Could someone explain something I am having trouble with, it's about this election?
Asked by
October 21st, 2016
It’s two things really Trump keeps saying if Clinton wins the election is rigged, but if he wins it is not? HUH?
Now for the Trump supporters they keep screaming Clinton is a liar, liar, liar and Trump isn’t?
All you have to do is listen to him for just a few minutes and he spouts at least half a dozen in that short time, so why isn’t he a liar as well?
Please make it simple I am just a dumb Canadian looking in with utter amazement.
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19 Answers
The Trump supporters scream louder. That’s about it. The Republican leadership has generally ate that the election results will be accepted.
Hillary pretty much hit it on the head in the debate: every time Trump loses, he complains it was rigged. Even the Emmys!
Narcissistic, (He has penis breath, maybe smells like like Russian Caviar)
He can’t help it he always wins in business except he always goes bankrupt.
We’re having trouble with it too. Believe me.
Trump supporters are happy to hear someone say things they want to hear, like everything is someone else’s fault, and only he can fix it. They simply dismiss everything else as politicking.
I think the whole thing with if he loses the election is rigged he has now turned into something funny with that last rally. People need to chill out a little.
I do hate that he has been attacking Hillary so harshly. So mean. It’s to the point of cruel. I hate it. She has retaliated a bit also. She can hold her own. Even he has complimented her on her strength.
What you are experiencing, along with the rest of us, is absurdist surrealism. We’re all living in something akin to a Fellini flick. Remember that and gradually, ever so subtly, it all becomes OK. It helps to smoke a little weed and run the song Don’t Worry, Be Happy through your head at all times. And why not? Besides voting, nothing you do will have any effect on the situation. Just sit back and enjoy the 21st century version of a dog and pony show.
Here. Take a hit. Good shit, mon. It be de island way.
It truly is a circus. I knew it would be before it began!
All politicians lie, nearly all the time. We get that.
Apart from that, and more specifically, Donald Trump has proven himself to be a vile, pandering, buffoonish ignoramus, especially with respect to his understanding of American government, the division of responsibility within the government, the limits of presidential authority and any sense of decorum, grace and dignity. All right? I’m no fan of Donald Trump. He lies about what he “can do” as president, about what he “will do” as president, and he might even be lying about whether he even really wants to be president – there’s still a lot of suspicion that he has run an inept campaign only to prevent “an actual Republican” from being elected to the office, and maybe is only running to assure that Clinton is elected. (That’s a stretch, but it’s not outside the realm of possibility.)
However, with that said, Hillary has raised “simple lying” to obscene levels. She has lied continually about her time as Secretary of State, with respect to matters of National Security (the attack on the embassy at Benghazi, her involvement in fomenting rebellion within Syria and other things – including the reasons for the attack on the Benghazi embassy). She lied about her email server and usage, and then lied about the mails that had been deleted because they were personal. She lied to Congress and to the FBI; that’s a level of lying that we call “perjury”, and it’s a crime if anyone cares to prosecute it. She lies whenever she testifies on matters that she dealt with as Secretary of State that she “can’t recall” various things … which she simply chooses to remain silent about. She lied to the Democratic voters who were buffaloed into nominating her for her current slot on the Democratic ticket by conspiring with Democratic Party officials in charge of running a “free and fair” nominating process to nominate her instead of her chief challenger, Sen. Bernie Sanders (not that I’m any fan of his, either, but at least he seemed to run a fair challenge, and he also seemed to run in a gentlemanly manner – no small feat these days).
She has lied and continues to lie about her involvement in pay-to-play with the Clinton Foundation, and there’s strong evidence that she continues to lie about the finances of that “foundation” itself.
Hillary Clinton has committed lies and cover-ups on a scale that dwarfs the ones that Richard Nixon only tried to cover up (a third-rate burglary committed by some of his supporters in a re-election campaign), and she continues to do it … and her supporters don’t even care any more.
Welcome to my world. I see Clinton supporters and Trump supporters who seem totally blind to their candidate’s lies and wrong-doings. I think that you have to be a political zealots/shill in order to justify the merit, ability and character of either of these candidates to be President.
It’s so odd that intelligent people can act so screwy. This has never been so apparent to me as in this election with both parties having such flawed candidates. Both sides will twist facts and logic to justify their candidate’s record. Even though deep down inside they likely realize their charade.
Perhaps people are driven mostly by political ideology with the ends justifies the means mentality.
This year I’ve been in Australia, China and Canada and as soon as the people that I’ve met find out that I’m from the U.S.A. the political jokes start and was so embarrassing and sickening. The whole world is laughing at this election madness.
Yeah, in the mean time, 300 US Marines have shown up here. Fuck you guys. I used to have a safe neighbourhood and now you get yourselves in a pissing contest with Putin. If my home gets bombed, I’m coming to sleep on YOUR couch!
Something has been happening, but I am not sure what There was a time when political candidates attempted to speak eloquently. Those times are long gone. Trump is an extreme example. He tries to appeal to the lowest denominator. There is nothing elevating in his speeches, quite the contrary. His base of support is non-college educated whites. They are a demographic in decline. Is this their last gasp? Once they die out, will we get speeches that address important issues, or will the cultural decline continue?
To me Trump is an amalgam of stereotypes about crude oafishness. He is a man tailor made to appeal to the “Archie Bunkers” of America as well as those massed further down the spectrum beyond sitcom sensibility. But when you think about it, and add up the “low information” voters, the “left behind”, the sociopaths, the racists, survivalists, conspiracy theorists, and those who are simply so pissed off they just want to wreck it all, Trump’s constituency swells to what may well constitute formidable lethality. To these folks the rhetoric tumbling from the insufferable gasbag, those crudities the rest of us adjudge proof he is unfit for public office, only reinforce the conviction of those believers that their man is genuine and willing to speak his mind. But take heart. There’s an excellent chance that common sense will prevail. If we weren’t living through it, and certainly in time to come, this campaign will be looked upon as slapstick hilarity. I don’t care how fkd up things get in this country, no one who writes the history of our era will ever describe it as bland or colorless. Thank you Donald.
It’s that old Chinese curse coming to fruition. Big-league.
‘May you live in interesting times.’
I know this question is designed to get the flame war going but the premise is simply not valid. First whether Trump wins or loses doesn’t make the difference on whether the election was rigged or not. It only makes the difference on whether he accepts the results. Frankly whether he accepts the results or not doesn’t matter either. That’s merely a democratic talking point. The issue is whether the election has been unfairly distorted.
Second is who is lying. Both candidates are continuously calling each other liars. Neither is calling themselves liars. There is much more credible evidence on Hillary’s lying. Lying to the public, lying to the FBI, and lying about her time at the State Department. If you say one thing to one person and the opposite to another, one of those statements is a lie. It’s not a mistake or a stretch of the truth, it’s a lie. We have that conflict with Hillary.
This election is quite unique in that we have the two most despised candidates ever to run for president and they both are trying to make the other even more despised. It’s too bad that the election is likely to be decided on emotion rather than any stand on issues. The issues have been with all the name calling. Everybody says the hate the negative campaigning but they still vote based on it. If your question was an honest one, you’ll never understand what’s happening here.
The accuser is often projecting his own failings, such as when Trump says the candidates should be drug tested before the debate. That most likely means he was using drugs. When he says the election is rigged, the way he would know that is if he tried to rig it.
Ah, well that makes perfect sense. So when an accuser says that her opponent “doesn’t have the proper temperament” to be President, then it’s clearly a projection of her own flawed personality? And when she calls her opponent’s supporters “deplorables”, then she’s really speaking about her own support?
That wasn’t so clear before, so the clarification is very helpful.
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