Meta Question

Mimishu1995's avatar

Do you use the AskJelly site?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23824points) October 15th, 2016

Is so what do you think about it, and do you think it can replace this site?

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19 Answers

longgone's avatar

Yep, definitely. It won’t ever replace Fluther for me, and it isn’t supposed to. It’s not a Q and A site, really. It’s more like Google made up of human answers. The browser extension is what makes it great for me. Also, answer speed is pretty impressive. The quality is not up to Fluther standards yet, but that sort of thing just needs to grow organically. Look at some of the oldest Fluther threads…

The core Jelly users tend to be good writers and smart, caring people. I miss you guys over there, and you would fit right in – give it a chance. I love spotting my Fluther friends.

Fluther isn’t going anywhere, Jelly is not a threat to us. Jelly and Fluther share a friendly atmosphere, one of their founders, and the jellyfish logo. That’s it. Jelly is not a place for discussion, it’s just about quick and friendly answers.

snowberry's avatar

I’m not impressed, and I find it annoying that we have questions from there on Fluther. Looks to me like someone is trying to phase out Fluther, or something like that. It’s rather strange.

jca's avatar

No. As long as Fluther is here, that’s good enough for me. If it’s “less than Fluther” then why bother.

Sneki95's avatar

I logged in some time ago, but I don’t go there often.

I don’t really mind it, but it’s far away from replacing Fluther.

ragingloli's avatar

Looks dead and sterile.

Coloma's avatar

Nope, holds zero appeal for me, I’m a fluther loyalist.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I registered yesterday purely out of loyalty to the founders of Fluther, Ben and Andrew. It’s a new venture for them and after keeping this unprofitable site alive for so many years purely for our enjoyment, I feel deeply indebted to them.

As of ten years today, they have carried us. In doing so, we have matured as individuals and as a community that has over the years become extremely close. We have experienced together our individual growth, the births of babies, many real-life tête-à-têtes, couplings, marriages, divorces, disease, the loss of loved ones in our lives, and the passing of some of our most cherished members…

We, this diverse group of disembodied personalities that stretch across the spectrum of culture, economic status, life experience and educational backgrounds, geography, race and nationalities over the years, have grown tolerant and intimate with each other.

I thank you for that, BenDrew, and I wish you all the success in the world toward this new venture.

Coloma's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus Well…when you put it that way, now I feel guilty. haha
Bravo! Happy Anniversary Fluther, it’s been a pretty damn good relationship! :-)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’ve been on AskJelly for 2 and half years. I don’t interact with it that much.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I don’t know, it will not let me log on or create an account, Fluther must be jealous I will dump her and switch dancers if Jelly was better and more even.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

You need to have Android 4.0 or higher, that was the reason I joined only 2.5 years ago. My other phone was 2.4 ? ?

I do not know what the iPhone minimum requirement is for Ask Jelly

janbb's avatar

Just for information, Jelly has been up and running for a few years. I think the new linkage is to attempt some cross-polination and perhaps to drive some more traffic to each. From what I see of Jelly just briefly, it doesn’t seem overly compelling to me.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Ah, well, this old sailor doesn’t sail the internet waters as broadly as he used to. I was totally unaware of AskJelly until a couple of days ago. Hmm. Superannuation definitely has it’s benefits, but also it’s drawbacks. It’s a constant battle to keep one’s world from getting smaller.

BellaB's avatar

I registered recently (yesterday/ day before?). Still looking for something to respond to. So far, jelly and I are not a great match.

Mimishu1995's avatar

Thanks you for your answers. I know Jelly has existed for a long time, but I only got curious about it recently, when Ben or Andrew put Jelly’s tags on here, and there seems to be more people there. I think I’ll use that some time for some quick answers though I still don’t find it as appealing. Sorry Ben and Andrew :(

johnpowell's avatar

It lacks the personalization we have here. I know I can count on H_C for relationship advice and Seek is in my corner if I need advice about making soup.

On the other site it is all just words and I don’t feel like I get to know people so I am not learning to trust. I have trust here and I have a good grasp on peoples expertise.

Stinley's avatar

@janbb I haven’t seen any links to Fluther from Jelly. Just the links from here to there

Seek's avatar

@johnpowell You’re killin’ me, smalls.

jca's avatar

I agree with @ragingloli about the appearance of the site. It doesn’t look warm and inviting at all.

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