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What would you have done in this situation?
The strangest thing happened to me today.
Ok, as you know I have been looking for a job for quite some time. I feel like I got a break when I was given a 6 week temp assignment at at “technology” industry. They create custom, precision tools and small parts for the giants, like Boeing, Spirit, etc.
I think they’re impressed so far, and I’m hoping for a permanent position.
I started on Monday.
Rick and I smoke. They don’t make cars with ash trays any more so we have one of those plastic ash tubs. They fit in the cup holders. There is a lid that screws on that that is shaped like an inverted funnel, and there is a small hole in the center of the funnel, just a bit bigger than a cigarette.
This morning I went out at my break to take a short drive to smoke. Well, when I got to the car, which I hadn’t locked, and got in the driver’s seat, I noticed that there was a neat cone of ashes on the passenger seat…as though someone had taken the little container, turned it upside down and shook all the ashes out!
It was the strangest damn thing! I told Rick about it. He was more upset than I was, said they have surveillance video and we need to go talk to someone and yadda yadda.
I’m thinking, though, that I don’t want to start a fuss when I’m in such a precarious position of getting a job! It didn’t hurt anything, except there are ashes all over the car.
Of course, I’ll be locking it from now on, but still. The cars are parked in plain view of all the manager’s windows, and in plain view of anyone coming in and out.
WTH? And what would you do?
Please save the insults and criticisms for another time.
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