Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

In honor of our 10th anniversary, what was the first question you asked on Fluther?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) October 18th, 2016

My original first incarnation, Dutchess12, got deaded. I must have left in a snit. Anyway, I can’t access that one.

This is from my second incarnation, Val123. However, it is very boring, so I will throw in another.


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34 Answers

anniereborn's avatar

Mine is also boring:

Is there a place where questions are grouped by subject?

Asked by anniereborn (8235points) August 9th, 2013

I mean like the “standard” forum format. There might be topics and subtopics. I’d like to just browse easily at a glance.
Are my only choices the “most recent” feed or search?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Nope. This is in Social. Post whatever question you want.

cazzie's avatar

I started my very first shit-fight with my very first question, unwittingly, but soon sharped my talons on it.

It was also the first time @Seek and I met and it was love at first type.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

Lori 1.0 joined Fluther sometime during 2009 or 2010. I believe my first question was about growing one’s hair and donating to a charity, to make wigs for sick people. I got some nice responses.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

What ever happened to the pistol that Hemingway’s father used to shoot himself?

I thought it was a literary site because I’d seen some posts by janbb and gailcalled. I was wrong.

zenvelo's avatar

Mine was about cleavage

DominicY's avatar

I don’t even remember, I had two accounts prior to this one. I know that I was 17 and a senior in high school when I joined—seems like a million years ago.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@cazzie LOL. “Animal rights people need not answer.” You were meat to the lions, man. This is hilarious. Did you ever make the seal fat soap?

cazzie's avatar

No, but it has to do with the horrible smell of the fat.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

It was about where to use a metal detector in the West Palm Beach area.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Here you go @Tropical_Willie. Wow. People went crazy on that one, didn’t they! ;)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Yup, I like two word answers. I don’t have a tl;dr for an answer or get wrapped around the axle or misinterpreted. By the way found enough loose change to buy a couple of cocktails at the hotel beach bar.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Tropical_Willie So you were able to use a metal detector?

tinyfaery's avatar

My first question that was not computer based

I find this funny because I live in L.A.

Joined: June 9th, 2008

Love_my_doggie's avatar

I asked about why the tin-foil cap on my head isn’t keeping-out alien voices, and what I should do to fix this problem.

Oh, no…wait…that was 10 minutes ago, not 10 years ago.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

The first question I ever asked on Fluther was yanked by the mods for being egregiously silly. I still don’t understand it. Who wouldn’t want to know the effect of dumping 200 gallons of milk on a 500 pound gorilla made entirely of Froot Loops?

ucme's avatar

This was asked a while ago & someone found my first question, that’s going to have to repeat itself because my answer is the same as then…I can’t be bothered to seek it out.
Not that i’m entirely uninterested, it’s just, well…when you’re used to people running around after you :D

jca's avatar

Has anyone ever used a psychic to contact the dead?

Circa 2007.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Wow @jca. You’re old!

Brian1946's avatar

She isn’t that old; her first question was only 62,000 before mine. ;-o

jca's avatar

I look like a baby girl, @Dutchess_III. :)

LuckyGuy's avatar

I had just been diagnosed with prostate cancer and was more than a little bit nervous.
My first question. May 2009.

Weeks later my rotten prostate was plopped in a hospital bio-hazard bucket and I was 60 grams lighter.

Love_my_doggie's avatar

^^^ Seven years is a long time to be cancer-free. You’re a lucky guy indeed.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I remember WorriedGuy. I am really glad you made it, Lucky. And your new grandchild will be, too.

chyna's avatar

Where do they move prisoners that are in the path of a hurricane
September 13, 2008. There must have been a hurricane at the time and I was worried about people drowning that were in prison. I probably had just read the book The Stand where everyone was dying from the blue flu and the prisoners were just left to slowly die.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

^^That was a good question, chyna. I’m answering it right now.

kritiper's avatar

I remember asking if anyone knew what a “jockey box” was. Maybe it was Askville…

Strauss's avatar

Mine was Good veggie diet for canines?

I’ve asked a total of 190 more since then in almost 8 years…

MollyMcGuire's avatar

“What is a thing you enjoy doing on Saturday if you have the time and are at home—something that might be a little surprising to your friends?”
January 28th, 2012

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