Is it possible that Trump just can't shut up.
It’s getting to the point where I will be feeling sorry for him. He’s either cognitively impaired or determined to assure Clinton’s coronation. Is there a third possibility?
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27 Answers
He knows that his voter base will see that as a positive.
His self delusion that he’s always right prevents him from considering the possibility that he’s ever wrong or should apologize for anything he’s said.
His defense mechanisms against such a possibility are heavily armed and fortified.
Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt as the saying goes.
Yes, it is possible. I’ve seen it before.
So, what if he can’t? If no one listens what harm can it do?
The more coverage the inane media gives him, the more he will keep flapping his yapper.
The mentally ill can run for president too. Yes I believe that he can’t shut up. He’s blocking out the voices telling him that he’s an idiot.
He is a rich ego maniac who thinks he can do no wrong, no matter what he says why would he shut up?
Yes. It’s medical term is ‘diarrhea of the mouth.’ Unfortunately, it is incurable…..
He managed to win the Republican nomination and he trails Clinton by just a few percentage points even after Clinton got a small post-debate bounce. Nate Silver currently has Trump at a 1 out of 3 chance of winning, way too high for me. I will allow myself to feel pity for him only if he loses the election.
@Cruiser The press, like the rest of us, are his captive. There is no ignoring him. He is programmed to guarantee that he CANNOT be ignored.
He’s like a 6ft Chucky doll with the same murderous intent, personality & hair…which is nice.
@stanleybmanly I take your answer to mean you .and the press lack sufficient control over your information sources and are being held captive by the Donalds’ charisma?
Charisma? The man is about as charming as leprosy. What holds you captive is the blinding level of absurdity in what he says and does, his capacity for straight up lying & making shit up outstrips any previous tolerance permitted the sleaziest of politicians. He is watched and his every insulting word is covered because he is a man of poor judgement and little self control, a man for whom lying about the simplest of things is as routine as breathing. He is a man seeking the Presidency, apparently impervious to the fact that an open habit of incessant lying and egregious displays of tactless vulgarity might be character traits indicative of his integrity as well as common sense.
@stanleybmanly…I understand and do appreciate your comment about open habit of trumps incessant lies as I have the same bad taste of Hillary. I perceive a HUGE difference between the two though. trump is making shit up to consciously manipulate the media and make Dems heads explode…Hillary on the other hand HAS to lie to cover her shaky political footprints, lies and blunders that IMHO should by now have her and a majority of her cronies in jail.
So must the goal of “appearing” Presidential be abandoned as hopeless because he can’t behave himself? What does the inability to keep his mouth shut portend for him (and us) as President? How is it even possible to determine whether or not Trump has any common interest whatsoever with the people who adore him? I guess the only common attribute discernible is “angry old white man”. But is that enough?
Again @stanleybmanley… I will argue the lessor of two evils… Private businessman who is expert at exploiting a situation for financial gain or a long term establishmen politician who has done everything and anything to exploit our laws for personal and plolitical gain. Just look at the skirt tails of Hillary and they are matted with every lobbyist, foreign interests and political hit men just waiting to do her bidding. IMHO 8 years of liberal lies made me dizzy from having to grab my ankles and time has come to do a Silkwood scrubbing of the toxicity that has consumed our Government. Yes it may seem nicking futz to have Trump run the show but IMHO it will be 20 times worse if we repeat this nonsense with another Dem as our leader.
private business man who is known for fraud, bribery, and refusing to pay his contractors.
no, that would have been “pribate bidness man who is known f’ fraud, uh uh uh uh, bribehy, ‘n refusigg t’ pay his contrackors.”
@Cruiser Do you think Trump’s reputation for sharp business practices to be unfounded?
@stanleybmanley…not at all…I will go out on a limb and having had a Realtors brokers license myself and knowing first hand the dificulties of dealing with buyers, sellers, mortgage lenders , bankers, regulators all to get everyone to agree on a deal….I say Donald Trump has the scars to show he knows full well what he is capable of doing and his Megoloplis he oversees to me Is proof positive he can make deals, get shit done despite enormous odds…rewind the primaries if you need further proof of what this man can and will do to the political Status Quo…
@Cruiser . Politicians in prison for things other people would go to prison for? ~
Neither candidate can shut up although it’s difficult to do so when questions are being fired at you.
They have a lot in common: both are super rich, dishonest, manipulative, amoral liars with big mouths. Both will say anything , tell any lie no matter how preposterous, to win the nomination for POTUS. Both are obnoxious ego maniacs posing as “Parent of the Year“when in truth it’s money and power that mean the most to them.
@Aster . All candidates at that level are as you described. If one has you thinking they aren’t, then you need to take a second look.
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I miss the cruiser. I wonder what he would think of the fool now?
He’s probably like most other Trumpers. Better to watch everything crumble, than admit what they are responsible for, and their motivations for supporting Trump.
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