraid I would be forced to shoot them.
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