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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Is it scary to you that Trump makes George W. look like a highly sensible, rational, honest person?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23626points) October 19th, 2016

I always thought George W. was a bit off the wall with his made up words and Yosemite Sam like demeanour but he is freaking nothing compared to ole orange hair.

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22 Answers

SQUEEKY2's avatar

And that is coming from an outsider looking in, ring side at this circus has got to be totally crazy.

zenvelo's avatar

Nobody ever accused GWB with being irrational or dishonest. And after all, many people chose him because he seemed like a guy they would most enjoy having a beer with.

He was accused of not being the brightest Christmas light in the string, and of being easily manipulated by his puppet master Dick Cheney.

Trump makes GWB look highly intelligent and well read. Plus, no one wants to spend leisure time with Trump.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

GWB was just not a good public speaker.

filmfann's avatar

I remember Dan Quayle on the David Letterman show. Dave mentioned how Dan had been such a source of humor back in the day, and said that when compared to W., Quayle seemed more like Winston Churchill.
That’s how far we’ve fallen.

janbb's avatar

It is scary.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The comparison reminds us that as dire as things look, they could certainly be worse.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Trump makes George Wallace look like a highly sensible, rational, honest person.

MrGrimm888's avatar

GW still sucks. Just not as bad as Dummy. I mean Trump.~

ucme's avatar

The only scary part is they both resemble primates, Trump the Orangutang, Bush the Chimp.

Zaku's avatar

The comparison is severe and it is frightening, but I doesn’t actually make GWB look actually honest.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Some of what I know about Trump terrifies me if he were elected, but I have no choice, not really.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Great answers people, thanks.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, they are primates, @ucme.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Nobody ever accused GWB with being irrational or dishonest.

Ohhh, I can tell you with great certainty that is not correct.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I never thought George W. Bush to be irrational. Misguided in some of his policies perhaps, but not irrational. And He’s more intelligent than he presented himself. The stammering buffoon/good ‘ole Texan boy we saw for 8 years was carefully played act to appear down-to-Earth and relatable to certain demographics who’d never be able to relate to an Ivy League educated New England elite.

I once saw an interview with him that was recorded years before his career in public office and the George W. Bush I saw in that interview was a definite contrast to the George W. Bush who sat in the Oval Office.

ucme's avatar

@Dutchess_IIISshh, quiet in the cheap seats

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

@Darth_Algar that was my assessment as well.

Aster's avatar

George Bush, at this moment, seems like God’s Gift to America. I’m sick of these nightmarish people.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

George Bush got 100,000+ people killed in Iraq and destroyed order in the region. ISIS is the direct result. Republicans policies are horrendous.

Bill Clinton was paying down the national debt. There was a surplus and Republicans were outraged that the budget was balanced.

George Bush and the Republicans looted the treasury, shoveling that surplus out to the wealthy and sinking the government deep into government.

Obama, like Bill Clinton, was left to clean up after the Republicans “proved” that government does not work with sabotage aimed at the American people.

Bush was not sensible or rational. He killed more Americans than bin Laden, and made a good effort to surpass Sadaam in killing Iraqis.

George W. Bush was the worst president of the past 100 years by any measure, and if not the worst of all time, he’s in the bottom two.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ Obama, like Bill Clinton, was left to clean up after the Republicans “proved” that government does not work with sabotage aimed at the American people.
Nooooo! Say it ain’t so! Obama is a Muslim with socialist tendencies, he might well be a dictator how he bailed out big business while letting John Q sink in debt and lose his home. Clean up after Bush? Only in the bank with his offshore Cayman accounts. ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ (add another 1,000 sarcasm marks to the end)

Dutchess_III's avatar

“Republicans claim that the government doesn’t work. Then they get themselves elected to prove it.” I read that in a Reader’s Digest not long ago.

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