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What kind of master's degree is right for me?
Hey guys,I’ll get my Bachelor degree in Software Engineering in 3 next months.
I was wondering what i should study in master degree according to my talents and my favorites.
About my talents…I have some kind of creativity or maybe innovation and I can find an efficient irregular solution when the regular solution doesn’t work…as a small example one of my friends couldn’t skip choosing a photo for her Facebook profile picture (because she didn’t want to add any profile picture for her Facebook account),so I gave her a a default picture of a female user of Facebook to set as her profile picture.
And about my favorites,I like android programming,I really love finding the solution,I love to solve problems using my IQ,I like logic,I like puzzles and I love conclude
But since I hate math,I don’t want to attend Software Engineering of Computer Science In master degree.
Sorry if I made you bored or tired with this long question…and thanks in advance for your help
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