Social Question

rojo's avatar

Given that the general consensus appears to be that neither of the previous two debates changed anybody's mind or even make them question their original choices why should we bother to watch the third and final get-together of the two Presidential candidates?

Asked by rojo (24182points) October 10th, 2016

Should they just cancel it and put on a rerun of “Leave it to Beaver” or some other feel up good sit-com?

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14 Answers

gorillapaws's avatar

There’s actually 4 candidates running. I think hearing that you’re not forced to choose between a pro-choice Republican corporate-sellout masquerading as a Democrat and a sex offender could be valuable.

SmartAZ's avatar

It’s like a train wreck. It’s a stupid mistake, it’s a waste, you can’t believe anybody is stupid enough to think it’s important, but you can’t look away.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Actually, one of the oldies channels was showing the old TV series (from the 1950s-60s) The Millionaire, where one person is given a tax free million dollars to spend in each episode.

When I turned off the debate, that’s what I switched to.

rojo's avatar

@gorillapaws so would having all four candidates at this one to make it actually informative and relevant?

filmfann's avatar

I disagree. I thought the first debate was incisive and decisive.
The second debate was Hillary just running out the clock, with the Donald taking wild swings, trying to get back in the race.

zenvelo's avatar

@gorillapaws There are three candidates running a national campaign, on every ballot. The Green Party doesn’t have enough clout?presence to be considered a national party.

A third debate is really to see if more people decide to stay home on November 8. It won’t sway people to vote, but might encourage more to stay home. With that in mind, the down ballot races are really dependent on the top of the ticket.

One reason Hillary is so favored in California is we have a legalize pot proposition, and there is expectation that a lot of young people will vote to pass it.

janbb's avatar

Only if it amuses it you. I knew the debates would make me tense and angry so I didn’t watch them.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Entertainment. Some like to watch the world burn. Get your smores ready.

jca's avatar

For me, it’s to see first-hand what everyone is going to be talking about for the next few days.

LuckyGuy's avatar

The debate is only useful for Undecided Voters.

(Thank you, Saturday Night Live.)

Zaku's avatar

The main positive point of the whole election is how much broken crap gets attention. All the reasons why neither of these people (but especially Trump) should even be considered as viable candidates, can use as much public attention as possible. Not because those people are awful, but because of everything that allows such unacceptable and hated candidates from being viable, let alone the only choices we’re supposed to consider in this “great democracy”.

It’s interesting that admitting to groping women’s crotches seems to have been the line for many arch Republicans to stop endorsing Trump.

Just how broken is our democracy and our media conversations? Look and see.

MrGrimm888's avatar

I think know many Republicans who abandoned him actually didn’t care about what he said. They just had to distance themselves from him publicly.

Zaku's avatar

@MrGrimm888 Ugh I imagine you may be right. Having just driven through part of the Midwest and seen some actual Trump posters, all this is managing to lower my respect for the population to new depths.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Ha! Yeah. It’s fucking embarrassing. Gotta love the sheep…

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