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LuckyGuy's avatar

What did NPR talk about before the current Hilrump dump election coverage?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) November 1st, 2016

I usually have NPR playing in the background in my lab/office. (Yes, I am a supporter.) I used to love listening to various shows, news coverage, and the wide range of culture that was serendipitously introduced to me. I love listening to Prairie Home Companion, Will Shortz puzzle, CarTalk, Science Friday, . But now it seems that all I hear is election related junk.
I am getting tired of hearing about the Hilrump waste dump that American politics have become.
Please help me. Has anything else been happening on the planet? Have all the refugees been settled? Are there any earthquakes or typhoons, or floods on the horizon? Have education, healthcare, poverty, taxes, all been fixed? Did science come up with the cure for cancer or the common cold?
What did they talk about in the good old days when politics pretended to be civil?

Thanks for letting me vent.

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8 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

Today they talked about NASA’s new “intruder alert” system to watch for Near Earth Objects (meteors and asteroids). And the talked about a transit strike in Philadelphia and that the attack on Mosul is moving faster than expected.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Thank you. I turned it off today when even Diane Rehm was discussing it on her show. Ugh.

Cruiser's avatar

I find myself more and more turning to my twitter feed for the real news I seek. I follow WHO and the CDC just to keep tabs on the latest health issues.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I like background noise and prefer talk radio – but not aggressive loudmouths. I used to love listening to NPR with its gentle demeanor. Now I cringe multiple times a day whenever I hear either candidate’s voice. I find both so irritating.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Can you play Internet radio at work? PRI and NPR have a huge selection of podcasts.

And there are thousands more elsewhere. Stitcher is a popular phone app, here’s their Top 100 list.

PRI podcasts

NPR podcasts

For a particular recommendation, I think you might like Freakonomics Radio

jca's avatar

I like The Moth, which is story telling.

Buttonstc's avatar

Since you are a supporter you need to be venting to them directly.

The reason theres so much about politics is because they think this is what their listeners want.

Let them know in no uncertain terms that you are a listener and suppporter who is fed up. If enough of you who feel this way speak up, they should listen since you all are what keeps them on the air.

Thats why its called public radio :)

LuckyGuy's avatar

Thanks!!! I just clicked on Freakonomics radio. I’m afraid I will be hooked! I will look into the others and The Moth. That should cover me until Nov 10.

Why the 10th? There is talk that the recent DNS attack was a test and they are planning to do it again on 11/8. The bad guys can’t affect the machines since they are not connected to the web but they can affect reporting and reduce confidence in the results – like some spoiled blowhard stated. Things will be settled by the 10th.

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