@AnonymousAccount8 […actually, suggesting that abortion is equivalent to murder is what’s STUPID_*
Answer me this then, if you have enough moxie, I don’t want your spin, your BS, your duck, dodge and hide, all I need is a ”yes”, or a “no”.
• By the science you believe, are humans introduced to this world by females; yes or no?
• By the science you know does the developing human take over the body of the female like a cancer or virus; yes or no?
• By science as we know it, are developing humans designed to be expelled from the female at some point, usually around 9 months on average?
• Is the developing human tissue of the woman’s body like a lungs, kidney, etc. or separate from the female but needing to inhabit because that is the way of biology, yes or no
• If simply being able to breath on its own is the criteria for having a right to live, when a person can no longer do that on their own, regardless of how long they have been on this planet, they should lose their right to live; yes or no?
Here is the bonus question:
Show anywhere in human medical history where mere tissue would morph into a sapient and sentient entity (since some seem to place great weight to an entity that is able to be sentient and sapient) and left the body it was in to live on its own?
Better tabernacle with your Mensa level friends, I am interested to see how you try to intellectually spin it to fly that lead balloon.
@JLeslie It’s not stupid. Feeding another human being besides yourself costs money. The less money you need to spend on food and care for someone else, the more you can spend on yourself and save.
And when the 1% people think like that, they are vilified here on Fluther. They are doing the self-same action, if it is selfishness on their part, it is selfishness in the part of a single mother. By that reasoning if a woman is being floated by the state because she can’t even feed herself, the state should take her child from her and place it with a family who can take care and feed it. Oh, snap! That reasoning doesn’t sound very reasonable any more, does
Especially, if a woman has a baby before finishing her education, it can stunt her earning potential.
Truly, whose fault is that? If she did not make sure she had a committed spouse before getting knocked up, whose fault is it? To take the fault off here and place it on another why not say the guy who never graduated because he smokes weed behind the gym instead of hitting the books it was someone else’s fault he missed out on an education.