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MrGrimm888's avatar

Was the most recent Hillary v Trump 'debate ' productive? (Detail)

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19541points) October 10th, 2016

I’m afraid I got stuck watching the debate. It seemed both candidates concentrated on childish, hypocritical insults. But I still never really heard much in the way either candidate plans to implement their agenda.

Shouldn’t the debate have some actual substance that is relevant to the person being in office?

Both make popular proclamations, with little in the way of realistic ability to achieve such goals.

To me, it seemed they wasted the entire debate with bullshit .

I’m not a Hillary fan, but I thought that when facts were involved, and explanations were required ,she would destroy Trump. Instead, she seems to have stooped to his level.

So. Would debates be better if personal attacks weren’t allowed? Trump seems quite good at destroying his own character. Why couldn’t Hillary talk circles around him?

This ‘debate, ’ is more like a demolition durby. In the future Jerry Springer should be the moderator.

Anyone take anything else from it?

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21 Answers

Kropotkin's avatar

I got some laughs out of it.

JLeslie's avatar

I think Hillary overall answers the questions asked. I did feel the moderators favored Hillary, and I’m sure Trump supporters really feel that way.

Trump drifted off topic and kept injecting what he wanted to say, and I find that annoying. He did it right out of the gate and too often.

Was it productive? There were a couple of topics I’m glad they covered. Healthcare was one. They also touched on Middle East strategies and I was glad they covered that too. I wish they hadn’t discussed the perverted crap Donald had said. Only because, I want young people to be able to watch. I do think it’s ok to report on it though. However, I think most likely nothing will be done in the end regarding it.

Did the debate change any minds? I doubt it.

Seek's avatar

The moderators did not favor Hillary. It’s not their fault Trump spent the first 30 seconds of every question whining that she went 15 seconds over her time, and half of Hillary’s time over-talking her.

zenvelo's avatar

The purpose or value of a debate is to sway voters to one candidate or another. To that extent, I don’t think it moved the needle either direction.

Most Hillary supporters I know seemed confident that she had demonstrated her ability and thought fulness and knowledge on a variety of issues. But she didn’t land a zinger that put Trump away.

And, the reaction amongst Trump fans is best summarized in one sentence from a woman I know: “Trump nailed it!” He was exactly what his fans want, and he was exactly what his detractors fear.

JLeslie's avatar

@Seek Maybe I just feel they favor her, because I think they too noticed Trump kept not answering the questions and going off on tangents and talking points. I’m not talking hard facts about time tallies.

I think @zenvelo confirmed what I assumed—Trump supported feel Trump nailed it.

elbanditoroso's avatar

I watched it for 15 minutes and couldn’t handle it any more. Trump makes me gag.

I thought the stalking behind Hillary, was just scary and nasty.

But as I wrote the other day, I want him to stay in the race because it damages Republicans all up and down the ticket.

MrGrimm888's avatar

He was acting kind of vampirish. I thought he was going to take a bite out of her several times. What an odd man he is. Did some strategist tell him to act so weird?

Lightlyseared's avatar

Well it probably generated some advertising revenue.

rojo's avatar

If the purpose of a debate is to change hearts and minds, no. No ones mind was changed. Backers of both candidates had their beliefs confirmed and faith justified.

Did anyone bother to ask the independent audience whether or not the debate solidified it one way or the other for them? If so, I missed it and would like to know since these were the supposed target audience..

chyna's avatar

I wonder why they aren’t making as big a deal out of his sniffing as they did last time? It was a little annoying.

Seek's avatar

It was very annoying. Sounded like he had half of Colombia up his nose.

chyna's avatar

So that may explain his prowling the stage. Perhaps he was hopped up on something?

filmfann's avatar

I thought she gave good answers with specifics, while continued to give vague answers, with lots of insults and accusations.
She was like a boxer who is way ahead on points, just trying to finish the remaining rounds without taking any damage.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yeah. I bet he’s on some good powder. Explains his hot wife’s loyalty. He’s got her on a white leash.

Too bad you don’t have to take a drug test to be president.

Where I live, you have to pee to work at Total Wine, or Lowes.

rojo's avatar

Yeah, @MrGrimm888 should be mandatory drug testing for all publicly elected government officials; I am thinking every two months or so. Keep ‘em straight and functioning.

Either that or just eliminate the drug laws and anything goes for everyone.

Dutchess_III's avatar

We watched it accidentally. Trump is a whiny, neo-Nazi cry baby who can’t stay on topic. Somebody get that moron a Kleenex.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I don’t know if any one else saw this, but several times Trump moved in behind Hillary. It seemed threatening to me. He was getting so agitated I really expected him to punch her.

LostInParadise's avatar

It will be such fun to be able to tell Trump, “Nyah, nyah, you lost to a gir-irl”.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I said it in another thread Dutchess, I thought he might literally stab her in the back, or bite her.

What a debacle of an election…..

Dutchess_III's avatar

I got the impression he was half a second away from attacking her too. I wonder how many domestic violence charges he’s paid his way out of.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^He has odd eyes. It seemed like he hated her,but wanted to kill her and wear her skin too. VERY weird man.

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