Social Question

What things were giving you grief a year (or longer) ago that are no longer a problem for you?
Based on @Hawaii_Jake’s thread about how everyone is doing, it seems like a lot of people here are currently going through a rough time. (Sympathies to all!) When I am feeling low, I find it helpful to think back on all the problems that were ruining my life a year ago and that aren’t ruining my life anymore. I find that doing this uplifts me because it reminds me about my continued improvement as I go through life and gives me a better perspective on the transitory nature of (most of) my problems. Of course, there are things that were bothering me a year ago that I still struggle with, and there are some that I expect to still be struggling with a year from now, but even these problems seem lesser now than they did previously.
For example, two years ago, cystic hormonal acne and depression were ruining my life. Thanks to some changes I have made in my lifestyle, I have been able to alleviate a lot of the symptoms of both conditions. I still struggle with them but I am a lot better off now than I was two years or even a year ago. I feel and look much better, and am generally just a lot happier now, and it feels good to be able to look back and see how far I’ve come.
Now I want to hear from you guys, which of your demons have you finally subdued?
(Btw, I’m not a new user. Just trying out a new account.)