Should the airlines be accountable as well as Russia for Malaysia flight 17?
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October 4th, 2016
There is little doubt that Russian troops brought down the plane, but shouldn’t the airline be held accountable as well for choosing a flight path over a war zone just so they could save $1500 in fuel costs?
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4 Answers
Plenty of hell and guilt to go around. Maybe the victims families can sue Russia , and the airline , like 9/11 families can sue Saudi Arabia?
Why blame the airlines? They were following international flight regulations and routes. Hardly can be their fault that some idiot on the ground has a rocket launcher.
It was flying at an acceptable altitude – over 30K feet. It was following well known and frequently use air routes.
I don’t see that the airlines did anything abnormal.
I admit. When it first happened, I was flummoxed as to why they would fly over a war zone. Baffling.
Absolutely, the airlines should bare some responsibility.
Getting on a plane is a risk though. A fuselage with two or more rockets tied to it? Sounds like something Wiley Coyote would rig up to catch the Road Runner.
Yes. I see the parallel between this and the Saudi Arabia lawsuit garbage.
It’s sad. Just sad. All of it….
Thank you @MrGrimm888 .
And @elbanditoroso the abnormal thing was is that the chose to fly over a war zone, just to save fuel, sure it was a path they took many times before but that was before it came a conflict zone, so I do think they should be accountable as well.
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