What is a cool aspect of your country that foreigners don't know about from the media and such?
Asked by
Sneki95 (
October 30th, 2016
I often hear people criticizing the places where they live/originate from. Let’s try showing some good parts of our homelands, shall we?
If a foreigner asked you about your country/people/ethnicity, or the place/area you live in, what interesting, cool part would you tell them about, that foreigners usually never hear about from the media (like movies and books and such)? Why should someone visit your place/country? Why do you love it (if you do)?
How different your country/people are from how they are shown in the media? Are there any stereotypes you are specifically not impressed about, that you’d like to debunk here?
Similarly to this, if you could change the place you come from, would you do it (I don’t refer to moving somewhere, but originating from/being born in certain place/country, or being of certain ethnicity)? If yes, which place would you choose? If no, what makes it being “the thing to be” for you (if it does)?
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28 Answers
We don’t all carry guns, and shoot-outs are not at all common even among those who do.
Some of us have never even seen a gun outside of a museum and don’t knowingly know anyone who owns one.
Not everyone lives in huge beautifully decorated houses and not everyone is either stick thin or obese.
And many New Yorkers are kind and helpful – even if they are in a rush.
Many germans have actually learned nothing from WW2 and the Holocaust.
As evidenced by the rise of Pegida and the AFD and the latter getting up to 26% in state elections.
Germany is ripe for another carpet bombing and a thorough denazification.
(United States).
Just about any idiot can get licensed to drive a motor vehicle. It’s dirt cheap and easy as well.
In most states you can drive just about any broken, underequipped, hazardous, smoke belching car on public roads.
This knowledge gives me a warm fuzzy every morning as I idle in my driveway before my commute.
@ragingloli I’ll assume you didn’t read the “cool” in the question, or the part where it says “showing some good parts of our homelands”.
But what you say is, sadly, true and is taking over the whole Europe, not just Germany.
Well, the food is good, I guess.
We have a cool Mystery Hole in my state. I would bet foreigners don’t know about it.
@ragingloli After spending a week each in Munich and Berlin, I beg to defer regarding the German food being good. Then again, it is a matter of opinion.
(US here.)
Electrical outlets in bathrooms. It baffles me why some other countries aren’t able to do this.
We also have a great sense of humour:
What do you call an Emo Indian? A Calcutter. Har Har Har.
@ragingloli Probably very little, and possibly more than you when it comes to food.
I love Canada and am very happy my parents moved here.
I love how wildly multicultural the country is and how (for the most part) people seem to revel in that.
In great part because of the multiculturalism, the music and food here can be positively marvellous.
I love it here.
Tampa, Florida is widely considered to be the death metal capital of the world.
(I’d say it’s second to Stockholm, but that’s just personal preference.)
The US-Canadian Great Lakes are like small freshwater oceans. You can’t see across them (the smallest is 53 miles/85 km wide).
We have 1000 foot (300m) freighters on the lakes plus ocean-going ships up to 740 feet (225m) long can can navigate here through the St. Lawrence Seaway. Cargo ships can travel as far as Duluth, 2,342 miles (3,700 km) from the Atlantic Ocean.
Orlando is much more sinister than Tampa
Pfft. Orlando’s local scene is lame.
We shoot other things besides other people. Rabbits, squirrels, birdies.
We can drive for day after day after day and never get stopped at a border check-point, or have to speak a different language.
There is always fresh food available in every state, every day.
My country has never known what terrorism is, really.
And there’s that one thing that I think is pretty cool but most people have overlooked, is that all the warning about fast food or canned food is useless in my country, because we don’t consume those things that much. Most food we eat everyday is fresh, and we are not that interested in the kind of canned food Westerners eat.
Some of us have good teeth
Spotted dick is a pudding not a genital disease
England is the finest nation on the planet
It rains a lot but do we care…I say “do we care?” (tumbleweed)
We’re an island, away from mainland Europe…(All kinds of win right there)
“We have staff for that” is the birthright of every true Great Briton…<<<ya see what I did there?
Norway rules the death metal scene, or so I hear. Fans in Japan go to Norwegian language classes so the can understand the lyrics.
All the good metal is nordic.
The big things I saw that surprised the exchange students that stayed with my folks were that they all thought people are mature at younger ages here, the food portions are horrific, there is more vegetation than they imagined, the huge shipping trucks everywhere, most everyone has automatic transmissions, the fact that it’s perfectly safe to walk around the city without being shot and that the homes are mostly very nice. They were from thailand, australia, new zealand and all over europe.
The big things I see that do not get across are how laid back eveyone is. If you have car trouble someone will probably stop an help you. People say please and thank you, they hold doors open and let people cut in line. People here in the south are just good to be around.
@cazzie I thought black metal is what Norway was known for, didn’t know you guys were into death metal too. :)
What the hell is the difference and don’t ask me if I care because I think you know the answer. Today has been a shit day. Praying to the pagan gods to open up the ground and swallow me.
Sorry to hear that, hope you get well.
Yeah, black metal, or as I call it, “The Norwegian Weather Report”
Kansas actually isn’t flat. Much of it is, but much of it is hills and cliffs and crags and cool stuff.
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