Social Question

What advice can you give for a young single lady in her 20's who wants to get married eventually?
I am a young lady in my early 20’s. I want to get married someday and have children. That is my goal and has always been my dream (that is cheesy, I know…)
It has always been a life long dream to have children, a husband, and a happy home filled with laughter, love & pets :)
What are some advice or tips you can give me, so I can find a husband, or be the best I can become, in order to get married?
I know these are things you can’t really plan…
I think I am doing everything at this point that I should be doing.
* I am working everyday on my goals and career
* I am self sufficient. I have my own car, place, pay my own bills, etc
* I work hard to take care of my physical, mental, and spiritual health
* I love myself and take time for “self care”
* I treat people the way I want to be treated
I am just wondering if there are any steps to take if my end goal is marriage?
I want to be married when I am about 30. Or have children around that age.
I think I am doing good now, and on the right path. I just want to know any words of advice or wisdom you married (or divorced) folks can give me?
I was even thinking of becoming celibate/having no sex until I meet the right man, but that is easier said than done :) I will just have to marry myself until then :) lol.