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What are your thoughts on this pediatrician's recommendation that this mother should "fatten up" her toddler by using butter on everything?
One of our own posted the following on Facebook, and with her permission I’m relaying it here:
“One thing I won’t respect our pediatrician’s opinion on is how/what to feed our kids. They’re saying [her 18 month old daughter] needs to gain weight and that I should start putting “lots of extra butter” on her foods and giving her fattening things. Let me get this straight…women spend most of their adult lives being told by doctors to eat healthy, workout, and lose weight. But as kids, if they’re “too skinny” according to their fancy charts, we should overload our kid on unhealthy foods, get them hooked on junk, only to rip all of those foods away and call them fat when they’re older? No. I won’t. My little girl eats well (unless she’s teething). She is very active so she stays slim. Her dad and I were slim kids too. I won’t start feeding her endless amounts of junk and set her up for future failure. I hope all parents remember that even though Dr’s have years of medical schooling, sometimes your parent intuition is smarter.”
I agree with her, completely. She has 3 kids, they all look perfect weight to me. She’s at a perfect weight herself, IMO.
What are your thoughts?
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