Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Would Donald trump start a holocaust against muslims if elected?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25143points) October 10th, 2016

Sorry that it has gone to this. I am truly worried. With Muslims being persecuted world wide.

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16 Answers

SmashTheState's avatar

“I have this feeling that whoever is elected president, like Clinton was, no matter what you promise on the campaign trail – blah, blah, blah – when you win, you go into this smoke-filled room with the twelve industrialist capitalist scum-fucks who got you in there. And you’re in this smoky room, and this little film screen comes down, and a big guy with a cigar goes, ‘Roll the film.’ And it’s a shot of the Kennedy assassination from an angle you’ve never seen before, that looks suspiciously like it’s from the grassy knoll. And then the screen goes up and the lights come up, and they go to the new president, ‘Any questions?’”Bill Hicks

The sociopathic billionaire robber barons who rule the world are no more resistant to hydrogen bombs than the rest of us and have a vested interest in seeing that the world continue to exist. Personally, I think that’s why they had Kennedy assassinated; his handling of the Cuban Missile Crisis alarmed them enough that they needed to replace him with someone considerably less likely to destroy the world over ideology.

It no longer matters who is elected to high office. Having been involved for most of my adult life in municipal politics, I can tell you from personal experience that even at the level of city school board trustee and dog catcher the corruption and completely cynical acceptance thereof by everyone involved is almost universal. At higher levels of governance, where decisions actually have a practical effect on the lives of the ruling clade of billionaires, the cancer is the host; there’s no healthy tissue at all. Frankly, I doubt there ever really was. Whether Trump or Clinton (or Sanders or Jeb! or anyone else for that matter) is elected, you may get differences on the surface for display purposes, but underneath it’s the same neo-liberal engine of oppression.

If you have any doubts, just look at Arizona. They made a big deal about cracking down on undocumented residents… until the business lobby howled that they were losing money, at which point everything went back quietly to the status quo. In Arizona you have actual no-fooling-around fascists like Joe Arpaio, and they still couldn’t make Tea Party lunacy stick. Don’t worry, a Trump presidency would be business as usual with an occasional bone thrown to the howling baskets of deplorables to keep them from peeing on the carpet.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I am worried that idiot will start a Holocaust the world has never seen if elected.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I doubt it. It and the aftermath would threaten to disrupt the economy, something very dear to Donald’s heart, or cock, or whatever he thinks and feels with. (I ruled out brain a long time ago.) But his uninhibited speech and total disregard for it’s effects on his faithful, and his total disregard for humans in general,.very well could. It’s like the man has no frontal lobe.

zenvelo's avatar

He would try.

Kropotkin's avatar

The US President isn’t an autocrat and still needs support of Congress for most things. Though not completely ceremonial, it’s a role with relatively less power than Presidents of other nations.

I’m also not even sure Trump believes what he says most of the time, or even knows what he’s saying. He says outrageous shit one day, and the next day denies he ever said it.

I think to a large extent, he’s painted himself into a corner with his strategy during the primaries—which consistent of appealing to the batshit insane Republican base. Unfortunately everything that worked in the primaries is on record and can be used against him, and it’s not so appealing at the national level. I actually think he’s tried to moderate his rhetoric and views since then, but his past is catching up with him too much.

But none of this really matters anyway, as the US is a business run society. It’s an oligarchy with political decision making and the writing of laws most greatly influenced by billonaire elites and corporations. What Trump says now or thinks he’ll do won’t change any of that, especially since he’s largely aligned with their interests anyway.

I’ve no particular fears of qualms about Trump. The worst he’ll likely do is more of the same, which is already a disaster for countless millions.

zenvelo's avatar

@Kropotkin he has actively proposed premptive actions. In his mind, you strike first and ask Congress second so that you “don’t let the enemy know.”

And, he has speculated in public over the use of nuclear weapons to solve annoying problems. So all it might take is a single terrorist attack in the US and he might nuke half a dozen middle eastern countries.

JLeslie's avatar

My opinion is he would never do any such thing. He might not let them in to the country easily, and he might say things that increase hate against them, but do I think he is going to try to exterminate them? No. He isn’t going to round up and kill our Muslim citizens like Hitler did to his Jewish citizens.

rojo's avatar

Trump is a wild card. What he will or will not do depends upon his mood at the moment. The thing to remember is that Trump has to win; no matter what the cost to others, he has to believe he is the winner. So, to answer your question, yes, he could begin a pogrom against Muslims; he could nuke Syria because he was dissed; he could lock up anyone who disagrees with him or questions his judgement; he could very well declare martial law in the US because over 50% of the population opposes him and his will.

Remember, this is the man who said he would fire the top generals of the military and the first thing a dictator needs to do is get rid of the loyal opposition and replace it with those who will do his bidding.

filmfann's avatar

There are 1.6 Billion Muslims in the world. How could he imagine being successful?

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

^^Ignorance is bliss, filmfann. Trump has exhibited throughout his life that he doesn’t know shit until he actually steps in it.

cazzie's avatar

He doesn’t understand the flames he is currently fanning and I worry about naive people who keep saying, ‘It won’t happen here.’ It won’t look like what Hitler did, but if he gets elected hate crimes will increase for a start. Bigots and assholes will feel empowered and justified. It has been happening in England since Brexit was voted in. It won’t look like a Nazi Holocaust. It will look like a big backward step and all the death that going backwards brings.

cazzie's avatar

Also, I had to remind my son when he got home from his father’s house this weekend and repeated his father’s comments, Hitler never killed anyone personally. He used words to get other people to do it.

ucme's avatar

Only in his wet dreams

LostInParadise's avatar

As much as I dislike Trump, I don’t think that it would come to a holocaust. He would keep Muslims from immigrating and would talk about fighting terrorism. What he would actually do in the war on terrorism is not at all clear. He claims that the military is not doing it right, but has not given any indication what he would do differently. Keep in mind also that Trump’s good buddy Putin is backing the Syrian government.

Setanta's avatar

Donald Trump is like most Americans in that he really doesn’t understand how the government works, or what the powers of the presidency are. He might use the power granted him by the War Powers Act to pick a fight with a particular Muslim nation, but that would be as far as he would get. It might even have the salutary effect of leading Congress to repeal the War Powers Act. He might start trouble, but he won’t be launching any holocausts.

cazzie's avatar

Anyone remember the Japanese internment camps? I think it could look like a really bad version of that.

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