General Question

ragingloli's avatar

If you have to choose between two evils, why settle for the lesser one?

Asked by ragingloli (52359points) November 8th, 2016

Why not go all in, and vote for Trump, just to see what happend?

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28 Answers

ucme's avatar

Yeah, i’ve been thinking about this, if I were an yoo-ess-ayan would I vote for Trump?
All sense & decency says no, of course I wouldn’t, but then Hillary…fuck that shit!!
So like french kissing a cross eyed toothless granny with halitosis, or bathing in a tub full of warm shit, i’m going to ask granny to pucker up & to hell with it.

gorillapaws's avatar

@ragingloli because you don’t have to settle for two evils. There’s a smart, progressive, articulate candidate running. Her name is Jill Stein.

Seek's avatar

Cthulhu for President!

JLeslie's avatar

I definitely think there are people voting for Trump to see what happens.

I had one friend who specifically supported Trump in the beginning for that very reason, but his family really were very upset that he might vote for Trump. He now is going to vote for Hillary. Or, so he says. All I can say is secret ballot. I do think in his particular case he actually will be voting for Clinton, but there are probably some people out there who aren’t saying they will vote for Trump, and in the end will.

There are probably some Hillary voters in the same spot.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why play Russian roulette with just one bullet, why not load them all and see what happens?

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I’m writing in the ultimate evil cthulhu for president

Mariah's avatar

A lot of people seem to have this attitude. A vote for Trump is a “fuck the world, let’s burn it down” vote that seems almost to be a joke to many.

I happen to give a shit about the welfare of our minorities who I think will be severely at risk under a Trump president.

My answer might be overly serious, idk if you’re joking, I’m sorry I’m such a buzz kill, I just really don’t feel like this is a joking matter for a lot of people. For me and others a Trump presidency could literally kill us.

LuckyGuy's avatar

I just voted
Maybe it was my imagination but the my ballot was sticky and was giving off a foul sulfurous odor. Even the “I voted today” sticker was the Disgusted Emoji.
Probably it was just my imagination…..

janbb's avatar

Interesting that a German can seemingly be so cavalier about evil.

stanleybmanly's avatar

You not living here crack me up. You’re like folks on a platform watching an approaching trainwreck, and yelling at the passengers to “step on it.”

Mimishu1995's avatar

You want to commit suicide? Go ahead!

JLeslie's avatar

I’d say that those outside of the country don’t know what it’s really like in the country. That’s true always. Just like Americans don’t have a perfectly clear picture of other countries. All we know is what the media tells us, photos and videos, and some comments by people we might be in touch with in those countries. Even in America a person in rural Alabama doesn’t really understand what it’s like to live in NYC and vice versa, and why views differ so much.

ARE_you_kidding_me's avatar

I don’t think a Trump presidency will usher in the anti-christ or otherwise cause widespead suffering anymore than a Clinton presidency would. To me the two are basically identical and pretty much say “yeah me, fuck you” Does not matter which of them gets elected we will lose pretty equally.

si3tech's avatar

@ragingloli Would you rather have a bottle in front of you or a frontal lobotomy? Why settle for one when you can have both? jajajaja (Spanish for “hahahaha”)

elbanditoroso's avatar

Back in the early days of the South, in the US, people grew a lot of cotton – it was a huge cash crop and for 5–6 decades, was the mainstay of the Southern economy.

The problem was that cotton is very attractive insects, particularly the Boll Weevil. An infestation of Boll Weevils can pretty much wiped out a cotton field in a matter of days.

Farmers figured out how to make an insecticide that was fairly effective against some of the boll weevils, but it had the nasty side effect of leaving some of the older ones alive – it killed many of, but not all, of the younger ones. So it worked, somewhat, but not perfectly.

The farmers on the affected plantations needed to make a decision about whether or not to use the insecticide. The had to make the choice between the lesser of two weevils.

Pachy's avatar

One candidate is evil.
The other is definitely flawed but far, far from evil.

Zaku's avatar

Because there are different flavors and degrees of evil.

kritiper's avatar

I don’t need to vote for Trump when (assuming he got elected) I could just kill myself now and get it over with.

Darth_Algar's avatar

I’m sure there were Germans back in the 1930s who voted for the National Socialist German Workers Party just to see what would happen. Worked out well didn’t it?

ragingloli's avatar

looks like you did not settle for the lesser evil. good job.

i fucking called it

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longgone's avatar

I’d have chosen Stein, of course. If I was forced to pick either Trump or Clinton, the decision to steer clear of Trump would still have been an easy one. Leaving aside the kind of man he is – I’ve heard him talk about his ideas. He’s the opposite of what I want for the world.

Edit: Americans, I’d like to say that Europe (from what I’ve seen) is as shocked as you guys are. Trump is not a symptom of the U.S., he’s a symptom of what’s wrong with the world. Having him in a position of power scares the hell out us.

SecondHandStoke's avatar

^ American here.

Your comment assumes that I am shocked.

Don’t do that.

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