Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Have any last-minute thoughts about the U.S. election?

Asked by Jeruba (56106points) November 6th, 2016

Predictions? insights? horrifying thoughts?

I have two that came to me within the past few days:

Q: What’s with the Trump hair and complexion?

A: He’s trying to be gold.

Q: What’s with the daytime-TV-talk-show-confrontation style of campaigning and debate?

A: Oh, I get it. It’s theatre. Because that’s what the American people pay attention to.

I don’t think the nightmare is going to be over on Tuesday, not by a long shot. Maybe it never will.

What do you think?

Tags as I wrote them: politics, election 2016, Trump, horror stories, bad dreams.

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38 Answers

chyna's avatar

No, it won’t be over Tuesday. Trump will demand a recount if he loses and he will probably never concede the election. The emails will still be hanging over Hillary’s head. Her haters will demand that she be impeached.
Trump will remain orange with rings around his eyes. His wife will wait a year and then divorce him for putting her through all of the crap and embarrassment.

CWOTUS's avatar

I’m only afraid that one of the two “major party” candidates will win.

Hopefully, however the election results actually come out we can look back on this particular election as being the death knell of these particular parties operating in the particular ways that they have for this election. Yay, us.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Bernie Sanders could still run as an independent party.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@chyna E-mails by the FBI have no new information Comey will be running for VP on the GOP in 2020. Love your friends after it is all over, no matter which candidate wins.

Pachy's avatar

I agree with @chyna and would add that if she does win, as she most likely will, she’s probably destined to encounter the same (or worse) stonewalling by Congress than Obama did—unless the Senate turns Dem.

ucme's avatar

That relief you feel when the Trump train finally derails, savour it, for it will not last long.

Mariah's avatar

From here in the hospital I am almost glad I’ll have something to “do” – follow the results – on Tuesday. I’ve long been looking forward to having it just done with.

Seek's avatar

It only makes me sad to know that after Trump loses, the ~40 percent of the electorate (not the population, the electorate) that voted for him in full knowledge of everything he said and did and stands for will still be here.

Seek's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 – No, that ship sailed a long time ago, and Bernie is too good at math to have cursed the country that way.

dappled_leaves's avatar

America needs to start educating its children in civics and critical thinking. Maybe you can crawl out of this deliberately-created mess in a few generations (and us with you).

Seek's avatar

Critical Thinking and American Government are the literal names of two classes I took. The first in 7th grade, and the second in Senior year of high school.

Unfortunately, paying attention in class stopped being cool somewhere around 1945.

Cruiser's avatar

Bald ignorance of what the voters really care about will be the take away from this election…yet instead of acceptance of this reality…there will be anger, indignation and fury by those that are on the losing team. No matter who wins prepare for violence Nov 8 like we have never seen before.

flutherother's avatar

My last minute thoughts are that I still can’t quite believe this is happening. The Founding Fathers could never have imagined the phenomenon that is Trump. He is unfit to be president and unfit even to lose the election as he may well make stupid and inflammarory remarks to an already deeply divided nation. I hope I am wrong and Trump finds it in him to lose with good grace.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I can’t predict who would win. The dark side clouds my visions. Best guess is that Hillary Clinton wins.

jca's avatar

I hope Hillary wins. I can’t imagine a country with Trump as President. I can’t imagine Trump as President.

I heard Steve Harvey on the radio the other day telling a black caller that “a held vote is a vote for Trump. Please, as one black man to another, please don’t hold your vote. You don’t hear the Republicans talking about holding their votes. They’re all voting on Election Day.” He went off on this guy and it was very inspiring. I feel very similarly. I can’t understand why middle class or working class people like Trump or want to hold their votes, which means less votes for Hillary. Like Bernie says, this is not the time to vote third party, either.

Trump is not labor friendly, so for the middle and working class, it’s even more baffling how people support him.

I don’t argue with people on here or on FB and until now, you’ve not heard me say much about the election. Now that the end is almost near, I am telling everyone we really need to all get out and vote, and tell everyone you know they need to get out and vote, too.

gondwanalon's avatar

Disclaimer: I’m a conservative that can’t vote for Trump and certainly not for Clinton (I voted for Jill Stein).

I have a gut feeling that Hillary will win. And I’m OK with that.

Also I hope that Hillary wins because I fear that if she doesn’t their will be monumental unrest resulting in riots in the streets of the major cities resulting in much death and destruction. Also the stock market will quickly take a huge hit and not likely recover for a very long time (perhaps decades).

If Hillary wins then the Trump supporters will just bitch and moan and then go back to living the American dream as best as they can. And the Stock market will be pretty much un effected. Hillary’s Administration will mirror the Obama Administration while the Republican run House and Senate will appose her at every turn. Same old, same old.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@gondwanalon ”(I voted for Jill Stein).”

“Also I hope that Hillary wins”

This is how Brexit happened, people.

Darth_Algar's avatar


But what do the voters really care about? Does a well-off middle-aged white man in Arlington, Virginia have the same concerns as a young latina artist living in Los Angeles? Is a female black, middle-class bank manager in Seattle worried about the same things as a poor, rural white male in eastern Kentucky? Each one is voting, but it might be erroneous to think they all care about the same things.

Darth_Algar's avatar


Ok, I have to ask – why Stein? For a conservative wouldn’t Johnson be a much better fit?

olivier5's avatar

I have conflicting thoughts. One side of my brain can’t fathom that Trump will win. I keep thinking “US voters can’t possibly be that stupid.”

The other side of my brain says: “The last time you said ‘US voters can’t be that stupid’ was in 2000, Bush vs. Gore… So yes, they CAN.”

LostInParadise's avatar

Clinton by 3% plus or minus 5%.

Pachy's avatar

@Jeruba, sadly, you are correct—it won’t be over when it’s over. If Clinton wins—and probably she will—the Re-Pubes will hound and stonewall her till the last day of her one-term presidency. Trump and his Believers are a zombies and will never, never die. Political sanity and civility are gone forever.

Cruiser's avatar

@Darth_Algar It goes without saying that there are many reasons why or why not people will vote for either Clinton or Trump. But what is truly stunning to me is the reason so many people are voting for who they will or have voted is because their candidate is not the other candidate. My wife is disgusted with Hillary but she is more repulsed by Trump and is voting for Mrs. Clinton. I imagine many people are voting for similar reasons. Classic Hobson’s choice.

rojo's avatar

If Trump wins what then? The Dems will be powerless and toothless, not owning the House, Senate or the WH.
The Republicans will have someone in the WH they abhor, someone who cannot does not play well with others, someone who will actively try to get even rid of the present Rep. leadership and replace them with his own yes men.

Over the past couple of decades Congress has chosen to forfeit any power they might have had in the past and will be unable to stop him from gutting the leadership. Executive orders will explode and expand Presidential power even further.

Trump will backpedal on any promise he has made to the Religious right; their concerns are not his. They will be surprised and horrified. His SC nominations will be all pro business and Trump sycophants. Labor, Environment, Public safety net, all non-starters for Trump, he can’t make any more money of off them and will pedal the legislation to the highest bidder. Don’t like that law? Give me some more cash and we will have the courts make it go away.

And then what?

thorninmud's avatar

One interesting take-away is that we’ve gotten a good, hard, unvarnished look at what the GOP base looks like in the light of day. Until now, the front men of the party have always provided respectable cover, while keeping the spotlight off of the unseemly motivations that drive the rank and file base. But this time, those motivations were invited center stage, and there can be no more pretending they’re not there.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@thorninmud Is it interesting, though? Were any of us unaware that this layer of America existed, even if they weren’t in our faces at all times?

janbb's avatar

@dappled_leaves It hasn’t been so out in the open and hubristically proud for a while. Maybe we were delusional but it felt like more of a fringe.

I truly have no idea how this country is going to move forward – even with a Clinton win. The House is fairly entrenched.

rojo's avatar

@janbb so true, no matter who wins over half the population will be pissed and, as @thorninmud pointed out, now that the dysfunction is so out in the open can there be any compromise?

I am not optimistic.

I realize I my POV is my POV and for years I have said that the five words you will never hear a conservative say are “I can see your point”. The latest round of election rhetoric has reinforced and not changed this outlook.

I believe that if the conservatives win they are going to claim a mandate and see no reason to compromise with the “Losers” and if they lose they will be inclined, nay, obligated to make sure that the progressive views and ideas fail or, more likely, never get the opportunity to be implemented. Any compromise will be seen as a further defeat so I see no chance of compromise happening in this scenario either.

We are in for a rough time of it.

Inspired_2write's avatar

This is what we in Canada heard On CBC interview yesterday.
An interview with YORK MAGAZINE writer Malcolm Gladwell
He states that Trump will be in jail within a year. is the link:

Darth_Algar's avatar


Not really a response to my question but ok.

stanleybmanly's avatar

The Trumpists have a powerful argument that cannot be denied, regardless of the preferences of those hearing it. If you’re looking for change, Trump is undeniably the man guaranteed to “shake things up”. There is a certain logic hurdle that his followers can’t seem to clear beyond the one simple truth, that if you put Trump in charge of ANYTHING, there will be BIG changes. In view of this, I put it to my neighbor the ardent Trumper who is scheduled for a throat operation (probably due to his ceaseless vocalizations pimping the Donald) “Why not push to have your man appointed chief of thoracic surgery at your hospital? You could then insist that he lead the team in your operation.” My neighbor was offended that “you’re making fun of my illness.” With that, I didn’t know what else to say.

dappled_leaves's avatar

@stanleybmanly Well… there’s your response. He is making fun of the very illness that he believes afflicts the US by hoping that his “candidate for change” wins.

stanleybmanly's avatar

Yeah. He missed the point that if his dog were President the “changes” for the better are by no means improved through the dog’s qualifications.

gondwanalon's avatar

@dappled_leaves I just can’t bring myself to vote for the Queen of Corruption. I’ll leave that up to you.

@Darth_Algar I’m just sitting this Presidential election out. Niether Stein or Johnson have a chance to win so it doesn’t matter who I vote for. Dr. Stein has impressed me. She seems honest and very intelligent. Johnson is in over his head. He needs to go back and review.

ragingloli's avatar

you are all doomed.
best of all, you chose that fate.

Seek's avatar

Earthquakes shake things up, too. No one thinks they are a good thing.

ucme's avatar

Here’s a tasty thought, what if Ivanka does a “Clinton” & becomes Prez in, ooh I dunno, say 20yrs or so?
I reckon that could have legs, not as good as hers, but still…

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