Speaking of BB guns, though…
When I was ten years old – in fact, at my 10th birthday party, my Dad gave me a Daisy BB pistol. I had never even imagined such a brilliant thing existed.
Since it was a birthday party with a bunch of 10-year-old boys (and my 11-year-old friend from across the street, and his 12-year-old brother, Steve, things being run the way they were back then), well, we had to turn it into a shooting party. So Dad did the necessary: he cleared a “range” in the basement, set up a target taped onto a cardboard box stuffed with newspaper, and set up a shooting line which we were absolutely not to cross.
Steve, the 12-year-old, took his turn, handed the pistol to my Dad (per instructions) and then broke the rule to run up and look at his target. Dad calmly cocked the pistol… and shot Steve in the ass. Steve screamed and dashed across the street to get his father in on the fun.
When Mr. L. came back across to see us a few minutes later, he didn’t look happy, but Steve did. When Mr. L. and my Dad had discussed what happened and everyone confirmed that Steve broke the iron rule not to cross the line without permission and that my Dad had deliberately shot Steve in the ass, his expression changed. He shook my Dad’s hand, thanked him, and told Steve he got off easy.
I’ve never forgotten that lesson, but it’s one that I would not repeat these days.
Steve was a strange dude. We once went into another friend’s house – with an invitation – and he rummaged in the refrigerator (which was not part of the invitation), and pulled out a wrapped quarter-pound stick of butter. He unwrapped it… and ate it like a candy bar. I’ve never forgotten that, either – though I wish that I could.) I wonder whatever became of Steve.