General Question

jonsblond's avatar

Why would Hillary Clinton attend Donald and Melania's wedding if she thought he was a womanizer and abusive man?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) October 10th, 2016

As asked.

Weren’t they friends?

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64 Answers

filmfann's avatar

Hillary and Bill have said they thought it would be amusing to go.
Trump said she came because he gave her money in the past for her campaigns.

jca's avatar

Apparently, Trump was desperate for an invite to the Chelsea Clinton wedding. Trump had Bill’s photo hanging up in his golf club.

Seek's avatar

Donald and Melania were married while Hillary was a New York Senator. It would be perfectly reasonable for her to attend the wedding of a prominent (if distasteful) businessman. A big part of her job is (sadly) fund-raising, so schmoozing with rich people is part and parcel.

jca's avatar

As someone who works for a politician, I can’t tell you how many wakes, weddings and retirement parties I’ve attended for people I don’t necessarily know and/or don’t necessarily like. It’s part of the job, as @Seek said.

CWOTUS's avatar

I am not about to defend either of those two or approve of anything that they do. However, in my own experience… my favorite sister divorced her husband of nearly twenty years when his infidelity – of which I’m sure that she had been at least marginally aware of for some time – became too flagrant for her to ignore. Even after the divorce, however, they remained friends – and he still trusted her enough (and she was worthy of the trust) that for several years afterward, while he was on the road he had his paycheck mailed to her, and she would just forward them when he’d land somewhere.

I still like him, too. He’s not a bad guy, really, just not a good husband.

JLeslie's avatar

Chelsea Clinton and Ivanka Trump are supposedly close friends. The Clinton’s and Trumps are probably in a lot of the same circles, including NY circles. I don’t find it odd at all they went to each other’s weddings. What do affairs have to do with an upcoming marriage? I also assume all the people in question believe the women who participated in the cheating were willing participants.

Probably, at least 25% of the men you are friends with or are your relatives have cheated.

Darth_Algar's avatar

For the same reason Lincoln, during his tenure in the Illinois state legislature, attended a social event in the home of John Crenshaw, a slave holder. Politics makes for strange bedfellows and sometimes a politician must, out of necessity, hobnob with wealthy/powerful/influential folks they don’t particularly like.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I’ve been to huge to weddings, with hundreds of guests. It’s not like a normal (to most of us) marriage ceremony. It’s more akin to a society fundraiser – everybody who might be a professional or business interest is invited, plus the little group of friends and relatives you would expect.

I couldn’t name the bride or groom today for a couple of those events where I was an invited guest.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Depressing fact. Money runs our “democracy. ”

Pandora's avatar

Why did women who claim to be raped show up to give support to man accused of raping a minor and who admitted on audio to getting away with grabbing woman and forcing his unwanted attention?
Why because money talks. Not just to women either. Men as well.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Did Trump actually say he grabbed them when the women didn’t want to be grabbed? The clip I heard basically has Trump saying the women let him touch them.

ragingloli's avatar

To quote Michael Bay: ”If there’s one thing I’ve learned, bitch, this game is about mother fucking money!

ucme's avatar

She might fancy him, obviously likes the “bad boys” just look at Billy boy

stanleybmanly's avatar

She would attend the wedding to rub elbows with others of her class. In fact she was invited to the wedding for exactly the reason that you and I were not.

jonsblond's avatar

@Pandora. Because some women who have been raped might do anything to finally be heard. They were there to make a statement. They werent supporting Trump. I’ve been raped and no one believed me. I understand because I’ve been in their shoes. Have you? Quit with your victim blaming.
I ask Broaddrick what happens now — now that she and her story are back in the news. “I honestly do not know where things go from here,” she says. “I can tell you I’m not political. I have no political interest whatsoever. My only interest is in making sure the Clintons don’t get back into the White House. I know nothing about politics. All I know is what happened in that room in 1978, and what happened two weeks later, when she threatened me.” “I sat for about an hour with my Twitter account,” she adds. “I sat there for the longest time and thought, ‘Don’t do this.’ But I did it. And I’m glad I did.”


chyna's avatar

@jleslie Per his words below, it doesn’t sound like he was invited to grope them:
“You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.”
“Whatever you want,” Bush echoes.
“Grab them by the p——y. You can do anything,” Trump says.

MrGrimm888's avatar

That’s what I heard @chyna. Like I said, it sounds like he’s describing how HE does things.

I normally would say that I don’t care what you do on your own time, but I think it’s important that our president isn’t a rapist.
He’s a piece of work. Apparently nobody ever punched him in his mouth. Or he wouldn’t talk like he does…

jonsblond's avatar

I don’t want our first man to be a rapist either, but that’s what we’re probably going to get.

chyna's avatar

I want a do over with better choices.

JLeslie's avatar

@chyna I don’t doubt for a second that he has groped women who prefer not to have been groped, and some probably felt assaulted. I know men like him personally, and none of them would I want to be my president.

However, what he said was basically women go along with it all. I think some don’t know what’s happening at first, it’s almost too fast to react at first the way he describes it, but there are also a bunch of women who willing go right along with that behavior. His perspective is the women are fine with it or happy with it. Not that I’m ok with his perspective or actions.

I only have one experience with men like that and it lasted 6 years. If you don’t know men like that you have no idea. I’m not talking about men who rape women when they say no, I mean men who are bold and just go for it, and flirt, and are right there in your face, and they know it works with a percentage of women and they can kind of figure out who is going to go along.

You probably know the story I’ve told of my bf’s brother (let’s call him Joe) who was a restaurant manager, and married, and his friend comes in to eat with a new girl/date (not his wife) and when they are introduced Joe says to the woman in Spanish she is beautiful and to meet him in the women’s room.she does, they have sex she goes back to the table, and then Joe tells his friend in French he just f**ked her. His friend is not happy about it and gets annoyed with his date. These men make good money, especially the friend is smart, educated, rich, and the cheat and screw around and many many women go right along. I could see either of those guys saying what Trump said. I wouldn’t say they are typically assaulting women, but I would say they are unscrupulous and disrespect women.

I’ve never met men like that again, but in that family and network of friends it was a really really large group. It was all normal to them.

jca's avatar

There are also women who are young and beautiful and trying to get into modeling or acting or looking for jobs in the fashion industry or something glamorous, and if they let Trump catch a feel or do whatever, he may hook them up with some contacts or throw some nice gift their way.

Seek's avatar

Or they might be afraid that if they don’t “go along with it” the powerful man with all the money might slander them or cause some other harm. He might even suggest such things while he’s groping them. I wouldn’t put it past him for a second.

jca's avatar

True, @Seek, but more likely he’d be talking positives as in “I’m going to get in touch with (modeling agent) and try to get them to see your portfolio” rather than negatives as in “Do this or I’ll slander you.” I’d bet the positives get him better results than the negatives.

Seek's avatar

The conversation occurred on the set of Days of our Lives, among and about working actors or other women working on set. Not desperate models. Not weak kids who needed candy dangled in front of them.

Billy Bush: Sheesh, your girl’s hot as shit. In the purple.

Trump: Whoa! Whoa!

Bush: Yes! The Donald has scored. Whoa, my man!


Trump: Look at you, you are a pussy.


Trump: All right, you and I will walk out.


Trump: Maybe it’s a different one.

Bush: It better not be the publicist. No, it’s, it’s her, it’s —

Trump: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

Bush: Uh, yeah, those legs, all I can see is the legs.

Trump: Oh, it looks good.

Bush: Come on shorty.

Trump: Ooh, nice legs, huh?

Seek's avatar

(About a married woman, just before the other bit)

Donald J. Trump: You know and…

Unknown: She used to be great. She’s still very beautiful.

Trump: I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it.

Unknown: Whoa.

Trump: I did try and fuck her. She was married.

Unknown: That’s huge news.

Trump: No, no, Nancy. No, this was [unintelligible] — and I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping.

She wanted to get some furniture. I said, “I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.” I took her out furniture —

I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.

jca's avatar

@Seek: I think we’re talking about two different things. I was referring to lines Trump might say to a girl he’s going to hit on.

ragingloli's avatar

I have the best cock

chyna's avatar

@jca You were referring to lines he might say. @Seek was repeating lines he actually said. And there was nothing positive about what he said. The second woman he was talking about was Nancy O’dell who is a host on Entertainment Tonight. She was totally disgusted by him and his words.

JLeslie's avatar

Trump is talking about using women not assaulting them.

What women need to know is you can say no. Trump says he couldn’t get one of them to play along and go all the way, she wouldn’t go for it. He didn’t force himself on her, he just tried to see what he could get.

If the actresses already have good jobs then no need to think they had to do something for him sexually. He doesn’t own that TV show does he?

Men like that take the no and just move on to the next. They also might keep trying like its a challenge, but not all of them are assaulting women. It’s not assault, it’s immature, insecure, macho, obnoxious, and offensive behavior. Maybe he has assaulted a woman here and there, I have no idea, I’m not saying he hasn’t, but that conversation quoted above is a macho bullshit asshole who treats women like his play thing.

He’s an ass, I’m not sure he is a criminal. Not on this front at least.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Why do we all assume that they are still not friends??
Look at how politicians talk about each other and then end up working with each other months later.
I think George Carlin hit the nail on the head when he said “It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.”

Also, It is well reported that Donald Trump called Bill Clinton in the weeks leading up to his announcement of running.
I believe this election, and probably most, are controlled opposition, including this one.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@JLeslie . I appreciate your view. I don’t agree that Trump is as harmless as you hypothesize. I think when a man says “grab them by the pussy,” that’s his ‘style.’

I’ve been grabbed by my penis many times by women. Doesn’t matter if they’re attractive, or if I know them. I don’t like uninvited grabbing of my genitals. I suspect women feel the same.

A gentleman who frequents one of my venues touched a woman’s vagina about 3 weeks ago. I’ve known him for 2 years, never had a problem with him. That night (after a fight with all her male friends ) I tossed this man out. He is permanently banned from that venue now.

I don’t take such behavior lightly. I consider it a violation of a person’s body. It’s not an act that can be taken back,or apologized for.

If you want to debate weather or not Trump actually does this,but just brags to his cohorts that he can, that’s one thing.

1. If you grab women by their genitals, you’re a piece of shit.

2. If you brag about it , and demean your victims, you’re worse than shit.

Trump now resides in the later category in my book.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Trump may not have acted, he may have just been boasting, but his brand of “locker room talk” is the kind of talk that perpetuates rape culture.

JLeslie's avatar

@Darth_Algar That I agree with.

@MrGrimm888 Did you call the cops on the man you tossed out of the venue? Why not?

I have no idea what “grab them by the pussy” means to him, or if he did literally grab a girl that way who was just standing there not engaged with him in a sexual way otherwise.

People say without the girl’s permission. I’ve been married a long time, but the way I remember it if I’m kissing a guy, he doesn’t verbally ask me if he can put his hand up my skirt, he just tries. Granted, the word “grab” sounds like a sudden motion not providing any opportunity to stop what’s happening before it happens.

I don’t want to debate, I’m pointing out the perspective people will have who will excuse that bragging interchange Trump had. On TV this morning Trump is on clips from speeches out there talking about Bill treating women terribly, and Hilary doing the same by not believing them and saying bad things about them. That will play well with people who were disgusted that Bill did what he did while governor and president. They see that as a big difference for some reason. The women who hate Hillary for not taking the women’s side will vote third party or not at all if they aren’t voting for Trump.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^No. I detained the gentleman while we spoke with the victim. She said she’d be fine as long as we tossed him. I didn’t witness the incident, but aledgedly he grabbed her vagina while dancing. She immediately reacted,and onlookers started fighting him. He said it was an accident. I didn’t believe him. I think he’s a Coke dealer. He was acting like Trump. Taking liberties he didn’t have. It was a cluster fuck either way.

JLeslie's avatar

^^Yeah, because that shit happens all too often. Men grabbing and taking liberties. So, the girl who was molested was ok just throwing the guy out. There have been Q’s on Fluther where men and women have no idea what I, and some other women, are talking about when we talk about men who do such things and it boggles my mind. It happened to me more in my teens. Less often as I got older.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Her friends assaulted the guy who grabbed her. A lot of people she knew would have gotten arrested too. But she did threaten to sue the venue. After a couple weeks she dropped it.

Like I said, it was a mess.

But people get groped pretty frequently in large crowds. Especially if alcohol is involved.

I run a bikini contest in the summer, and some people, mainly men, can’t control themselves.

As I’ve said before, women grab me and my guys all the time. I don’t like it, but I’ve never done anything about it. It’s just a double standard. It’s just not as big a deal I guess. Maybe it would be worse if I also felt threatened. I usually just pull their hands away ,and tell them to leave me alone. Women may not always be able to stop men. Maybe that’s an additional factor.

But when you’re a bouncer, or security officer, it just comes with the job.

One of my guys was a stripper for his second job. We called him Model Mike. He got it worst of all. We used to laugh at it. It’s not ok, but we’d have to arrest a quarter of the women there,if we enforced the no sexual assault of men.

I actually think more women do it than men (random groping. )

But the men get in actual trouble.

I’m not saying that should change. I’m not crying about it. But now that I think about it, it’s of note that women are pretty bad too with the groping. Some say amazingly inappropriate things to me. If I said what they say to a strange woman at a place of business, I’d be talking to the cops,or worse.

It falls under the ‘it is what it is’ category.

JLeslie's avatar

@MrGrimm888 That’s the thing. The particular situation in some ways changes how much we are willing to tolerate and dismiss. Not that it’s ok. I do think women being physically weaker than men plays into how much it scares us. Also, women having an inny makes a difference too I think. I’m not a man so I don’t know what it’s like for them, but if I’m grabbed with good enough aim that I can feel your hand/fingers inside of me, even if it’s through clothing, that’s gonna really freak me out. Just being on my crotch is pretty scary. When men think about being molested by a woman do they worry about pain? Physical pain?

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Not really. Although it hurts when my penis is grabbed while soft. When hard ,it’s pretty much invincible. But I’m not hard at work. So it’s uncomfortable, but I’m not worried that it’ll get worse than molestation.

It makes me angry, more than anything. Like I’m a slave or something, with no rights. I’d like to touch women I find attractive too, but it isn’t right. They usually laugh with each other after I’m fondled. That adds insult.

Lots of female v female fights get started that way too. Because some woman will grab a guy who’s there with his wife, or girlfriend.

But it’s mainly me,and my staff that get grabbed. Only %20 of the time do they grab civilians in the crowd.

People are hell. I guess I can’t complain. It’s job security….

JLeslie's avatar

^^Ugh, I never would feel compelled to touch someone like that. I wonder if the women grabbing you think the way you describe as wanting to touch a woman you find attractive.

I never want to touch or rub up against a stranger, no matter how attractive he is. I certainly don’t want to touch their d**k.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^I can admit to wanting to touch strange women, I just don’t do it.

The jury would take one look at me,and put me under the jail. Where I’d belong, if I sexually assault people.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I realize you don’t do it. I mean I don’t even think it. It’s not in my mind. I don’t think about touching strangers sexually. I’m not saying I wouldn’t fathom it, because it’s wrong. I’m saying I’m void of it.

gondwanalon's avatar

Hillary seems to like womanizing and abusive men.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Bill could certainly be described as a womanizer. But what abuse do you speak of?

gondwanalon's avatar

@MrGrimm888 What abuse? Are you for real? HA!

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

@gondwanalon Are you for real?

Your source is the web site of a mentally ill person.

Poke around in there if you can stand it. It’s full of racist rants that I won’t repeat. You’ve got the Illuminati in there and George W. Bush’s Satanic hand gestures at his inauguration. There’s the infamously stupid Clinton kill list. There’s what appears to the a draft of a book called “Inside a Very Jewish Law Firm” that discusses the “jewish condition” of “concommitant bloodthirst”. There is an “expose” of KGB spies in Homeland Security who have turned America into a Communist nation.

And here’s his take on Hillary Clinton.


MrGrimm888's avatar

@gondwanalon . It would take an army to cover all that up. Most is here say. Most cases, the women wouldn’t go on record. I’m not saying Bill was never a womanizer, but some of these claims are pretty outlandish.

He sounds like I always thought of him. Tried to have sex with lots of women. Gets turned down a lot because it’s a numbers thing.

The biggest thing to me is that they’re saying he tried to force women to suck his dick. That’s one thing that’s pretty hard to do without getting your dick bitten off.

This whole article is contradictory to what I’ve ever heard most women say about him. Even Monica Lewinsky claimed to be infatuated by the handsome, charismatic, powerful man. He wouldn’t even let her finish him off. When he finally did, she kept it. She doesn’t sound like a victim.

He’s no saint. He’s probably just as bad as most people that powerful.

But your source simply brings up many allegations. Some alleged victims changed their numbers, and hired bodyguards to keep your source from contacting them.

If he was as bad as Trump ,or as bad as you say, how come Trump is the only one with all the recordings?

I’m not saying Bill never spoke badly about women, I just never heard it.

Hillary was probably fully aware of his infidelity, but her agenda kept her fists tightly gripping his coattails, instead of punching him . Her lack of holding Bill accountable is one of the biggest reasons I don’t like her.

Seek's avatar

Some couples have an agreement of consensual non-monogamy. Just saying.

gondwanalon's avatar

Oh, thank you for enlightening me. All of Bill’s abuse of women that I’ve been hearing about for the last 25 years is all BS. Glad that that’s all cleared up.

JLeslie's avatar

I’ll tell you all what bothers me most. The hypocrisy! Imagine 8 years ago a recording where Obama said, “once your well known you can just kiss women and grab them, and they let you because you’re well known. I don’t even wait, I just move right in.” Most of the people excusing Trump for what was caught on tape would crucify Obama for it. They would be disgusted and say he can’t be President.

Same as many of my friends being offended that Hillary said half of the Trump supporters are deplorable, but find nothing wrong with Trump calling Mexicans criminals. What’s the difference? My friends choose to be offended when the group they identify with is mentioned? Then and only then? No! You have to always insert your group that you identify with and then decide if the sentence is offensive and ignore if it is the politician you hate of like saying it, and pretend it came out of the other guy’s mouth.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Oh, thank you for enlightening me. All of Bill’s abuse of women that I’ve been hearing about for the last 25 years is all BS.

Glad you are understanding.

The Clintons (and all of us) have been subjected to 25 year of abuse because conservatives cannot grasp the fact that conservatives lose elections.

Bill was impeached. And acquitted.
Because it was bullshit.

Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky were used as sex dolls by the Republicans and Ken Starr.
Because it was bullshit.

You linked to a site that touts the Clinton “body count”.
Which is bullshit.

The GOP House has held endless hearings on Hillary’s guilt in Benghazi.
And they’ve gone nowhere because it was bullshit.

The email “scandal” is bullshit.

Hillary Clinton is the most thoroughly vetted candidate in history thanks to the degenerate right-wing freakout machine.

And she has come out clean.

gondwanalon's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I don’t claim to know all the facts or that I’m able to determine which information is true and which is false. I don’t think that you can find truth anywhere only the slime that the media feeds us.

What I find interesting is that you seem so positive that Bill is innocent of all the abuse of women claims. How can you be so sure? Don’t you have even a slight about of doubt?

FYI: I’m no right wing shill. I’m just one of the hapless minions sitting in the middle observing the madness going on around me. I’m voting for Dr. Jill Stien.

Darth_Algar's avatar

Why do so many Stein supporters seem to get their info from sites that are built around the demented ravings of the lunatic fringe?

MrGrimm888's avatar

@gondwanalon . Bill is many things. I never called him innocent.

Please forgive me if I offended you. I was saying I didn’t care much for your source, not you.

I just hate that SO much money was wasted trying to get Bill out, when nobody cared about what he did in his private life, except the Republicans.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I just hope if Trump wins the Democrats don’t do the same bullshit. If a state wants to prosecute him for the many women stepping forward now, then that’s fine, but I don’t want the federal government wasting time on going after him for having an affair while in office.

If Trump does something worth an impeachment then by all means we should do it.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I just hope if Trump wins…

Rest easy. That won’t be happening.

If we all vote. Don’t be complacent.

JLeslie's avatar

^^I don’t think he will win either. I haven’t been stressed about it. A lot of people around me are freaking out though. You’ll be happy to know I live in a swing state and it seems to me the Hillary supporters will be coming out in force.

CWOTUS's avatar

Um, @Darth_Algar, everyone supporting a candidate that one doesn’t like is “the lunatic fringe” to someone.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Seriously, take a gander at the site @gondwanalon linked to above. It is not the work of someone who’s all there.

CWOTUS's avatar

I wasn’t going to get into it, @Darth_Algar, but … the only link that I saw from @gondwanalon was this one, which seems more or less coldly factual and soberly written to me. (I did not attempt to assess the mental faculties of the writer, nor did I check the bona fides of every other story that may be on the domain. Why would I need to do that?)

If you’re making an ad hominem claim that “the story can’t be true, because the writer is a crazy and mentally defective ass”, well … there’s not much point in a discussion, is there?

I do think that all of the stories popping up about the former President Clinton’s crimes and indiscretions are mostly red herrings at this point; Mr. Clinton can’t be president again, but I don’t suppose that I’d make the claim that those recounting or reporting them are wrong.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

_ seems more or less coldly factual_

So you’re vouching for the authenticity of all those stories. You researched and can confirm they are facts for us?

That sounds interesting. Let us how you confirmed these:

“A retired State Department employee, who asked not to be identified, confirmed…l”

“No charges were filed, but retired campus policemen contacted by Capitol Hill Blue…” [over 20 years later]”

” the former student confirmed the incident, but declined to go on the record with her account”

“Oxford officials refused comment. The State Department also refused to comment on the incident. A Freedom of Information request filed by Capitol Hill Blue failed to turn up any records of the incident.”

Thanks in advance!

Darth_Algar's avatar


Actually I made no statement as to the veracity of the information on that particular link. I asked why Stein supporters seem to gravitate towards the unhinged for their info.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^They’re desperate for confirmation of their opinions, which don’t have basis in reality.

If you’ve ever had the displeasure of listening to Glenn Beck, or Limbaugh, that can give you an idea of what the right wingers are smoking these days. Crack is wack yo….

Darth_Algar's avatar


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