Should heterosexual men be allowed to be gynocologists? (Details )
Recent threads have prompted this. But I’ve always wondered about it.
Yes. Most male gynecologists are probably professional, compotent, well meaning etc.
But they are human .
Most of the time it’s professional, I would guess. But there’s no way a hot ,21 year old,perfectly healthy female comes in ,just for a check up, and the male doctor isn’t in the slightest turned on. I don’t mean he would act on these feelings, but the fact that he would enjoy it ,gives me pause.
As I’ve said, I worked at a medical university for a bit, and it was common to hear females on the bus talking about men’s genitals, so it’s not just a man thing.
But , if I had a daughter, I’d rather her have a female gyno.
I just don’t think men should do ‘that ’ job, because it’s like a conflict of interest, or something.
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100 Answers
Nah, it’s like golf courses, I might have a favourite but all those holes just blend right in.
Should lesbians also be banned from being gynecologists?
Should heterosexual males be banned from being plastic surgeons because they might enjoy seeing breasts?
Should people who find men attractive be banned from being urologists?
You’ve got a bit of a double standard going: you expect women to be uncomfortable with a male doctor, but you yourself do not want a male doctor.
Did you have a bad experience with a gropy doctor once, or something?
I don’t expect women to be uncomfortable with a male doctor @Seek .
I just know men are ‘driven’ differently than women.
If there is a male gyno who can tell me he never got unprofessionally attracted to a female he attended ,I would not believe him.
Lesbians don’t have testicles. Those are full of things that make us think of sex all the time.
There are statistics that say men think of sex every x amount of seconds or minutes , I’ve heard 17 – 45 seconds, to 5 minutes.
Men are different than women/lesbians in that way.
My ex had a lesbian gyno, and it wasn’t a problem. I’m not saying lesbians never get turned on too as gynos, but I think it’s far more rare, and there is far less of a chance of an action.
I would wager statistics for sexual abuse are greater for men physicians, than women.
And I’m not even really talking about assault. It’s just that I’m not a fan of male gynecologists.
It seems like guys have women fooled in this department.
I bet you dollars to donuts there have been more instances of people being molested by dentists than gynecologists.
^Right. But that’s the point.
The gyno gets ring side seats. He doesn’t HAVE to abuse his power ,to see what he wants to see.
You aren’t making any sense.
Are you actually suggesting that some perverts go through all the trouble of going to med school, completing a residency, becoming a licensed physician in a highly specialized surgical field, just so they can occasionally see a pretty snatch during a routine pap smear?
^NO. NO. NO. Only that from time to time, the male is naturally sexually aroused by a minority of his patients. And the ethics of THAT in regards to his profession.
I think, in some countries, only females are aloud to work on females. I’m not in good company there. But it’s been thought about before.
The reality is that women get placed in the stirrups by the nurses, and the doctor then has to look at the plumbing. And most of the time, the examination is either so routine as to be tiresome, or something not terribly attractive to be dealing with.
I think, @MrGrimm888 you make a case that no men should be doctors; only women.
^I suppose you could take it that way. But that’s not what I was wondering.
The countries that ban women from being treated by male doctors are the same ones that would view the woman being seen by a man as a violation of the honor of whoever owns that woman.
It is not the health or the safety of the woman at issue, it is the sanctity of a man’s property.
^Like I said. The question isn’t in good company. But the concept has been tabled, if not for different reasons.
I think the proposition is ridiculous.
Look, it’s just a fanny, only time one turns me on is when it’s wet, pouting & attached to the mrs…
Just FYI, it’s “allowed” not “aloud”. Since you used “aloud” twice, I can only assume it wasn’t a typo.
I think a female nurse has to be present when a male gyno is doing the check. There have been instances of sexual abuse by males in the past.
I think most gynecologists get into the field because female reproduction is absolutely fascinating.
Look. I don’t mind if a mechanic gets all happy working on a certain car.
But I don’t enjoy the possibility that my daughter’s, sister’s, niece’s, or whomever’‘s doctor is looking at them in that way.
I’m talking about me viewing this ,in a protective manor.
I have 3 sisters. They have all been raped. (Before I was old enough to do anything about. )
I have known many girls who have had negative reactions from both sexes ,in regards to bed side manor.
This question is a black and white question. About the ability of a strange man to look at my loved one’s vaginas.
The only opinion I care about is my loved ones. But I’m pessimistic, and protective. And I just don’t trust guys around my family, that I don’t know.
It’s NOT my perversion that gives birth to this question . It’s my love, and hopeful protection of my family.
If a woman is uncomfortable with a male gynecologist she can choose to go to a female one. No need for a ban.
I loved my OBGYN. He delivered both of my babies. He loved me. I went so fast that when he was called up he left his lunch, and when he got back it was still warm.
Correct as usual @Mariah . But this is about preference. Not simply choice.
I. E .
If there are two doctors to choose from. Both equally qualified. Both equally competent in speaking with you.
Would you prefer same sex, or opposite sex? And if there’s a difference, why?
Who has an appointment available at the time of day that is most convenient to me?
Honestly, don’t care. At all.
Sure they should.
However, I would suggest NOT making any appointment to be examined by Dr. Trump. ;-)
Of course men should be allowed to be gynecologists.
The end.
No, of course not.
They should be quiet.
“But there’s no way a hot ,21 year old,perfectly healthy female comes in ,just for a check up, and the male doctor isn’t in the slightest turned on. I don’t mean he would act on these feelings, but the fact that he would enjoy it ,gives me pause.”
Just because you would react this way does not mean that anybody else would react this way.
2 of my best GYN’s were men.
Other specialties see your body. Dermatology, Internists, cosmetic, adolescent, even cardiologists see my breasts.
What about nurses? I’m usually fine with a male nurse, I’ve had very good experiences with male nurses, but I have exceptions. I don’t want a male nurse during a GYN exam and I wouldn’t want one to give me a sponge bath or be in the bathroom with me.
I think @Seek should write ads for medical schools.
“Struggle through years of education, incur hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt, endure a grueling residency and, in the end — you’ll occasionally get to see a pretty snatch.”
“Enroll today a VU.”
Believe me, staring at those things all day long would quickly eliminate any sort of titilating prospects or risk of arousal. In fact, it seems to me when you consider that the bulk of a gynecologist’s business involves examination of and remedying equipment which is “out of order” or not “up to specs”, it’s a wonder that such doctors have any libido at all. Try to imagine a more effective cure for an obsession with female genitalia than being routinely treated to close range staring at yeast infections on a daily basis.
A gyno thought the 2 girls one cup vid meant they were playing tiddlywinks
Who’s your gynecologist? Donald Trump?
Perhaps we shouldn’t let anyone but vegans be chefs.
I was physically and emotionally assaulted by a male gynecologist. It was a horrible experience. At first, it was so subtle, I wasn’t sure it was happening. Then it escalated. I left his practice.
I think most Gynecologists are in it to deliver babies. Being an OBGYN is a booming practice and, also carries a lot of potential malpractice and heavy patient responsibility. I agree that while anything is possible, in the case of Gynos. it is possibility vs. probability. Most of them are not in the profession because they are closet perverts and having a nurse in the room during exams is protocol.
My old doctor was great, once, during a pap, he apologized for taking a little longer and said ” I’m sorry, I can’t find your cervix”, I just laughed and said ” well..keep looking, it was there last time.” He and his nurse were cracking up. No big deal, if some Gyno has gotten a cheap thrill from looking at me over the years, well…knock yourself out doc. lol
I do get where you’re coming from @mcGrimm888 and I understand your concern. However, I think it’s possible for there to be inappropriate sexual fantasies of all sorts in any workplace situation and because of the mandated presence of a nurse in the room, nothing is likely to happen. I think it’s just as likely that a male gyno will go home and not want to have sex with his wife!
I switched to a woman gyno some years ago whonturned out to be insensitive and found a new male gyno who solved my problem empathetically in a month.
We used to have a massage school here that offered cut rate massages by the trainees once a month. They had a limited number of spots contingent of course on how many students they had in that particular class. All massages were done in the same room and it was not unusual to have twenty or more clients. The amount of clothing was determined by the comfort level of the client; some opted for underwear, some wore a swimsuit under their clothes and some preferred to be nude. For several years we went on a regular basis.
You would not believe how many males objected to, and refused to, have a male masseuse work on them. They were mostly under 30, older guys just didn’t seem to care I guess. And if they did object then someone else had to agree to switch with them. Never saw it not happen.
Personally, I preferred the male masseuse because I like a lot of pressure during a massage and they were able to apply it when requested.
In all our time going I don’t believe I ever heard a female complain about having another female massage her or having a male do it either for that matter .
You are perpetuating rape culture by assuming all men are sexual predators who just cannot control themselves. Maybe we should just put all men behind a wall, have them build it of course, and only let them out when we women need to breed. We can even cull the population, only hot men get to survive. They obviously cannot be trusted to do anything positive in society; it’s so hard to function when you can’t control your sexual urges.
Of course they shouldn’t. And gay men shouldn’t be urologists. And lesbian woman shouldn’t be family physicians because that involves pelvic exams sometimes. And transgender people should only be allowed to be pathologists because they don’t talk to anybody. And straight women shouldn’t be surgeons because you have to touch a groin sometimes. But they can be surgeons of women just not men. Unless they are gay.
@marinelife I too had a bed experience with a male GYN and a male internist. The two experiences were 25 years apart. With the GYN I felt coerced into a vaginal exam when I was there for a second opinion for a cyst in my breast. I was in my late teens. If it happened today I would walk out and make sure he wasn’t paid. I don’t know the details of yours, I’m not comparing, just saying you’re not alone.
@Rarebear – Who’s allowed to perform labioplasty on a trans woman?
My doc, I swear, wanted to do a well women check no matter what I was in there for!
What’s a well women check?
A well woman exam is a routine checkup of the ladybits. It’s recommended once every two years for healthy women under 50, and yearly after that.
It used to be recommended yearly, but they’re starting to back off in the face of over-diagnosis of cancer.
@Seek My GP says every 3 years since I have never had a positive pap.
Hmmm..I wonder if ranch vets have a thing for putting their arms up horse and cow vaginas? lol
I figure that docs in general just don’t trust us to come back in s timely matter and therefore encourage us to get checked while they have us.
James Herriot wrote the most hilarious stories, talking about being up to his shoulder in a cow uterus, with the cow shitting all over him!
The Village People would be great at birthing cows/horses
@tinyfaery—Maybe it is three now. I don’t make that big a deal of it. No family history, no positives, monogamous relationship…
My best gynecologists have been men.
@Seek Only transgender plastic surgeons are allowed to perform that surgery.
And only doctors who have had cancer are allowed to treat patients with cancer.
@Dutchess_III Well, there it gets more tricky. Because males can have breast cancer. So what if you have a male breast cancer surviving doctor. Are they allowed to see female breast cancer patients, or are they disallowed because they are male?
I think male breast cancer patients might still be turned on by lookin’ at the titties… and you know that dudes just can’t control those erections.
I think the real solution here is all physicians should be made unto eunuchs. Say, in their second year of residency.
Or better yet, turn over all medical duties to a Mr. Handy
Wait WAIT!! What if a large animal veterinarian is into sheep fucking. Should they be allowed to treat sheep?
I’d immediately rule myself out of being capable of doing breast examinations because i’d hear a parping sound each time I squeezed followed by the Benny Hill tune.
Mmmm, so soft and fluffy.
Edited because repeat jokes suck
@Rarebear Our ranch vet here is treating our pink skinned Appaloosa for Penis Sheath cancer. So far I don’t think she is getting off on fondling his penis but I could be wrong. haha
All this farm-animal sex talk reminds me of a joke I first heard in the early 60’s: what’s the difference between Marilyn Monroe and a rooster?
Okay. A ventriloquist is driving through the countryside when he spots a farmer leaning on a fence. He slows down and says to himself “think I’ll have a little fun”. So he stops the car and walks over to the farmer, talking as he walks. “You have a beautiful farm, and that’s a magnificent horse there in your corral. Would you mind if I had a word with it? ” The farmer doesn’t blink, having dealt before with fools from the city. “Knock yourself out” says the farmer. The ventriliquist strolls over to the horse and asks the animal “How’re ya doin? Do you like living here? ”. The horse whinnies, then blurts out “I love it! I l live like a king on this beautiful farm.” The farmer is thunderstruck and exclaims excitedly “A talking horse! I’m rich” A chicken meanders past the corral pecking for worms. The ventriliquist turns to the farmer and asks “Mind if I talk to your chicken?” The farmer is so awe struck fom the performance of the horse that he can’t find his voice, and merely nods his consent. The ventriliquist then asks the chicken “You look happy. Do you like it here?” The chicken cocks her head toward the farmer and cackles “I never had it so good. He treats me like a queen.” This time the farmer can only stare dumbstruck, yet thinking about the fortune that must soon be his. Just then, a sheep wanders into the corral, and the ventriloquist starts up “Is that your sheep? Do you mind if.. ” Whoa” snaps the farmer, instantly recovering from his reverie. “Those sheep are all terrible liars. You can’t believe a word they say.”
@Mariah Money, CYA, or possible perverts. Most likely the first choice.
@Dutchess_III @Coloma
Now that I think about it, the joke is sexist and mean to Marilyn.
Imagine the object is Anne Coulter, Sarah Palin, or someone else of your choosing:
A rooster says, “Cock-a-doodle-do”.
________ ___________ says “Any cock’ll do”.
Preemptively ducks high-velocity spoiled produce.
Is this a serious question?
I thought you were an adult, but I realize you aren’t. How old are you?
@SecondHandStoke . It’s at least as serious as the people fucking animals question you answered in another thread.
We had a LOT of inappropriate joks (and songs) about women back in the day.
How is a bar and a hooker alike?
Filled with drunken married men?
(It’s a verbal joke…)
Likker in the front, poker in the rear.
What do you get when you cross a Donkey with an Onion?
Most of the time you get an Onion with floppy ears, but every once in awhile you get a piece of ass that brings a tear to your eye. lol
My son makes the awfulist jokes! His wife’s name is Jenna.
I said, “Hey! Did Jenna tell ya….”
He stops, looks at me and said, “Did you just say genitalia?”
No you moron!
That is clearly your own fault.
That’s like the time I worked in a bar for a manager named Kay. I walked in one afternoon and a colleague yelled out to me, ”Hey! If-you-see-Kay…”
^ Eff – you – see – Kay. F-U-C-K
It doesn’t really matter to me if my gyno doc is a male or a female as long as they are competent and pleasant and professional. So far, I’ve always had a male doctor for down there and they are required, at least in CA, to have a female nurse/doctor/PA or equivalent in the room while the exam is taking place. I’ve never had a male doc, in that situation, be anything but professional.
@MrGrimm888: Your continued concern about how men in various professions might react to women (and you have specifically mentioned your women in places), as well as a previous question about how you perceive women, really does smack of benevolent sexism. Please read the link, it may help you understand why so many have gotten so annoyed with you.
Reading links doesn’t tell you what people think. Conversation does.
It’s a simple question.
As with any thread. If anyone has become ‘anoyed,’ they can opine on a different one.
If you care to take each question, and it’s subsequent responses, personally that’s on you @canidmajor . But that doesn’t speak very highly of you.
OH good grief, @MrGrimm888, you were so undone on that other thread because women didn’t agree with you, (and I couldn’t remember which one it was, so I posted here) that I thought that this would help you understand why women were upset.
It was meant to be helpful. Sorry your dudgeon is too high to see that.
Good article, @canidmajor. And it’s a damn good question, to ask why so many men support the misogynistic trash that is Trump, instead of standing against him in support of their women.
”their women”
::stabbing motions::
OW!!! My man? My men? I refer to my son and husband that way.
@Seek, @Dutchess_III in support of their women. would probably have been better said as in support of women in their lives.
I think the more important question here is whether gynecologists should be allowed to be heterosexual males.
….Now I’m confused, my @rojo!
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