General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

What are the different titles for grade school and university students ?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25104points) October 28th, 2016

Like junior, senior , freshman ect..
What is the complete list?

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3 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Grade schools have grades to describe the different levels. (Plus Kindergarten for the level before grading.)

Colleges and Universities use the same descriptions as high schools: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior. Each describes a year in a standard four year curriculum.

They are descriptors, they don’t carry any meaning beyond that.

YARNLADY's avatar

Kindergarten, elementary, Middle School, High School further separated into freshman, sophomore, junior, senior.

Strauss's avatar

Different school systems have different descriptors. In the school district where I grew up, there was kindergarten, grade school (grades 1–8) and high school (freshman, sophomore, junior and senior). In the school district a few miles away, there was kindergarten, primary (grades 1–5), junior high school (grades 6–9) and senior high (grades 10–12). In the district here, most schools are either elementary (1–5), junior high (6–8) and high school (9–12). However, there are some concept schools that are designated P-20, which indicates a comprehensive education package all the way from pre-school (pre-kindergarten) on up to high school and college grad student level.

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