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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Why does Hillary Clinton smile when a normal person should frown?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25106points) October 24th, 2016

During the debates I notice that HRC smiles when a normal person would frown. Does she have secret knowledge or Is she mentally ill or is she faking sincerity wrong ? If you notice it too than can you add a link?

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24 Answers

Mariah's avatar

She’s amused by just how ridiculous Trump sounds. I’d be smiling too.

chyna's avatar

She was chastised for not smiling enough so now she is smiling quite a bit.
And what @Mariah said.

janbb's avatar

Why does it matter?

Seek's avatar

Many a smile has hidden the repression of my personal urge to stab someone in the face repeatedly with a knitting needle.

Jeruba's avatar

She is keeping her cool instead of registering a reaction to everything. She might well be seething inside, but she keeps herself under control, and in this case it makes for a remarkable contrast. She also never forgets that she’s on camera.

If she can maintain a calm demeanor through all the provocation that her opponent has been offering her, she’s doing well, in my opinion. I keep asking myself as I watch them, “Who’s going to fare better when it comes to the challenges of international diplomacy?” I doubt that anyone she’d meet on the world political scene would ever behave as boorishly and uncivilly in a face-to-face meeting as Trump has in their several appearances together. I’m not a big Hillary fan myself, but I think she has handled herself exceedingly well.

zenvelo's avatar

Compare it to her opponent, who looked like he was swallowing a turd while she spoke. I much prefer a smile.

There is also quite a bit of sexist evaluation going on. When she is not smiling, she gets called a bitch. When she is smiling, you call her mentally ill. Men don’t get that kind of criticism.

janbb's avatar

^^ That was my point too.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@zenvelo Canadians ripped on ex-Canadian prime minister Stephan Harper for smiling scarily and being stone faced and emotionless when not smiling . Sorry for being sexist. It wasn’t my intention. Just being tongue in cheek.

stanleybmanly's avatar

I think she can’t help smiling at most of Trump’s answers as he talks himself ever further Into the hole.

Espiritus_Corvus's avatar

I noticed that her face is rather smooth when she is genuinely smiling. But look at her brow. When it is pinched between the eyes, the smile means something different. She does this a lot when Trump goes off on his weirder tangents, bold-faced lies and accusations. It is a pained smile. I’m sure if she allowed her face to register what she is really thinking at those times, she would never get elected and she knows it. It shows she’s not taking the bait and this pisses Trump off to no end.

ucme's avatar

Also, that rictus grin plastered over her face is so fucking irritating.

Pachy's avatar

Heaven help us if we judge a political candidate—or anyone, for that matter—by how or when they smile.

I often think that if we could watch our own faces in real time we’d be surprised by how we look to others, and how out of sync at any given moment our expressions may be to how we may truly be feeling

Aster's avatar

I read she had an earpiece and someone would tell her when to smile. Then they photographed it up close .

zenvelo's avatar

@Aster That has been proven false by Snopes

Aster's avatar

Yes, but I heard that Snopes now has turned dishonest like the rest of mankind. They don’t wish to end up floating in a river either.

zenvelo's avatar

@Aster So you believe openly dishonest fake news sites like naturalnews? What do you mean“floating in a river”? Are you spreading murder rumors again?

Aster's avatar

Totally love Naturalnews, yes. I mean some people who have mysteriously died are linked by some people to the Clintons.

Winter_Pariah's avatar

She’s probably a psychopath. She’s unable to process emotions properly.

ucme's avatar

Her smile resembles a bulldog licking piss off a thistle

gondwanalon's avatar

I think her smile (phony and creepy) is designed to distract and intimidate. Some people have very disturbing smiles and they use them to their advantage. Tim Kaine used his weird smile a lot and very effectively during his recent debate with Mike Pence. Oh and there was the unforgettable wild maniac smile of Joe Biden 4 years ago when he debated with Paul Ryan. Poor Paul Ryan didn’t stand a chance against Joe’s blinding ultra white Cheshire Cat smile.

Aster's avatar

” and there was the unforgettable wild maniac smile of Joe Biden 4 years ago when he debated with Paul Ryan. Poor Paul Ryan didn’t stand a chance against Joe’s blinding ultra white Cheshire Cat smile.”
Biden did that silly grinning to make it appear Ryan was just a little kid who knew nothing. But I could see it really affected Ryan’s confidence.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

Years ago, I worked at a hotel where a creepy co-worker would give this glowing smile to anyone he passed. Then it would immediately revert into his normal frown.

Clinton’s smile during the debates reminded me of this former co-worker’s: fake.

dappled_leaves's avatar

Who is this “normal person” you speak of?

@Aster But Ryan really was the little kid in the room, and Biden’s smile was genuine, because he knew he could call Ryan on all of his bullshit and win easily. And he did.

It’s exactly the same as Clinton with Trump.

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