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elbanditoroso's avatar

Will Trump step down? I sure hope not.

Asked by elbanditoroso (33686points) October 8th, 2016

I don’t think it’s in him to step down, despite all the pressure that’s going to to be dumped on Trump over the next couple of days.

I really really hope he stays in the race. If he leaves, then the R party will say “we’ve cleaned up our act” and make the point that Pence is a good guy (which he isn’t). He’s as right-wing-fundamentalist as they come.

But as long as Trump is running, he’s the obvious example of all that is wrong with the Republicans (and by extension, conservative politics at their worst).

So please Donald stay in the presidential race until the very end!

Is this too Machiavellian?

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23 Answers

cookieman's avatar

He’ll stay through the end. Too much ego to quit.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

He can’t step down, the GOP has him for President. Six or eight weeks ago maybe, but not now,

The question is will the Republican Party survive? The wheels are falling off the little RED wagon. The there are candidates running for other offices that have and will remove any endorsements for Trump.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Only now he should step down? He insulted Mexicans, African Americans and Muslims long ago.

I guess insulting white women is a bridge too far.

I’ll take it. I’m happy to see the Trump campaign sinking.

But every person who supported him before yesterday should be ashamed of themselves.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

What you said is why the wheels are falling off the little RED wagon called the GOP.

NerdyKeith's avatar

No he’s too stubborn. If there was a video of him committing assault he’d still refuse to step down.

chyna's avatar

@NerdyKeith And he would say Bill Clinton did it, too.

DominicY's avatar

No, he will not step down. At the same time, I wonder if he even ever wanted to be president in the first place. He probably never imagined that he would get the nomination when he first started his campaign. This is just another bump in the road to him, considering all else that’s happened this year.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I wonder if he even ever wanted to be president in the first place

I wonder, too. It seems likely his run was just a PR stunt for the Trump brand.

But when crowds cheered for his pitch, his egotism doesn’t allow him to step back. He had to escalate. MORE racism, and MORE jingoism, and MORE idiocy. The cheers get louder and louder!

Coloma's avatar

I agree, his monolithic ego would never, ever, consider backing out.
One can only hope that during one of his blowhard tirades his head will explode from an aneurysm of unprecedented proportion. haha
Gawd I loathe the guy!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wasn’t that insane @Call_Me_Jay?

stanleybmanly's avatar

It is unlikely that any dirt from his past will derail Trump. The wrecking ball swinging through the GOP continues unabated. The catastrophe for the party is difficult to exaggerate. It’s tough to contemplate, but the only scenario more lethal to Republicans than Trump’s run at the Presidency would be Trump as President.

Judi's avatar

The Clinton’s are experts at opposition research and this is just the first phase of the final assault. My guess is that in the next month the press will be receiving bombshells at least once a week.

stanleybmanly's avatar

If anyone living has an arsenal of bombshells ripe for explosion it is Donald J. It is smart to save them til the end. Though there is surely enough scandal on Trump to provide ceaseless revelations since the day of his announcement as candidate, by now we’re nearly immune. As it is, we already yawn at the daily gaffes from the man. It’s almost as though the dirt from the past struggles to compete with the current daily fkups. The inundation is numbing. The volume is so persistent that the reaction has shifted from outrage to near exhaustion.

JLeslie's avatar

I turned the TV on late afternoon to see all this ridiculousness going on about Trump.

I can’t imagine he will step down.

People who like him continue to want him.

I had to turn the channel after ten minutes. The news/media covering the election is just absurd at this point. I wish the 24 hour news stations would collapse. They have succeeded in manipulating the election, and continue to try to do so.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You blame this on the coverage?

JLeslie's avatar

@stanleybmanly The coverage during the whole process. Trump got all sorts of free publicity, let’s call it time, in front of the public, because the left leaning media thought it was a joke. They couldn’t imagine anyone would take him seriously. They have been reporting how horrible he is for months now and he won the primary. You think reporting this most recent thing will derail him? No way.

The inability for the mainstream media to understand who the Trump supporter is, and how they think, is a joke to me, and also frustrating to me. I see it with my own father and jellies here. I try to explain the Trumo supporters’ perspective and everyone thinks I’m defending, practically supporting, Trump. I’m not voting for him. Never have been. I’m a Democrat in a closed primary state who wishes Hillary had one instead of Obama.

Trump already had been losing some steam, so I think his chances of winning have been going down anyway.

JLeslie's avatar

I wrote this on a Facebook status regarding Trump and his taxes:

Again, no accountants on TV, just journalists, spinmeisters, and politicians, talking about taxes. No one thinks to bring in an actual expert in the field.

Part of one of the responses from a very liberal former jelly was this:

As an Accountant, I actually think having an accountant on TV to explain how Trump could use a nearly billion dollar loss in 1995 to avoid paying Federal taxes for 2 decades is a bad idea for a number of reasons.

1 – tax accounting is mind numbingly complex and dull. No matter how much you simplify it, maybe 3% of people would get it and none of them support Trump.

2 – The more you understand what happened here, the better it makes Trump look, and we can’t afford to make him look like anything other than the lowest form of scum. You can call that liberal bias, but since the media gave him a year of free publicity that he was able ro spin to his advantage, I’m not going to cry foul if they take him down a few of the pegs they lifted him up by.

3 – a nuanced explanation of how and why its actually not only legal, but completely honest and above the board for Trump to have used this loss to avoid future taxes, focuses on that part of the story that overshadows the two real issues, which Clinton should be hammering away at, but because she’s a shitty candidate she won’t.

Politics, particularly when the voters you’re trying to reach are stupid enough to think someone like Trump would in any way be an acceptable President, works best when you dumb it down and spin it. You need to use emotions….how come you pay your taxes but the billionairre doesn’t? If you answer that by saying because his tax people are smart enough to do it without breaking laws, you enforce the Trump good, Clinton bad grunt grunt mentality.

But if you say, “what kind of businessman loses a billion dollars in a year…how smart can he be?” then you’ve thrown some red meat for them to digest. Try to put it in context. Tell people that if you’re making 50k a year, youd have to work 18,320 years just to MAKE as much money as Trump lost in a SINGLE YEAR. And you’d pay taxes on that 50k every single one of those 18,000+ years, but not if you were Donald Trump. That’s the first thing that we should worry about, not that he did what any businessperson in his place would and should do.

In my opinion the media basically decides what we hear and how much they will educate the public. Plus, you can add, some of them aren’t that bright either. Many of them are though, and are purposely trying to manipulate the public.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You have a valid point. But there’s one thing that gives me pause in your answer. And that is that in view of Hillary’s relentlessly engineered unpopularity, I have considerable doubt that she might have been elected had she beaten Obama for the nomination. Obama came out of left field, and the GOP had no long term campaign of image destruction against him. I think the Republican decades of ragging her was responsible in no small part for Obama taking her out.

JLeslie's avatar

^^You have a valid point too.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Really? Is this the best we’ve got? These are our choices for leader of arguably the most powerful country on the planet in the world? Whose finger would you want on the nuclear button?
I’ll admit it… I’m ashamed.

Pachy's avatar

I agree with @cookieman—he won’t quit; his monumental ego is in full control. But I do think he’s going to lose (though I wouldn’t bet on the margin) and claim voting fraud. Neither he nor his True Believers will ever concede defeat nor go away quietly, and we’ll continue to hear from and about this endlessly crass megalomaniac till Hillary is sworn in. * Sigh *

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Judi Hell, who even needs to “research”? It’s all right there in the open, every time he opens his mouth.

@stanleybmanly Well, there have been plenty of time to engineer image destruction against Obama in the last 8 years. They still haven’t succeeded.

@LuckyGuy Well…we survived Bush Jr. Hillary is several notches above him.

What I don’t understand is how any female could even consider voting for him, nor any male who has a girlfriend, wife, mother, sister daughter.

NerdyKeith's avatar

@chyna Lol would not surprise me

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