How can anyone criticize Bill Clinton for his sexual indiscretions after he took office, yet even consider voting for Trump when you know he's like this BEFORE the election?
As a woman, I find this insulting and disgusting. I hope, that as men, you find it insulting as well.
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24 Answers
His supporters won’t care. Just add it to the long list of Trump’s impossibly horrendous statements.
On the plus side, he wasn’t going to be president anyway. He never had a chance.
I voted today. It felt good.
That’s how some male frustrated teenagers talk like when unsupervised. Trump should use some of his vast fortune to get sensitivity training. Trump had a mind of a child back in 2005 I hope that he has changed by now.
If this is about Trump’s latest screw-up, well, Pew Research claims that 52% of voters are women in this election. I’ll bet good money that percentage will rise in the next few days as more register to vote in order to keep this guy out of office.
Here’s a 1971 cartoon by artist R. Crum depicting Republican women voters. It was true then as it is today. I’ve never understood why any woman would vote for a party that now supports one of the biggest assholes on earth when they don’t have to.
The Daily Telegraph has kept a running tab on Trump’s misogynistic comments going back to 1990. Even my most misogynistic friends down on the docks don’t make comments like this. They know with a mindset like that, your hand becomes your best friend.
Your video wouldn’t play for me, but everything Trump says is insulting the guy may be rich but he has no class at all,I just hope there isn’t enough red neck right wing good ole boys to get this guy into office.
As far as I can remember, Clinton’s escapades were consensual. Trump’s – apparently not.
Big difference.
Without knowing what Bill said, there is nothing to compare to. Trump was a private citizen when he made those statements, even if it were ghastly getting an adulterous knob job in the Oval Office as Commander and Chief, would tend to be worse, since Bill was allegedly a ”public servant”.
How can anyone be critical of Trump when they support a woman who criticized the women who blamed her husband for sexual harassment?
How can anyone be critical of Trump
Gee, it’s a real mystery. Let’s make him president!!
^Out of context. quit already. You know I don’t support Trump. I just like to point out the hyprocisy with Hillary supporters.
Bill and Donald were (are) friends.
Bill is known for behaving in a similar way as Donald.
You are naive if you think Bill and Donald didn’t have similar private discussions about women when they were together in the past.
Hillary supported her husband and said terrible things about his victims when he was accused of sexual misconduct.
Hillary allowed this behavior from her husband for her own future goals.
What a feminist to be proud of.~
And you wonder why I won’t vote for neither.
@jonsblond “How can anyone be critical of Trump when they support a woman who criticized the women who blamed her husband for sexual harassment?”
Two women claimed sexual harassment by Bill Clinton – Paula Jones and Kathleen Willey. While I won’t go as far as to say Jones’ claims were baseless, but her actions of waiting until one day before the statute of limitations to file suit, as well as her make-overs, plastic surgery and her posing for Penthouse during the height of her fame from this lawsuit, cast, in my mind, some doubts as to her motivations.
Kathleen Willey, on the other hand, was caught in several contradictions while testifying and others testified to her deliberately attempting to entrap the president. She also has a personal history of similar actions with other men.
(And I’m hardly one to assume the woman is lying, consented then regretted, or “was asking for it” when it comes to rape/sexual assault/sexual harassment.)
“You are naive if you think Bill and Donald didn’t have similar private discussions about women when they were together in the past.”
“Hillary allowed this behavior from her husband for her own future goals.”
Allowed? She allowed? Do you allow your husband’s behavior? Should we hold every woman accountable for their husband’s behavior? Or is it only the women we don’t like who are accountable?
@jonsblond Because with Hillary, I have seen how women can deny allegations of other women against their men. It’s not uncommon for some women to accept that their husband is a cheater and deny that he would actually rape someone. Especially someone who was a powerful and pretty good looking and charming at the time and had women throwing themselves at him.
There is a difference between what you actually know and what you believe you know. And I can see how she can come to believe him not guilty. One rape accusation came from a woman years after and according to her the rape happened before she ended up working officially for his campaign. She also admitted that her and her husband were having problems before this occurred. I’m not saying she’s lying, but I can’t say that her actions don’t put doubt into her claim. Is it possible that she had a one night stand and felt so guilty about it and convinced herself that what happened was out of her control. Or that he let her know it was only a one night stand and she hoped she could pry him away from Hillary and got mad when it didn’t happen. I’m not trying to make excuses for rapist, but this is the reason rape is hard to persecute. It’s a he said she said thing.
No one knows what Hillary actually knows or chooses to believe.
Where as with Trump, he actually spoke of sexual assault and admitting to doing it. And his apology was insincere. He actually tried to excuse his transgressions as being almost nothing simply because Clinton had said worse.
Might as well said, “What’s the use of being rich and famous if you can’t abuse people the way you want too”. He would fit in with old time plantation owners.
but her actions of waiting until one day before the statute of limitations to file suit
Then Bill Cosby must be innocent.
Concerning my “allowed” comment. I meant Hillary turned a blind eye and said awful things about his accusers because of her future political aspirations. Hillary is no feminist.
Try quoting what I actually said, in full, complete context, rather than a fragment.
Also, see what @Pandora said above. Hillary is hardly unique when it comes to women in regards to what their husbands may or may not have done.
1) Hillary not liking the women who have sex with her husband.
2) Donald Trump bragging that he can grab women by “the pussy” and they can’t do anything about it because he’s a “star”.
One of these things is not like the others.
“And I just start kissing them and I can’t stop!!” WTF?
An article full of dubious claims, written by an author with a flagrant anti-Clinton agenda, and hosted on a right-wing site. Well shit, I’m convinced.
I get it. You all will ignore anything negative that Hillary does because she’s not Trump. Great reasoning.~
Fluther wins. I’m outnumbered. Yay you.
If anyone is ignoring anything it’s you. You ignore the points we bring up (as evidenced by your selective snipping of my quote above) in order to inject whatever you wish into the conversation.
Let me try this sober. I was pretty buzzed last night. Sorry for derailing the thread @Dutchess.
@Darth. Have you been raped? I was 15 the first time. I was raped by two boy friends of mine. My first experience with oral was having a dick shoved in my mouth while I was held down and being fucked by the other. I told my mutual friends afterwards and they didn’t know what to believe. They ignored me. I was ashamed and shocked that I didn’t have support. I didn’t tell anyone else after that. I tried to bury my feelings, and did so for almost 30 years until recently. I’ve finally begun to speak openly about it. I confronted my friends who ignored me and I’ve been contemplating confronting my attackers since I’ve found them on facebook.
I’ve done terrible things since my rapes. I’ve used drugs and made money working at gentlemens clubs. Does this excuse my rapists? Hell no. Why do you think many women don’t come out against their rapists? It’s because of judgemental people like you @Darth_Algar. Why did I wait 30 years? You don’t know because you’ve never been in my shoes.
Yes, we all know Trump says disgusting things. Hillary said disgusting things about the women who accused Bill and she’s supposed to be some greatly admired feminist? Fuck that. Both of the major candidates are deplorable.
Missing the point. The point isn’t necessarily what Paula Jones did (nor do I make any personal judgment of such things in and of themselves) – it’s in the timing. Making such claims at that point in time, while at the same time cashing in, getting cosmetic surgeries, posing for Penthouse. That is what makes me suspicious about her motivations.
Did Hillary say mean things about women her husband had affairs with? Yes. Fuck, what person doesn’t react unpleasantly towards someone their spouse has an affair with? It’s an understandable reaction and it’s not something I’m going to hold her to task for. Nor am I going to hold her to task for her husband’s actions.
On the other hand in Trump we have a loudmouth who bullies, belittles, mocks and berates anyone who doesn’t kiss his ass. Makes lewd comments about women, even his own daughter (once telling Howard Stern that he could call Ivanka “a piece of ass”, another time bragging that if she weren’t his daughter he’d “date” her). And these aren’t just incidents from decades ago, he continues this behavior to this day. To even pretend that Hillary is just as bad is borderline insulting.
And no, I’ve never been in your shoes. Likewise you’ve never been in mine. Assume nothing, but I do not share intimate details of my life, my background and my experiences with strangers.
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