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chyna's avatar

What will Hillary do if she loses?

Asked by chyna (51731points) November 7th, 2016 from iPhone

As in what will she do as a job? I don’t think Trump will offer her anything. Will she finally retire?

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20 Answers

rojo's avatar

More to the point. what will the Republican Party do without her?

zenvelo's avatar

She’ll be involved in the Foundation, and also with her grandkids.

Cruiser's avatar

She will have to work a LOT harder at fundraising at the Foundation and Bill’s speaking fees will be a couple decimal points smaller.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

Campaign for the next election.

ucme's avatar

I think she’ll be so enraged she’ll lay an egg & out will hatch her inner demon, a velociraptor wearing a rictus grin.

Inspired_2write's avatar

First she will demand a recount.
Second she will be fighting in Court due too Trump pushing that agenda.
Even if she wins he will continue to badger her through the Court system..he can’t stand to be intimidated by a women.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

I can tell you what she won’t do:

She WON’T be intellectually honest with herself as to what this indicates about her.

Think about it for a moment. Just how poor of a choice must you be to lose to the likes of Trump??

Will she run again? Yes.

Will she clean up her act based on what election 2016™ taught her?


stanleybmanly's avatar

If she loses, she like the rest of us are in for the sort of “entertainment” that no amount of money can buy, and nobody’s imagination can accurately envisage. Unlike the bulk of us, she is among those well fortified to weather the calamitous consequences of her defeat. By comparison to me and the country at large, she’s “got it made”.

Kropotkin's avatar

I imagine that if she were to lose, she would flip her shit—perhaps even literally.

filmfann's avatar

I’m not sure, but I’d hate to be Bill….

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

Let’s hope she doesn’t lose, maybe once this nation is thoroughly for the next 18 months, they will see they should have picked better choices like Sanders or Cruz.

Darth_Algar's avatar

She’ll accept it with grace and dignity like pretty much every other losing candidate in this nation’s history. Beyond that I couldn’t speculate.


Cruz? Nah. Would we really want a foreign alien running the country?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ Cruz? Nah. Would we really want a foreign alien running the country?
That would be better than being reigned over by Jeroboam and Rehoboam, I would roll the die with Cruz.

rojo's avatar

I disagree, Cruz was the only candidate more frightening than Trump. Trump told the religious right what they needed to hear to garner their votes and would/will dump them when convenient. Cruz actually believes he is Gods chosen and would be very happy to try to turn the US into a Christian Caliphate punishing all those who will not convert.

SecondHandStoke's avatar


Why would Hillary wait until after the election to demonstrate grace and dignity?

Certainly if she was capable of these things she would use them to her advantage during her campaign?

Someone’s going to say she posses the attributes. Don’t bother.

She only seems to compared to You Know Who.

rojo's avatar

@Hypocrisy_Central Personally, I would have liked to have had a Sanders/Cruz battle. Two extremes but more representative of the actual split that is America.

Darth_Algar's avatar


I’m sure you would. His vision of a Christian theocratic America would suit you just fine.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ His vision of a Christian theocratic America would suit you just fine.
Maybe, or maybe not, I am not up on all what he thinks about it but I am SURE it is better then what Jeroboam and Rehoboam (aka. god king Xerxes, and Jezabel) can come up with.

Darth_Algar's avatar

If you don’t know than how can you be SURE?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

^ If you don’t know than how can you be SURE?
From what little I have heard fro each on the stump, the other two have done more damage talking in the same amount of listening time than Cruz did.

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