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elbanditoroso's avatar

Is it a crime to grab women's genitals in Alabama?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33751points) October 10th, 2016

No, according to one of their senators.



and another one, a right wing rag this time:


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17 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Figures coming from a place that they think it’s fine to marry your sister or cousin .

Dutchess_III's avatar

Stupid women in Alabama don’t even recognize a compliment when it grabs them right between the legs.

filmfann's avatar

I am guessing Jeff Sessions was never interested in any part of female anatomy.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

@Dutchess_III Yep, them b*tches is stoopid. Don’t they know a compliment when they hear, umm feel, one?

CWOTUS's avatar

This reaction to a Trump shill’s statement sort of crystallizes for me why we have the political representation that we have. In the first place, you can look up Alabama’s statutes on abuse in about two minutes, and I’ll save you the google search right here (and plenty of other places, as well). Sexual abuse certainly is covered by Alabama statute, and it would seem that even actions simply “approaching” Mr. Trump’s statements would certainly be chargeable. Whether provable in a law court is another thing.

However, ask yourself: If someone did to Senator Sessions’ wife or daughter what Mr. Trump described, in Alabama, and the Senator knew about it, do you think that there is any way that person would not be charged, and that the acts described would be criminal?

Just because a politician says a thing does not make it so.

rojo's avatar

I would suggest we tie Sen. Sessions genitals to the ball hitch of a Ford F150 and drag him around the parking lot a few times to see if he would consider that sexual assault.

rojo's avatar

There are good people in the State of Alabama and to consider a fuckwit like Sessions as representative of ALL Alabamans is insulting to say the least. He should either be shitcanned or stoned, depending upon your religious bent.

And that brings up another point, how can the Religious Right still support Trump and his bigotry, misogyny and hate? Have you not read your own bible? Do you seriously think that Jesus would be pleased with you for backing someone so filled with vile? How can you live with yourself? Is it just because you know that if you die supporting Trump you will end up in Hell for all eternity? Perhaps you should step back and consider the eternal consequences of your infidelity to the teachings of love and acceptance you claim come from your Lord.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@rojo . I disagree. I think Jesus would grab whatever crotches he wanted.

That’s Trump’s problem. He likens himself to a diety.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

He does think he is godlike doesn’t he?

MollyMcGuire's avatar

It’s not a crime in any state unless the woman is offended by it. This discussion is full of big talkers who have no idea what they are talking about. Really people. How many have bothered to look up the law. The media said it was sexual assault so it just must be true!

Dutchess_III's avatar

When some one puts their hands on you, against your will, even to grab your arm or push you, anything physical against your will, it is assault.
If they do it for sexual reasons then it is, specifically “sexual assault.”

MrGrimm888's avatar

@MollyMcGuire . “It’s not a crime in any state, unless the woman is offended by it.”

WTF are you talking about?

Your the only ‘big talker that doesn’t know what their talking about’ in this thread.

Are you seriously comparing sexual assault to a lover touching his/her lover’s crotch?

CWOTUS's avatar

Think it out there, @MrGrimm888. You’re putting too narrow a view on it. If you’re with a lover or friend of a certain sort who plays some kinds of games, then all kinds of things that you might do to a stranger to get your ass kicked (or thrown in stir) are just “fun and games” in the context of that relationship. Just like a consensual BDSM relationship with its restraints, ‘punishment’ and other apparently harsh treatment would certainly be a crime if you did it with a high school girl against her will, it’d be “Thursday night entertainment” in some contexts and with some folks.

So I would actually agree with @MollyMcGuire‘s vision outside the narrow context of the recent statements from Donald Trump vis-à-vis “various women” with whom he might have no relationship, it’s not a prima facie crime to do what has been asked. But if you do it at the wrong time to the wrong person, then of course it is.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Ok. Maybe I missed the point. I thought this thread was about Trump’s statements.

His statements indicate he simply assaults women, regardless of consent.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Spoken like a true Cuntnook.

MollyMcGuire's avatar

Thank you @CWOTUS. This is Criminal Law I in law school. :)

MollyMcGuire's avatar

@elbanditoroso Sessions knows what he’s talking about. So do I. Looks like you’re in the other group.

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