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Dutchess_III's avatar

What are your thoughts about Trump's "stalking" of Clinton during the debate?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) October 11th, 2016

I noticed when he started doing it. It gave me the creeps because I’ve had stuff like that done to me. I could feel the hair on my neck stand up. I thought maybe I was the only one, but the internet has just exploded with the criticisms of his intimidating behavior.

What are your thoughts on it?

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24 Answers

filmfann's avatar

I think it was a maneuver to intimidate her, by making her walk around him to return to her seat. Yes, the visuals backfired on him.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I couldn’t get the debate from where I am and my lousy bandwidth won’t accommodate video. I read about it yesterday, but I can’t tell if it’s just election season hyperbole or for real.

ucme's avatar

I don’t think he did, a case of people seeing what they want to see due to their intense dislike of him.
As much of a dick that he is, this was in my opinion just him copying the experienced politician in a “town hall” format debate. He saw her approach the questioners to look personable & followed suit, okay, he looked clunky doing it, but that’s about all.

Seek's avatar

I think, more than anything, that he was attempting to upstage her. He made sure to be in her frame whenever the camera was on her. He looked directly into the camera and made faces.

As long as people were looking at him while she was talking, they couldn’t pay full attention to her.

Typical stage diva bullshit.

chyna's avatar

^That’s exactly what I thought too. But it did look stalkerish.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

He sounds like a freaking four year old. How can anybody even consider this man for a national leadership position? I’m abroad right now, and this guy is an unending source of personal embarrassment. I hate the motherfucker’s guts just for existing. I am going to thoroughly enjoy, with sadistic pleasure, his failure.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

This article in the Washington Post states his behavior had meaning. It was intimidation and an attempt to dominate.

I read another article that I can’t find right now that stated his behavior was a classic pre-assault indicator.

He is a vile predator.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake I honestly thought he was going to attack her, given half the chance. More than once he started to move in on her, then caught himself and moved back. I said something to Rick about it.
It was definitely an attempt to intimidate and dominate a smaller opponent. He was trying to scare her. It scared me. I’ve been in those kids of situations.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Dutchess_III What you are describing is that you were triggered. You were frightened for her (Hillary). Your fear was triggered by his behavior in the debate. You were not alone. There were a great many tweets from women expressing the exact same sentiment. (I read an article about that, too, but also cannot find that one right now. poop.)

Dutchess_III's avatar

@filmfann I think it was designed to do a whole lot more than simply force her to go around him to return to his seat. Have you ever had a much larger man hovering around behind you, and you can feel the angry emotion or sexual tension boiling off of them? It’s really terrifying.

anniereborn's avatar

This is how it felt to me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@anniereborn Only someone a lot, lot bigger lurking back there.

JLeslie's avatar

I didn’t think anything of it at the time. He probably is just trying to stay on camera.

tinyfaery's avatar

It was creepy. I wanted Hil to turn around and tell him to get out of her personal space then bring it back around to how he treats women.

NerdyKeith's avatar

I thought he was just being fidgety. The way a child acts when they get impatient on outings with their parents.

rojo's avatar

What about his chair humping?

BellaB's avatar

It looked amateurish to me. Like he didn’t know how to behave in a debate. He must have missed that section on protocol in debate practice.


Mr. Trump is who he is.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Consider what exactly it is that Trump brings into a debate. Is it a depth of understanding of the issues and topics likely to be discussed? The answer to that question should be rather clear to anyone paying attention, excluding of course the distressingly large percentage of his supporters who know less than himself. This is a matter too commonly overlooked or dismissed in preference to the loud and shiny newsbite. Incredibly, Trump has been allowed for most of this campaign to compensate for this basic lack of substance through the convenient expedient of “making shit up”. Of course the tactic couldn’t go the distance. SOMEBODY had to notice, and the practice has earned the Donald the deserved albatross about his neck—every word he utters is now scrutinized for its validity. Under such circumstances, Trump’s “style” of discussion becomes all but impossible, and the truth is that these broadcasts are about as close to actual debates as Jerry Springer is to investigative journalism.

greatfullara's avatar

I think his body language was creepy,predatory,and crossing a line. Personal space. He is mean. Yuck!

Aster's avatar

As Trump stated, and I saw it live, he stood at his own podium while Clinton walked across the stage, passed Donald’s podium and stood in front of him. He was then behind her and he was then accused of stalking her. Crooked.

anniereborn's avatar

@Aster I watched it all live as well. There was a lot more to it than just that. There were times that he clearly walked up behind her way too closely.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Aster it’s one thing to position yourself in front of some (and at the time she was several feet away, at the edge of the stage speaking to a particular section of the audience who happened to be across from his podium…the questin had come from that section) and coming up behind some one, then retreating, then moving in on them again, invading their space time after time.
When Dufus spoke Hillary was usually waiting quietly in her chair.
I saw it too. He was most definitely threatening and bullying.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It reminded me of Gary Oldman’s creeping around behind Keanau Reeves’ character in Bram Stoker’‘s Dracula .

Aster's avatar

He wasn’t that close to her at any time. He was behind her many times but not breathing down her neck. But I still think he wished he could have pushed her.

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