What will Trump do if he loses?
Asked by
janbb (
November 7th, 2016
A parallel to chyna’s question about Clinton.
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24 Answers
Dress up as Bugs Bunny and wander the bathrooms in Romania.
There isn’t much he can do.
incite a violent uprising, claiming that clinton faked the results of the election.
Yeah – those ^^ are two of the possibilities.
Well, if after his fraud trial and his trial for rape he is still a free man I would imagine he will start his own TV empire which he will then use to seek revenge on all those who have thwarted him, insulted him or disagreed with him.
Malcolm Gladwell thinks he will be in jail within a year.
Throw a tantrum. Bitch and moan like the big baby that he is.
To expand the question, it may be more interesting to also pose the question of what will the Trumpists do if he loses?:
And what might happen to the GOP? Will they just retreat to their former McConnellist obstructionism?
Maybe he will retire and live in comfort.
@RedDeerGuy1 I don’t think that man knows what comfort is; he has to be the center of all eyes.
I read an article today about his fans attacking people and whatnot, and he is supporting that violence, apparently. If that is true, they’ll run amok like loli wrote.
Begin writing his book My Struggle.
He’ll watch his assets continue to plummet in value until his kids kick him out of the company for their own good.
The kids will continue the rebranding efforts (moving away from the Trump name) to try to keep business alive.
Melania will take the young one and split (I predict with no evidence).
He’ll end up a lonely old bastard trying to invite himself to golf games and society parties with people who have officially lost any obligation to appease him.
Back to business…(what he’s been doin so far). You know what I mean.
Sedition and treason? A coup? Try to split America into west coast east coast and center?
what will the Trumpists do if he loses
Same they did from 1993–2000 and 2009–2016.
Obstruct any efforts to improve the nation out of spite and to keep minorities from benefitin. Throw tantrums in Congress. Form “militias” and commit terrorist attacks. Rage about government spending while they cash their Social Security checks and receive Medicare-funded health care.
Those are first things I thought of, I could go on for an hour.
Brings back Sesame Street with his own brand new theme tune…
Humpty Trumpty built a big wall
Humpty Trumpty had a great fall…
Okay, so it needs some work :D
Like Marley’s ghost, he and his surrogates and supporters will haunt the media, the Republican party, Hillary’s presidency and every one of of our lives for the next four years and who knows for how many years beyond that.
This orange monster created by the G.O.P. makes Dr. Frankenstein’s monster look like Mr. Rogers.
(Scans the GQs and GAs)
Another Fluther brand Liberal circlejerk.
We’re all so fucking clever.
Well @SecondHandStoke why don’t you give us a hand and have a stroke too. What is your opinion?
^ “Hand”, LOL.
Yes, his response might be cringeworthy.
His actions and words suggest that he will speak his mind, somewhat poorly as usual.
His official statement will have nuggets of truth in between the usual blather.
These truths will be dismissed by the general public.
I mean, Trump said them after all.
The 77th St. MTA station extension that Trump gave New Yorkers will continue to be used, without complaint.
He’ll get back on Twitter, for starters.
@dappled_leaves He can have all the Twitter – and Toblerone – he wants for my money.
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