Social Question

Is cleaning a learned behavior?
Odd question, I know. But my mom was raised in poverty and her mom was at her wit’s end trying to keep 9 kids alive, working so, so hard as the wife of a farmer that keeping a clean house was low on her list of priorities. I remember Mom telling me that she had to teach herself what cleaning a house consisted of.
When I babysit for my DIL, which is once a week when she has class (other than that she is a stay at home Mom,) I can’t help but notice so many small details that are over looked. The big stuff is done, like, the floor is always swept and vacuumed, and the counters are wiped off, but the microwave is really dirty, the can opener sitting on the counter had never been cleaned, the stove top is clean, but not the rest of the stove, like the the control knobs and the face. The baby’s high chair was just awful! The tray is clean but not the rest. I try to unobtrusively clean a little here and there, like the can opener one week, the high chair the next, without doing anything major. I don’t know how she’d feel if she realized what I was doing.
One time, after her 9 year old got home from school, which is just before Dad gets home, I happened to notice that the light switch in the kitchen was really dirty, and without thinking about it I wiped it off with a soapy wash cloth.
The nine year old said, “What are you doing? That’s crazy! Nobody cleans light switches!” (Note to self: Watch what you clean when the 9 year old is there!)
I’ll dust and polish one piece of their wood furniture every week. I had to ask my son if they even had furniture polish. They keep some cleaning stuff on top of the fridge, but no polish. Turns out it was it a very high cabinet, at the end of the hallway where the bedrooms are. My DIL is very small, and she couldn’t even reach it, plus it was shoved all the way to the back, behind other stuff, so it’s safe to assume it’s never used.
When I start cleaning the little ones, 18 months and 3 years, happily demand wash clothes and start “cleaning” too.
My son is a neatnik. Always has been. As a child he shared a room with his sister, who was a slob. You could draw a line down the middle of the room. Sister’s shit was every where, and his side was neat as a pin. His match cars would be lined up neatly, according to size! I know he wishes the house was cleaner, but he doesn’t say anything, I’m sure. But I’ve often seen him doing house hold chores that I don’t think he should have to do.
My daughter is still pretty messy, but when it comes down to it she can clean.
So is this something that has to be taught? I mean, the small details that tell you a house is really clean, not just on the surface? Or, another way, why would a person not bother with the smaller details? Do they just not know?