General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Suppose you were in a room and Donald Trump came up and grabbed your crotch. So you pulled out your pepper spray / mace and sprayed him. Would the Secret Service arrest you or him?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33724points) October 16th, 2016

As asked.

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18 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

They would arrest you.

Their duty is to protect the candidate, not those he assaults.

Coloma's avatar

They can arrest me, but Trump would be in surgery to have his severed member reattached. lol

dappled_leaves's avatar

Am I black or white?

zenzen's avatar

Am I male or female?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well @dappled- leaves if you are black they would not arrest you they would just shoot you instead and say they thought you had a gun.

imrainmaker's avatar

He won’t do it until election is over.

Pandora's avatar

They might’ve only because I would’ve tased his junk till it exploded.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Pandora LOL I love it, and can’t say he wouldn’t deserve it.

ragingloli's avatar

They can not arrest me when they are dead.

filmfann's avatar

I wouldn’t mace him.
However, the Secret Service would arrest me for plucking out his eye.

JLeslie's avatar

Probably arrest me.

In that situation I wouldn’t have mace handy, I would just push him off, or if I’m really with it I’d knee him in the crotch, and for sure call him an asshole.

Coloma's avatar

@JLeslie Haha, yeah, don’t forget calling him an asshole!

JLeslie's avatar

^^I think you have to let everyone around you know the guy is an asshole. Our voices may not be heard in court enough, but we can speak out in the social situation at least. When I was a teen I was around a lot of men like that, and every so often a woman who was grabbed gave the guy the what for right there in the moment. I’d venture to say all of us believed her, believed he did something inappropriate. Nothing really happened to the men, unfortunately, except maybe a moment of embarrassment, but those women who spoke out weren’t ostracized, not in that group.

Maybe the men do it less often if women tell them off when the guys attempt it. One can only hope. I don’tt think it’s necessarily the case. The men I know who do things like that just move on to the next. Although, the guys I knew aren’t on TV, and don’t have their means of earning a living affected when a girl tells them off in a social situation.

olivier5's avatar

If anything like that happened to anyone, keep in mind that a powerful knee kick in the groin could possibly neuter the guy and save the nation a lot in legal fees and embarasment.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

You would end up lying dead in a ditch after an “unfortunate accident”.

CWOTUS's avatar

At this late stage in the election campaign the candidates’ protection has been increased – generally – to “near-presidential level”. That means that they will start “almost” treating each candidate “as if he or she were already the president”. It doesn’t mean that they will go to the extraordinary lengths that are employed for presidential trips outside the White House, with security checking along travel routes, setting snipers on building roofs, welding down manhole covers in the street, etc. – and screening every person expected or likely to meet with him – but they won’t be far behind.

What that means in practice is that it is unlikely to the point of improbability that you would be in a room with either of the candidates and have anything resembling a weapon on your person. If you had been unwilling to leave it at the door upon entering, then you would have simply been denied access to the room.

On the other hand, should you be physically assaulted in some way by a candidate receiving Secret Service protection and should you retaliate in some perceived one-time non-lethal response, such as a punch in the nose, then it can be assumed that you would be separated and barred from further contact with the candidate, possibly arrested, and silently applauded by all right-thinking humans.

Whether that would save you from prosecution or not is certainly problematic. However, in case it happens you should certainly opt for a jury trial.

Aster's avatar

It would be pretty risky for anyone to be arrested if they were groped because it would set off an avalanche of discussions , recriminations and lawsuits when the Donald would want us to remain silent. He would want it buried, not advertised on every scandal sheet in the country.
I would scream as loudly as I could . You can’t be arrested for screaming. Then I’d run away fast and as far as possible. Again, no arrest for that .

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