What if Trump steps down?
Asked by
JLeslie (
October 9th, 2016
from iPhone
I don’t believe he will.
@elbanditoroso asked a question that made me wonder if the Republicans have more chance of winning if Trump does step down.
I guess the Democrats in power and Hillary’s campaign hope he doesn’t, they just want to smear him so people don’t vote for him. I guess they actually are counting on Trump not stepping down.
What if he did? What if Trump goes away? Who gets put in? Then what happens? Do the Republicans have a better chance if everything changes in an instant? I don’t think so, but maybe you do. Some senior republicans are asking him to step aside, so they must believe the republicans have a better chance without him. Right? Or, are they just trying to save face for themselves personally?
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17 Answers
Trump is taking a big steamy dump on the right side of the isle. It was starting to smell before this too. I want him to step aside. I am a moderate republican and can’t bear to watch the destruction anymore.
^^If he did, do you think the republicans could win? Or, you don’t care, you just don’t want Trump as a republican legacy? American legacy?
It’s more about saving the party. No, they can’t win unless they can pull a fifth ace out of their sleeve and Hillary bombs in the debate tonight. it was over anyway. The media waiting to pull out these sound bites has clipped the undecided vote.
^^So, you think the media has been holding onto the sound bites? You don’t think it’s Hillary’s campaign that orchestrated the timing?
No, most media is clearly in favor of Hillary. CNN shamelessly so.
SNL did so much last night about the “Grab em by the pussy” stuff and all about Trump. So much of the show was about Trump. It was funny and lots of fun. What will the comics do if Trump leaves? He provides so much fodder.
I hope he doesn’t.
As a female of childbearing age, Mike Pence scares the shit out of me.
He’ll clinch the religious vote and the “thank God it’s not Trump or Hillary” vote before anyone realises that, if it were up to him, if be legally bound to be hosting a full on funeral today for the embryo I lost this week.
@Seek If Trump steps down then Pence becomes the candidate? Is that how it works? I don’t know what the protocol is? I wasn’t sure if the whole ticket goes away or what.
If Trump steps down the GOP gets to float whoever they like. Pence would be the obvious choice since he’s already on all the signs.
@jca – I disagree with their “mostly false” assertion.
The law still requires that a person who has miscarried to present the aborted tissue to a medical facility for cremation or burial, at cost of either themselves or the medical facility. They wouldn’t even be able to donate it for research (something you can do with other dead bodies).
Since I miscarried at home, and did not collect the tissue, I would be in violation of his law.
@Seek: I see that the health care facility is responsible but it says nothing about miscarriage at home. Maybe I didn’t read enough about it. I trust Snopes to be pretty unbiased with their reporting.
Trump and Pence are on the ballot, that can’t changed. Voting has started. I voted Friday.
To make a substitute, Republicans in the electoral college would have to become ‘faithless electors’ and vote against the popular vote. That is a dangerous step, though, as we saw in 2000, Republicans are perfectly willing to subvert the voting process.
Regardless, it’s moot, because the Republicans will be lucky to break 40% in the presidential race.
I think the Repubs are scared shitless that there will be a down ticket effect of the turn away from Trump but let them reap what they have sown.
I sure don’t want to see him “step down” (as if where he is were “up”). As far as I am concerned, the Republicans went into this completely cynically, looking only for a win and not caring how. They don’t get a reset at this stage of the game.
Imagine a championship tennis game or chess match where the competitor who’s running behind makes a series of bad moves and then asks for a do-over. What?? I don’t think that plays even in Little League.
I hope everyone who wants to excuse the inexcusable with a “boys will be boys” attitude has to live with the consequences for a long and unpleasant time.
As for the Republican politicians who never gave their support to their party’s self-worshipping barbarian, who didn’t succumb to the pressure and instead held onto a principle or two and a little decency, I would be willing to give them a second look in another season.
Trump and his supporters don’t see any reason for stepping down. As far as they are concerned, he has done nothing wrong except use indecorous language.
He isn’t going anywhere.
Funny world we live in. As long as a would-be head of state is discrete and uses the right sort of language in public, then it doesn’t matter how much actual death, misery, and destruction that person has wreaked around the world.
You have a contest between an uncouth loud-mouthed blowhard who seems to lack something of a mental filter (and who may or may not be terrible in power), and someone I regard as no better than a mass-murderer with an established record of actually being terrible.
But all the attention is on the man who says the dumb things.
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