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Kardamom's avatar

Have you found any new delicious food products that you'd like to share?

Asked by Kardamom (33633points) November 3rd, 2016

I tried Trader Joe’s mini pumpkin pies earlier this week. They were ridiculously good. Today I bought some chocolate mint protein fiber bars at Aldi, called Elevation Bars (by Millville). They reminded me of Starbucks peppermint mochas only in a bar form. Another win!

Have you guys found any new (or old, but new to you) delicious food products recently?

You can also add in any food products that you’ve tried recently that you thought were going to be good, but turned out to be awful.

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13 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I bought the Red Lobster biscuit mix in the supermarket, and they were pretty close to the real deal. I used a little less of the seasoning packet, because my husband and I don’t like a lot of garlic. They aren’t very garlicky, we are just extreme about limiting garlic.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I’m into sweet potatoes right now. I was watching a friend’s dog for a weekend, and he (the dog) eats whole microwaved sweet potatoes.

They really smelled good. So I cut up a couple into disks about ¼ inch thick and baked them on a cookie sheet. Good stuff! Very filling.

Here’s a recipe where they’re sliced thin, I’ll try that soon – Baked sweet potato chips.

Coloma's avatar

I can’t think of any new products I have tried recently but the Terra products are great and I have been totally addicted to steaming snow pea pods and having them in ramen. I could eat pounds of snow peas. haha
These are the Terra veggie chip products I love.

Judi's avatar

I am into riced cauliflower lately. Use it like rice to make any fried rice recipe. A little soy sauce or Braggs Amino Acids and you can’t tell it’s not rice!

Judi's avatar

@JLeslie, I don’t think I needed to know that you can buy that!

ucme's avatar

I trust chef, even with the salmon mousse.

janbb's avatar

@JLeslie I have two packets of those biscuits in my pantry. I’m just afraid if I make them, I’ll eat them all up at once!

Coloma's avatar

Oh my..I want crab cakes soooo badly but I am waaay too busy to make myself some. Perhaps a self reward soon for all of my astronomical out put lately. haha

JLeslie's avatar

@janbb I didn’t use all the butter they call for either. I understand your fear. I think I ate two and I was able to stop. They’re kind of heavy. Probably best if you can make them when at least one other person is in the room to help you eat them.

You could probably make half the recipe and save the balance of the mix for another day.

Kardamom's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay I have used This Recipe to make both regular potato chips, and sweet potato chips. You do it in the microwave! I didn’t think it was going to work, but now I’m hooked on this method. It makes for a much crisper, less greasy chip (because you use less oil, just a wee smidge). You might have to experiment with the timing a little bit, depending on how thick or thin you make your chips. The magic happened after I set the nuked chips onto a paper towel to cool, that is when they crisped up, not when they first came out of the oven. When I first made them, I was disappointed that they were still “soggy” or “wiggly” but then I walked out of the room and came back a few minutes later to find them super crisp. It was like some sort of a miracle had happened. You can add spices too if you like.

The other tips for this method are: use a mandoline slicer to get evenly thick/thin slices. If you use a knife, you are not likely to get uniformly thick/thin slices. Also, do not overlap the tater slices on your microwaveable plate, or else they won’t cook evenly. I’ve had good results with cooking 1 and a half to 2 minutes per side, you need to flip them half way, but you’ll have to experiment with the timing of your particular microwave, and then remember that they crisp up after a minute or so of sitting on your plate or paper towel after you take them out.

jca's avatar

I was looking for samosas at Trader Joe’s. They used to have them. Maybe they ran out. They didn’t have them so I bought two other frozen Indian things and I didn’t like them. One was just too weird and one was too hot. I like spicy but this was unpleasantly hot in a weird way. I didn’t throw out the remainder – they’re in the freezer for a time of desperation.

At Panera, I like Green Goddess salad and broccoli cheese soup. I normally try to avoid creamy soups because they’re just bad for you, but I tried this one and it was really good. They used to have an Asian Sesame Chicken salad but they discontinued it. It had a nice, mild sesame dressing.

I bought rice paper spring roll wrappers. I saw something online where they cook up apples and then use them as filling for the spring roll wrappers to make a kind of apple pie egg roll thing. Not fried, just baked. I’ll try it and let you know. It’s a less fattening version of apple strudel. Of course, when you cook up the apples, you add a little sugar, cinnamon, whatever suits you. You can also add chopped nuts like you might with an apple strudel.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

I’ll try the microwave chips. And thank you for reminding me I have a mandolin. It’s a really cheap one but the ceramic blade is really sharp.

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