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MrGrimm888's avatar

How different would the world be if leaders fought one on one, instead of using armies?

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) October 27th, 2016

If the world adopted a policy where country’s leaders had to fight another leader if they had a disagreement, how different do you think the world would be.

Hand to hand. Broadcast to the world live.

No more casualties of war. No poor fighting for the wealthy.

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14 Answers

ucme's avatar

Putin kicks the shite out of all the bloke leaders.
Watching Clinton/Merkel & May in a triple threat match would be all kinds of fun…at first.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

@ucme, my first thought when I saw this question was ‘oh Vladimir would love that!’

The outcome would be that we’d go to hell in a handbasket at warp speed. Imagine the leaders we’d end up with. They aren’t great now, but imagine if brawn was the primary driver for leadership success.

stanleybmanly's avatar

It would be a fantasy world impossible to visualize.

Seek's avatar

You end up with this guy as your President, since the only necessary qualification for international relations would be “able to beat up the other guy”.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

How different would the world be if we stopped using violence to settle disputes?

ucme's avatar

@Seek That guy is Eddie Hall, an english strongman & he’s as gentle as a lamb, so maybe not.

ucme's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit Well, if the capski fits :)

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

Did you see the season premere of the walking dead?

Sneki95's avatar

It wouldn’t. It would be just like now. Same shit, different flavor.

cookieman's avatar

That would be awesome, but only if they are limited to boxing gloves, nerf bats, and water pistols.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Rollerball would be more entertaining, and just think of the revenue it would generate.

flutherother's avatar

Using armies is not so bad but modern wars are fought from the air and more often than not it is the poor civilians that cop it.

ucme's avatar

This reminds me of the FGTH video for Two Tribes where Reagan & Chernenko wrestled in a sand pit.

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s possible to be smart AND physically capable.

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