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JLeslie's avatar

Are the US political parties going to go through a major shift?

Asked by JLeslie (65903points) October 13th, 2016 from iPhone

Many people keep talking about how the Republican Party is finally ruined because of Trump. I have my doubts. I feel like he is a blip, and the GOP will go on as it was in recent history for at least a while.

I have seen a lot of commercials showing Democrats who are going to vote for Republicans, and Republicans who will be voting for a Democrat. The ads are for president, and parts of congress. Marco Rubio is running an ad with a black woman who says she is a democrat, and will be voting for him.

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14 Answers

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

It’s just talk to try to sway swing voters.

zenvelo's avatar

The GOP may be going through a major implosion because they have no real philosophical agreement on what they are for, only what they are against.

They have spent eight years complaining about everything Obama has done, but never offered a working alternative to any problem.

And, in those places where they have had control to carry out the no tax no government philosophy, it has failed miserably. Gov Brownback in Kansas has done everything possible on the Republican agenda, and the state is falling apart.

They have no leadership, no intellectual strength to carry the banner and unify them. They barely had enough unity to elect a Speaker of the House. They can’t run a country.

MrGrimm888's avatar

There’s always a division of the party during primaries. Everyone talks about how bad the others are,trying to step on each other’s heads to get to the top. Then,they calm down and endorse the majority winning candidate. All of a sudden cozy , and friendly after all the knives are removed from each other’s backs…

The Republicans use scare tactics, fear mongering , and bigotry to appeal to their base, to get them out to vote. They use issues like gay marriage, immigration, and race to rile up their voters. This time it backfired on them.

Trump has been Hitler like. He plays perfectly to the Republican base. He comes along in a time of financial crisis. He tells people it’s not their fault. He blames things like this on illegal immigrants. His vilification of Mexican people gives his racist fans something to focus their anger on, much like Hitler and the jews. He speaks with a scowl, and and loudly makes outrageous claims that people want to hear. He is a bully. His followers view him as a maverick, financial genius, who is strong enough to say controversial things that they all believe. His playing to their fears,and bigotry stirred the shit so much that the pot boiled over.

It’s the supporters of the Republican party that are the Republican party’s problem. There supporters are who lifted Trump this high. But his rhetoric has forced the republican party to fracture. Most have had to concede that they don’t support him so they don’t go down in flames with him.

The Republican party is supported by the uber wealthy though. Whose agenda will never stop. That is the only factor that will keep the party afloat during this storm. The rats who left the ship will come back.

In a few months , they will be reunited. They will drag their feet in Congress again, to slow any democratic agendas. They will blame every problem in the world on the the democrat’s decisions, and start stirring their base again. Conservatives will cry about how terrible the world is with a Democrat in office, without any real reasons.

As long as there are ignorant, racist, xenophobic white men with money, there will be a republican party.


Mariah's avatar

I feel that the Republican party has been becoming more extreme ever since the 2008 election, when the “tea party” bullshit began. Trump is, I hope, the climax of the bullshit. I don’t think they will be able to find someone worse than him, so hopefully things will stop escalating now. I think what may happen now is that they will see that their increasing extremism is failing them miserably – after November 8 they will have lost 3 presidential elections in a row – and hopefully will start reverting back to supporting more moderate, sane candidates. I don’t think the party is necessarily going to self-destruct. I think perhaps the tea party will, and that would be fine.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

The tea party self destructed right out of the gate, not that it was an actual political party to begin with. It was not centrally organized so it was almost instantly taken over by the extremists, corporate interests and other unsavory elements.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^The tea party, and extremists think ,or support the same political groups in most cases. Coincidence?

Good call @Mariah . I hope this is rock bottom.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

There are plenty of republicans who do not support the tea party.

zenvelo's avatar

@ARE_you_kidding_me There are not enough non-Tea Party Republicans though, to come up with a Speaker of the House to lead the Party’s legislative agenda. The “tea party” representatives hold veto power over the House Leadership.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s like ‘they’ say about terrorists. All Muslims aren’t terrorists, but all terrorists are muslim.

All Trump supporters aren’t racist, but all racists are Trump supporters.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

The right wing just keeps moving right….right off a cliff. It’s leaving quite a rift and many people who would otherwise identify as republican are without a party to identify with. I’m in that boat. Eventually something will have to fill that hole. Not sure if we’ll call them republicans or not but it’s high time for a more centralized party to emerge.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@MrGrimm888 not all racists support trump. They come from all walks of life and political/religious affiliation.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

after November 8 they will have lost 3 presidential elections in a row

The Republicans have won ONE popular vote (the 2004 race) for President since 1990.

Once in three decades.

Pandora's avatar

@JLeslie I believe we are and we are breaking up into several parties. We have more registered independents more than ever and I believe the right wing will push Republican voters over to the independents and democrats, and democrats are already bleeding voters to Independents and libertarians and the green party.
I think the best thing to do would be to have no party system. Just a system that works off of ideas. No labels. People will be forced to actually look up who’s running and what are their policies.
Make it so the media has a responsibility to televise their platform and a special inquiry comity that is changed out every election cycle has to investigate all the people running. From finance to rumors to mistresses. They have to have a background check better than they do for CIA. Anyone caught lying to the special comity will automatically be denied the ability to ever run for any political office. No matter how small the offense. All must be revealed. Hiding information like Swiss bank accounts is also grounds for denial.
It’s time people in our country get exactly what we see and hear. Not someone with a ton of skeletons in the closet.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Jesus, @Mariah. The Republican Party went off the rails during the 1950’s when the USSR got the A-bomb which resulted in the House Un-American Activities Committee Communist witch hunts. The last sane, honest Republican president was Eisenhower and it became increasingly obvious to him by 1956 that he was being played for a dupe.. His swan song and warning to us as a nation was the “Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex speech” which was televised as what we know as the Military-Industrial Complex speech because under heavy advisement by Party leaders, he edited out the Congressional aspect. David Eisenhower has since published the original speech. It rightfully and accurately involved the collusion of Congress in our militaristic adventures for the monetary gain of a few industrialists.

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