Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

If you had to choose between voting for Trump, and voting for Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho, whom would you pick?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) November 5th, 2016

And why?

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14 Answers

zenvelo's avatar


With a name like that, he is truly macho. Plus, he has had to learn ways to negotiate life with all those names. Plus he puts on a better show.

I would never vote for Trump for anything.

flutherother's avatar

While it would be fun to vote for Trump just to see what happens we have to take the vote for president more seriously. I’m backing Elizondo.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

America needs Macho Camacho more than ever right now. Beef Supreme should be his running mate.

Seek's avatar

Camacho was willing to listen to reason and admit he was wrong about Brawndo having what plants crave.

Camacho 2016.

ucme's avatar

Fuck that, they’re that desperate for Trump to lose they’re voting for Hillary.

gondwanalon's avatar

Ha! You crack me up.
Actually I won’t vote for Trump but would vote for Camacho because I live behind the Blue Curtain of Washington state so it really doesn’t matter who I vote for. Washington is all for the Queen of Corruption.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Voting is a scam. None of the votes really matter.

It’s a ploy to make people think that they have some control over their government.

If 200,000,000 people wrote in Donald Duck, the president would still be who the powers that be want.

But feel free to waste your time.

The sheep have their own wool pulled tightly over their own eyes.

Voting at the grass roots level can have impact, but once you get further up the chain, no votes matter.

It’s an illusion of power.

Voters in reality have no power, and are playing their part in the deception.

The US government (like all governments )is run by big money. If you think you’re making a contribution, then they have you just where they want you.

If you think a politician is differentfrom the rest, you’ve been had.

Voting has NO effect on the government. Dems, Republicans, Independents. The current system is broken. It’s not beyond repair, but no one will be able to change it because of all the money(corruption ) coursing through Washington’s veins.

filmfann's avatar

I know who Camacho is without having to look it up.

Wile Camacho would be fun, his presidency would be so inept, ignorant, and abrasive, it would be the ruin of the nation… much like Trump’s, but worse.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Don’t know who he is, or what his choice for High Courts pick would be, I still have to roll the die with Trump; better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know.

Seek's avatar

@MrGrimm888 – Obviously. Donald Duck is not a natural born citizen of at least 35 years of age. If 200 million people wrote in an ineligible candidate, the House of Representatives would choose the president.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Minor details

Seek's avatar

No, those are literally the qualifications for president.

ucme's avatar

The words the secret sevice guys used when they hurried Trump off stage…


MrGrimm888's avatar

Yeah, I know @Seek . I forgot the ~. My bad.

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