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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are basic concepts that a layman should know?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25058points) October 26th, 2016

Humor and serous answers welcome.

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16 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Please clarify: basic concepts in what field? A layman is only a layman with respect to some field of knowledge and practice or category of expertise. My doctor is a layman in my field as I am in his.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Jeruba Any field. Or psychology

Coloma's avatar

Don’t run on wet pavement.

Don’t try to dislodge your stuck toast from the toaster with a fork when the toaster is plugged in.

Look both ways before crossing the street.

Don’t take a bath and blow dry your hair at the same time.

Don’t play ball in the house.

Don’t play with matches.

Don’t get into cars with strangers, even of they have beer, cheesecake, candy or a puppy.

Call your mom at least once a week.

Be courteous and polite when in public.

Open doors for strangers and little old people.

Do not over feed your Gold fish.

Wash your hands after you use the bathroom.

Eat your vegetables.

This will get you started as a laymen in life. lol

zenvelo's avatar

Every man should know how to grill a steak, make a healthy salad, cook a chicken, cook a turkey, and make an omelet.

Everyone should be conversant in basic algebra and geometry, be able to determine percentages, compare and calculate interest rates, and how to write a five paragraph essay.

Everyone who drives should know how to fill a gas tank, how to change a flat tire, how to check oil, and add oil when necessary, how to jumpstart the battery, and how to steer out of a skid.

Everyone should know how to write a check and balance a checkbook.

And everyone should know how to make a bed, do laundry, clean one’s living space.

Coloma's avatar

^ I can do everything except the flat tire, steer out of a skid thing. Guess I’m SOL if I have a flat tire and go into a skid. lol

CWOTUS's avatar

“A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.”
― Robert A. Heinlein

Sneki95's avatar

Don’t piss of animals, no mater how cute and harmless they seem to be, and don’t think they won’t bite just because the owner said so. Every animal is dangerous, from elephants to ladybugs. The only reason they didn’t do you any harm was because you didn’t scare them or piss them off. It goes for the water animals too, and humans.

If you are listening to the music in the bus, (or anywhere public) put your headphones on. No one gives a shit about your deafening noise. (If you are listening to the radio on your phone, always check that the speaker isn’t turned on. You wouldn’t like people looking at you and chuckling). Also, don’t blast music from your car. You look like a douche, no one sees someone with windows rolled down, blasting music and think “Wow, so cool!”.

Make up your mind about what you want to buy before you come to the store. Don’t waste other people’s time. And wear your own bag, especially if you buy a lot of things.

Be nice to clerks, janitors, etc. Their lives are already shitty enough if they are paid to serve you, don’t make it worse. And you don’t want them refuse to help you. In fact, be nice to everyone, random strangers are not your targets to channel your frustrations on.

Everything else above goes too.

Seek's avatar

Be polite, be a good friend, and treat people the way they want to be treated. You’d be amazed at how far that gets you.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Constitutional rights regarding arrest and search, etc.

Your rights regarding a dispute with your auto insurance company.

A basic understanding of how your body and mind work so you can have productive conversations with your medical practitioner.

Sneki95's avatar

Another one: Middle Ages were anything but dark. The whole period was actually quite developed and prosperous. It is very, very naive to think that one thousand years was nothing but plagues, wars and pissing on the streets. and you have all of that today anyways

Coloma's avatar

@Sneki95 Yes, even apparently“harmless” animals can hurt you. Like the time I was attacked and bitten by a “dead” squirrel. You’d think dead would be pretty harmless but not when said “dead” animal suddenly comes back to life. lol

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@Coloma Zombie squirrels?

imrainmaker's avatar

Don’t drink and drive.

Berserker's avatar

Never leave home without your sword.

Coloma's avatar

Don’t put your face up to strange dogs. Animal or human. lol

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