What are the things you'll miss about Barack Obama's presidency?
What are the highlights that you think of him as the President of the United States?
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17 Answers
Him, him, him, him &...did I say him?
Also, the way he whistles words ending in S so funny.
The best I have seen him is the last 3 months while he has been campaigning for Hillary. He has been funny and very appealing. As a president I wasn’t fascinated with him, and I don’t get how people practically pine for him. I do feel a lot of the world likes him, so I liked that part of his presidency.
Jay Pharoah’s impersonating Obama on SNL.
A wholesome, scandal-free, well liked family who was popular among non-Americans in the White House.
I really, really like Barack and Michelle as people.
A demonstrable level of intelligence, articulate and (mostly) engaging speech, a visible passion for certain issues.
What I won’t miss is the constant, unwavering efforts to block his every move.
I did not generally agree with his politics but he was personable and reasonable.
His and Michelle’s humanity and warmth; they seemed to genuinely enjoy each other and interacting with people. I also think he is highly intelligent and thoughtful although there were issues I wish he had been more proactive about such as Standing Rock and Syria.
He is a man of disciplined and superior intellect that found himself embroiled in a landscape where that asset is too readily countered by noise and obfuscation.
I suppose Yemeni and Pakistani families and children may miss being bombed by drones?
Maybe it’ll be that he deported more people than any previous President.
Perhaps it’s that something over 90% of the “economic recovery” went to the top 1% income earners.
Maybe I’ll miss his glibness and sociopathy.
Perhaps I’ll miss witnessing the grotesque fawning adulation he gets from liberal sycophants.
@Kropotkin no one is going to “miss” any of those things when he’s gone regardless of who replaces him. They are endemic and wired in to what is and will be. Each of them will only intensify on his leaving.
If the TPP is defeated and if Clinton adheres to most of the platform created by Bernie, then probably nothing.
If Trump is elected, then I guess I’ll miss the comparative sanity of Obomber’s administration.
Everything. Just everything. As others have said, he was superior in intelligence, decency, he was funny, a fantastic dad and husband….and he and Michelle could just be “cool” on occasion with no loss whatsoever of my respect. The fist bump on the way off the stage after his first election! Dancing at times. He could make fun of himself, casually and confidently.
I’ll miss Barack Obama, period.
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