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Jeruba's avatar

Do you ever wonder if we'd be better off in a constitutional monarchy?

Asked by Jeruba (56185points) October 26th, 2016

I’m a loyal American citizen who grew up saying the Pledge of Allegiance in school in one of the original thirteen colonies, not far from where the Revolution began. I’ve been voting in presidential elections ever since George McGovern carried my state alone out of the fifty.

Nevertheless sometimes I do fantasize about writing a letter like this. There’s something to be said for having a head of state who’s been reared to the job and who doesn’t have to win an election.

Of course, the same could be said for Kim Jong Un.


Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Buckingham Palace

Your Majesty:

About that unpleasantness in 1776: we’re really, really sorry.

Can we come home now?

Or can you at least send us a prince or princess who’s all trained and ready to serve? We’ll let them have a nice white house and try to take good care of them. Just no funny hats, please.

Yours truly,
The Former American Colonies

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14 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

It’s amusing to think of a constitutional monarchy like many European counties have. In reality, it’s abominable. I have English friends, and the class system is alive and well there. That inequality should rely on the birth lottery is grotesque. I much prefer our system of inequality based on Facebook likes.

stanleybmanly's avatar

But Her Majesty is a mere pampered figurehead even less relevant today than George III was when we broke away. But you might have a point considering that it might be a great deal more difficult for a Donald Trump to rise to the level where he might have a shot at Prime Minister.

flutherother's avatar

I live under a constitutional monarchy which I despise. I would get shot of the lot of them in a moment.

zenvelo's avatar

The constitutional monarchy isn’t doing the U.K. much good right now. Stirling is a t its lowest level in over 150 years, jobs are leaving the City of London as soon as the offices can be shut down. And in a couple years, no more cheap holidays in Mallorca, and Gibraltar will probably be given back to Spain.

olivier5's avatar

The UK monarchs are national mascots. Their purpose is to entertain the masses and as such they can use all the funny colorful hats they can get their head into.

ucme's avatar

God save the queen
She ain’t no human being

I tell you what, you can have the whole bally lot of them, except Kate coz she’s nice to look at.
Prince Andrew appointed President, a match made in hell…

JLeslie's avatar

I can see why our race for president this year might make you long for leaders who have grace and training since birth.

I’m not keen on the Royal idea. I like anyone to be able to ascend to the highest social classes in a society through work and merit. I don’t want people born into wealth or royalty to have no choice in their obligations in life. I guess they can always be the wayward child, but the pressure on them to perform must be pretty high.

Even in America social class is our biggest divider in my opinion. I do hold onto the ideal that we are all created equal, and we all can succeed on our own merit; it is what makes America what it is in my opinion. Your surname should not destine you to a certain place in the social strata, and should not bring shame to an individual for bad deeds done by ancestors.

I think maybe what could satisfy your longing for a constitutional monarchy is if there was a cultural shift back towards people being respectful to each other, and our society not being attracted to bad behavior.

ucme's avatar

::Correction:: Prince Edward, as much of a giant prick as Andy is, Eddie usurps that ten fold.

flutherother's avatar

You would cease to be citizens and would become subjects of the Queen (or King).

Seek's avatar

Mmm, nah, but I’ll take a Prime Minister McHottie anyday. Here’s lookin’ at you, Canada.

SecondHandStoke's avatar


The last eight years is proof enough.

LornaLove's avatar

If they send one of that lot over there, well good luck to you, you’ll need it.

Setanta's avatar

No, i don’t ever wonder that . . . tit’s on a boar . . .

WhyNow's avatar

I was positively enchanted by the question! It made me smile… I’m sure that was the intent!

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