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Mimishu1995's avatar

Halloween is near. Care to tell us your scary stories?

Asked by Mimishu1995 (23824points) October 21st, 2016

So I decide to celebrate Halloween here on Fluther because my place knows no Halloween.

What is your scary story? Stories that you read somewhere, heard from someone, or even your personal experience. In the spirit of Halloween, care to creep us out?

Bonud lurves for personal experience. I like it when a scary story is actually real.

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14 Answers

Pachy's avatar

Wednesday’s presidential debate.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You want real??
Ok but it is very scary there once was this evil man called Trump, Nooo I can’t go on it’s just to scary.

ragingloli's avatar

One night man tries escape from gulag.

Makes his way to cabin in middle of tundra. Inside is plain, but many family pictures on walls. He falls asleep. In middle of night he is put in sack and dragged out. The next morning he is shot like dog.

Pictures are windows. KGB always watching.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Drastic Dreamer should be here. She lives in an authentic haunted house.

Seek's avatar

My husband is considerably less of a skeptic than I.

He tells a story of his friend’s father.

He had died from a self-inflicted accidental gunshot wound when the boys were five or six years old. When Jason (my husband) was nineteen, he was crashing at the friend’s house for a while, whilst he looked for an apartment. Friend was at work, Jason went to go take a shower.

While he was in the shower, a man entered the bathroom and started riffling through the cupboards. Jason said, “Hey, (friend), thought you were working.” and there was no answer, and the guy left the room.

He went downstairs and mentioned it to his friend’s mom. She said, “Oh, that’s just (Dad’s name). He hangs around from time to time.”

Brian1946's avatar

Not yet, but for now I’ll terrorise you with my avatard of Countless Murphula, Dork of Darkness!

<——- Behold the looks of sheer fear. on the faces of my victims in the background! ;-O

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Scary stories…

I was having my taxes done by my accountant.

We made our way though the various online forms and then came to a page where I had to sign an agreement that if I did not have health insurance the IRS could act as an enforcing agency to confiscate my return.

Sneki95's avatar

Even though I live near the cemetery, I haven’t had many creepy experiences, except one occurrence in highschool.
My friend and I missed the bus, so we waited for another one, that was supposed to come in two hours. It was cold, we were freezing and starving, stray dogs started fighting around us. We stood all alone at the station.
And then we noticed him. He was standing outside the station, near the fence, just standing and staring at us. We moved a bit closer to the building and away from the fence, and he followed us. He never crossed the fence, but was continuously moving as we moved along, to see us better. The man was staring at us all the time, without even blinking. it got more and more creepy.
After a while, he even started smiling while staring at us.
I laugh about it now, but at the time, it was creepy as fuck and really uncomfortable.

Besides that, my village loves urban legends. There is some stone, called the devils stone, where the devils, demons, and witches play at night. People said no one can move that stone from it’s place, and everyone that tried died quickly, without any explanation.

Some people claim there was a man who died when he fell off the roof. After his death people started seeing a shadow on the roof, fixing something. My classmate said she saw him one night when walking. When a friend of hers tried to throw a stone at the shadow, it ran off across the walls and disappeared. I also heard some stories about nymphs following people, and the river “turning upside down” at certain times in a year. dunno what that means, but the one that told me seemed creeped out.
At the south, women used to be very knowledgeable about witchcraft, and it is still very strong and popular at the east, where it’s known as Vlach magic. Gets real creepy at times, some even connect it with murders and other crimes.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus You made me sick too :( Don’t tell me it was your dad who secretly broke that news to the press. I wonder what would happen if your dad wasn’t around and you put it in your mouth at that time…

No ghosts, but really creepy story.

And yeah, we really need Drastic Dreamer. She’s the scary story star.

@Seek could that be a prank from someone or his mind playing trick on him? I sometimes hear strange voice too, and they’re nowhere like those in horror movie. They are clear, like an authentic living human’s voice. I always think my mind’s just making that up…

@Sneki95 sounds like something from a cheesy horror movie :D I have similar stories back in my place too, but they mostly take place in schools. There is one particular school that is rumor to have been a morgue before it was knocked down. Ghosts of dead children can be seen here and there, especially in the toilet. There’s a headless boy who likes to peep into people minding their “natural stuff”, or a girl who constantly talks about taking revenge before trying to kill you. But I haven’t experienced any of those.

Sneki95's avatar

@Mimishu1995 It does sound cheesy sometimes, but if there are only a few of you, at night, in dead silence, then it can get creepy.Otherwise, it’s just a bunch of stories. What is creepy is when people start believing in it as if it was real…

Seek's avatar

@Mimishu1995 – The event happened over 25 years ago, and I wasn’t there. I’m almost certain he’s blown it up in his own mind over the years. But he believes it. Whatever. His story, not mine.

DrasticDreamer's avatar

I honestly have so many stories I wouldn’t know where to begin. I’ve shared at least some of them on Fluther before, but I was extremely hesitant because of how a lot of people react to “ghost” stories here. Even I don’t know if I believe in ghosts in the traditional sense. However, some of my experiences can not be explained satisfactorily with science . Again, I don’t necessarily believe that all of my experiences are dead people, but they were definitely far from anything normal.

Every single experience (aside from one) I’ve had occurred in the house that I grew up in. At 10 or 11, shortly after we’d moved in, my sister invited her best friend over. We had a neat little area set up in our garage that us kids used to hang out in all the time. That day, that’s where we all were. I needed to come inside to grab something from my sister’s bedroom (I can’t remember what), which was in the very back of our house. No one was home but us kids, so I was the only person inside. Once in my sister’s room, I saw what I had come to grab, so I bent over to pick it up. Upon standing – in the matter of a few seconds – this feeling of absolute dread washed over me. It was such a powerful feeling that I couldn’t move right away, and while trying to process the feeling, I suddenly felt my hair moving. It was long at the time, and when I felt it moving, it was such a slow and deliberate feeling that I thought I was going to die of fear. When I looked up, a thick bunch of hair was standing straight up in the air, except the part that was drooping – where it looked like someone, if I could see anyone, would have been holding it between their fingers. You have to keep in mind that I was in the middle of the room, and there was absolutely nothing that my hair could have been caught on. Not to mention that there’s no way it could have gotten caught on something after I’d already stood, and I could, after standing, slowly feel it lifting. After staring in horror for something like five seconds, my instincts kicked in, and I ran as fast as I could back out to the garage. Passing the living room and into the kitchen, I heard someone/something say my name – loudly – in the creepiest way that I can imagine. Thinking about it still gives me goosebumps.

I flat out roll my eyes at any person who attempts to explain it scientifically. They were not there to witness it and it was absurd. Hair can’t do what mine did without assistance. If I had flung my head over on bending, I suppose, but even then, it wasn’t attached to anything. People might argue that only a tiny strand could have gotten caught on the ceiling, but that would not hold as much of my hair up as what was held up – especially with the ends drooping beyond the “gripped” point. Noooope. Haha!

Anyway, that’s one of my stories. :) I have a lot more, and one got to me so badly that I don’t know if I’ll even be willing to share it here.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Our pumpkins.

Lovely night, the weather was warm. I sat on the porch for a couple of hours with my neighbors handing out candy and telling the kids how terrific they are.

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