Meta Question

janbb's avatar

Fluther Gods, may we have our own "Related" back now please?

Asked by janbb (63346points) October 21st, 2016

We promise we’ll be good. I understand you were trying to get us to see Jelly and now we have. Perhaps an extra tab at the top – where Federated was? – would link the two sites, but I miss our related questions.

By the way, are you also trying to drive Jelly traffic to here? From what I am observing, there seems to be more of an intelligent community here.

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19 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please oh please…........................

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Yeah. We’ve addressed most of their best questions right here years ago.

LOL. There’s one right now to the right: “What was Fluther and is Jelly related?” Oh, well. They’re good for a laugh now and then.

chyna's avatar

Yes please.

Soubresaut's avatar

Another yes please! I like the compromise of having it somewhere else. But now that the Fluther Related Questions are gone, I’m realizing how often I clicked through them.

PS—what was Federated?

Soubresaut's avatar

(Well, can’t edit anymore but I found the answer to my question in another thread.)

Jeruba's avatar

Yes, yes, yes. Please. And the color scheme that goes with it.

@janbb, have we been bad? Or did someone actually see my messy desk or catch me on that one and only bad hair day?

Stinley's avatar

I have been looking at the jelly questions and always think how rubbish they are. They rarely meet Fluther standards and are often repeats of each other. I really think that they will lower standards here.

janbb's avatar

Hey – Fluther Gods, meet Fluther Snobs! But truly, what Fluther had going for it was that because the founders and their initial members – their families and friends – were so smart and literate, it has remained, for the most part, a high quality site.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

There aren’t any long threads on Jelly. There doesn’t seem to be much of a community over there. I wonder what BenDrew had in mind?

You know, Brown is a favorite hunting ground for CIA recruitment. ♪ ♩ ♫ Dum-de-dum-dum .♪ ♩ ♫

janbb's avatar

@Espiritus_Corvus It’s not Ben and Andrew any more; it’s Ben and Biz Stone.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

@janbb Hmm. Biz Stone? Chris Stone from Twitter? Have you ever heard what they had in mind with Jelly?

janbb's avatar

His name is Biz but yes, he was a Twitter partner. They are calling Jelly a human search engine and it is designed for mobile mainly but it doesn’t seem to have legs.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Thanks. I think they have over estimated mankind. Too bad. Stone has done some good things. Seems like a ball of energy. And I wish all success to Ben.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@janbb ” is designed for mobile mainly but it doesn’t seem to have legs.”

I see what you did there.

BellaB's avatar

@janbb , thank you for that most excellent giggle.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

His name is Christopher Isaac Stone. His nickname is “Biz”. So, there.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@Stinley “I have been looking at the jelly questions and always think how rubbish they are. They rarely meet Fluther standards and are often repeats of each other. I really think that they will lower standards here.”

Spotted today in the Related list for Fluther question When is it legitimate to start your own religion? was the gem, Is it bad to eat your own boogers?

You may have a point.

janbb's avatar

Also, the algorithm for what are related questions seems to make very simplistic match-ups. I just asked about getting help with dating and the related Jelly questions were about physics help and help with addition. It picked up the word “help” but not the keyword “dating”!

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

Ever since you asked this question I’ve been looking over at the listings in their “Related”. Most of the questions are absolutely ridiculous and others are coded bigotry bait, like “Why do old people smell?” or “Is it racist to say that foreigners are not as reliable as people born here as they frequently mess up my order at McDonald’s?” . Boy, am I tempted.

This doesn’t bode well for the site. Unless it is some kind of social experiment, I can see no value in it at all. I do see attempts at rationality in the answers, but many of the questioners appear to be morons or trolls at best. The booger question, for instance, and all the questions directing people to bowel movements, genitals and sexual secretions that appear when a medical question is asked here. I can’t help thinking there is an army a socially alienated, pimply, nose-picking pubescents behind them, reminiscent of rem1981 who drops in weekly with his passive aggressive vitriol. It risks becoming another Sodahead. Sorry Andrew and Biz. NOKOP.

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