Men. Do you prefer a female physician, when the situation calls for genital touching? (Details )
Seriously, I’m not joking.
I’ve spoken to many men I know about this. And none think it’s sexual. They just don’t want guys touching them there.
Maybe there is subconscious homophobia? I just don’t want guys touching me there.
It’s not that I WANT a female, I just really DON’T want a male touching me.
Men. Any thoughts, or thoughts on motivation for your thoughts?
Women, you’re welcome to jump in (like I could stop you) but I’m really interested in men’s (gay,or straight)opinions.
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49 Answers
No. I honestly don’t care. I am interested in competence. Not gender.
I don’t care. My doc is male and has long fingers. With the Y chromosome history of prostate cancer in my family I’ll take the long fingers if it means it is discovered early.
I’m secure enough in my sexuality to not care.
Not that big a deal for me either. I have had both a male doctor and a female doctor examine me within the last three years.
More than twenty years ago, I doubt any grown men you asked would even have the opportunity to choose between a male doctor and a female doctor. Certainly none of the men being drafted into the Army from 1940 to 1972 had a choice, they all got checked by male doctors.
To get over this freak out, turn your head and cough.
To me. Being touched down there is a sort of violation. I prefer,if given the opportunity to choose, to be violated by a female ,I guess.
I guess that’s my thesis! I’m not looking good here,so far. Lol.
It doesn’t matter to me. As both a patient and a nurse I’ve had good ones and less than average ones of both sexes.
I’ve not yet had to make that choice, but i’m thinking i’d be better off with a bloke doctor fidgeting around with me gentleman sausage. Coz if a pretty nurse gets to do it…boy, that’s going to get hard
I prefer females for everything, beyond healthcare.
I’ve found they are more likely to bother to understand the nuances of my language (descriptions) when discussing a problem, whether it be about my bank accounts, troubled mind or my wedding tackle.
(More specific to the OP) I’ve found female doctors to be better able to hit that balance of ease and professionalism when palpating my balls or my prostate.
I would hate to have body parts that announce my sexual arousal against my will!
^ We emotionally and mentally mature males can control this sort of thing.
Really? I did not know that!
^ He’s trying to say i’m emotionally immature if my dick gets hard when a pretty nurse touches it, best ignore that self righteous crap. You were right in saying “against my will” coz it really is.
A friend once confided in me, that he got an erection during a prostate exam.
I don’t. But I didn’t want him to feel weird, so ,I said I did too.
He certainly would have chosen a female for the procedure.
For me, I wanted smaller finger, and NOT MAN FINGER..Yuck.
Woah…a hard on during a prostate examination, these 2 things are not possible surely :(
“Not possible?” OK, that’s really funny considering some of the anal sex discussions we’ve had.
^ @ucme . I was like cold water soft.
But my friend seemed like it was normal to get hard, so I said, ‘yeah, me too ’
He had /still has some confidence problems. So I said it happens to “all of us.”
Next time I get a physical, I’m going to request simultaneous prostate and hernia exams, to avoid any embarrassment. ;-o
Obviously I’m not seriously dissing @ucme , he has my respect as he is often hilarious (at least by non Briton standards as those are intimidatingly high).
Yes, I don’t know what you read but erections can be controlled (at least in non sexual situations such as a doctor’s office) I mean, we’re all professionals here.
Yes, my practitioner might be dead sexxi (one is sooooo my type) but this is not a sexual situation.
Now if you’ll excuse me I have some medical fetish porn I need to look at…
I’ve only had a ball exam once in my life. Never has a male doctor asked to touch my balls. The only offering came from a 50ish female doctor, when I was 25 and in perfect shape. Hmmm, I wonder why?
No matter the gender or how attractive the doctor may be, getting your balls handled in a cold, clinical room as part of a medical exam is about as sexy as listening to Ben Stein read from the phone book while you stare into a light bulb. So yes, we can control ourselves.
@rem1981 Oh brother. Trust me. Neither testicles nor penises are attractive. That’s why dick pics to women go over like a lead balloon.
Some dudes can get an erection at a stiff breeze (heh heh). It’s really not that big a deal.
It’s a physical reaction to stimulus, and doesn’t necessarily mean you’re mentally aroused.
Like how your eye watering when dust blows into it doesn’t mean you’re sad.
Sometimes it just does what it wants. I could be eating cereal or doing my timesheet at work and bing! Well hello there!
I have an eight year old son who looooves penis humour. Believe me, I get regular updates on spontaneous erections.
“Fantastic, kid. Keep it to yourself.”
LOL! When one of my grandsons was a toddler he woke up from his nap and came to his mom in a panic. “Momma!” and he gestured at his “morning” hard on, hidden behind his shorts. Poor kid. His erection scared the crap out of him! He’s 10 now. Guess he learned to live with it.
Yep. “Mama, why did my penis go straight?” It’s normal, bud. Don’t worry about it.
That would make such a heartwarming entry in a kid’s video album: baby’s first erection.
Hahaha. It’ll go right next to the video of him dancing naked to the Star Trek: The Next Generation theme song.
When it comes to examining/touching my genitals for a Dr visit. I actually prefer a male Dr. I find it a little less embarrassing, seeing as we both have the same parts. I understand that a female Dr. is only doing it for the job and nothing else, but I just find it more uneasy. I have had both male and female Drs. during visits of this kind, and I will still do it, just feel more at ease with a male Dr.
Like I said, nowt to do with maturity or control, I get hard sometimes when I sneeze…I mean what the fuck’s that all about? Also, morning wood…“I was dreaming of football & beer, go figure”
He’ll yeah. Morning wood sucks. Hard to urinate, and that’s all I want to do. But apparently, I’m not in control of all of my body….
Haha, trying to piss with a hard on is hilarious, like a kid using a fire hose :D
@Seek He was pretty much pre-verbal when it happened. He knew “Mommy,” and that’s about it. Poor kid!
@Dutchess_III I may not know about it, is all. They are only suppose to be and act as a Dr.
Why should it matter if the male doctor is gay?
It shouldn’t. I was just responding to those who would be uncomfortable with a woman touching their privates. Should they be uncomfortable with a gay male touching their privates as well?
Well considering @nightwolf5‘s stated reason for preferring a male doctor then no, there’s no reason why he should be uncomfortable with a gay male doctor.
I wouldn’t care if my primary physician was a gay man. But I still don’t like men touching my genitals.
Im afraid I find that quite rational.
That’s what the thread is about. When you’re in a medical situation where you HAVE to have someone touch your genitals, does the gender of the person touching you matter?
It’s about comfort level, insecurity, and many other variables.
I find it interesting that some note age is/was a factor.
Maybe at a certain age I will prefer a male doctor….. The men will still have bigger hands though. So , I’ll probably still prefer females for any future rectal exam.
It’s really not rational at all.
I have thought long and hard about this question and I have come to the following conclusions.
I would be quite content for either a male or female doctor to check out my regions because, after all, I am there because of a medical concern.
However, if I just wanted my testicles to be held then I would choose a female.
What is it they’re checking for when they hold your testicles and tell you to cough?
That’s what I thought, but I wasn’t sure.
@MrLove ha ha! Receptionist, “So you want an appointment. What is your complaint?”
@MrLove, “167 hernias.”
I saw this meme and thought of this question.
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