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elbanditoroso's avatar

Toblerone shape shifting. Any comment from our European friends?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33765points) November 8th, 2016

On this momentous and historical day – election day in the US, with implications all over the world, what are our British friends concerned with?

not Brexit
not the US




Is this a serious concern?

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28 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

Yes. It a serious concern. They’ve made the chocolate bar look stupid.

zenvelo's avatar

Very serious problem. The Swiss are supposed to remain neutral.

The comment that it now looks like a bicycle rack is the most accurate.

janbb's avatar

I never got Toblerone anyway. What’s the point of a chocolate bar that is only sold in airports and that you have to hurt your mouth to bite into?

zenvelo's avatar

@janbb I buy Toblerone occasionally at my local market. And each triangle is easily snapped off into bite size pieces.

ucme's avatar

Please don’t concern yourself, we’re very interested in your super dooper shiny ever so important election, best comedy in years. Oh & the chocolate, leave that to you, ahem…“large” americans ;-}

janbb's avatar

@ucme We do it all for your entertainment, ya know. Or do you have staff for that?

ucme's avatar

@janbb To a point yes, can’t overwork them too much though…bloody unions.

Zaku's avatar

I never thought it looked like a good think to eat anyway, and I think I’ve maybe tried once, and it seemed like a tank trap for the mouth.

It looks like the “new” design is designed to rip customers off by providing maybe 40% less chocolate per box volume. Looks like a ripoff. Did Nestle the water pirates buy out Toblerone?

Seek's avatar

Outrageous. Not only does it look ridiculous, but I bet you pounds to pence they’re not dropping the price per bar, so you’re paying more for the chocolate!

dappled_leaves's avatar

I’m not European, but I don’t know what the hell they were thinking.

@janbb Toblerone is sold in all grocery stores and pharmacies, and in most corner stores here. Airports, schmairports.

ucme's avatar

I’ve never been a huge choc fan, but Toblerone is particularly nasty, used to feel like munching on a discarded caterpillar track off a tank.
I remember that awful song on the ad too…fuckin dreadful din.

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Some things should not be messed with. This on top of Terry’s changing the chocolate orange into a chocolate mandarin. Just not right. Next they’ll mess with the Quality Street selection. The world’s gone mad.

ucme's avatar

Haha I still reel from changing marathon into snickers

janbb's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit Say it ain’t so, Joe! Don’t want nobody messing with my Quality Street (unless they put even more caramel ones in).

Earthbound_Misfit's avatar

Give it time @janbb. @ucme, and the Mars bar is half the bar it was. I saw one in a shop a while ago and I was so shocked by its loss of weight I commented to the shopkeeper. It’s a shadow of its former self.

janbb's avatar

@Earthbound_Misfit I know re: the Mars bar. Graham used to say when he was younger he couldn’t finish a whole one!

ucme's avatar

Yeah, the biggest shrinkage is in the Cadbury’s Creme Egg, even allowing for smaller hands as a kid, those buggers are tiny now.

janbb's avatar

@ucme My younger son loves those and I still bring him one when I can get them.

Seek's avatar

My grocery stopped selling McVities Penguin. I’m ready to start another revolution.

ucme's avatar

@janbb Surely you should give him a Penguin, that’s if you can p…p…pppick up one :D
:::notices seek got in ahead of me, slopes away in a huff:::

ibstubro's avatar

Seems like it would have been easier to just shorten the old by a section or two. You’d have the familiar mouth feel, just less of it.

janbb's avatar

@ucme and @Seek My son buys me Penguins when he can. Oh – I need to go to England right now.

ucme's avatar

My faves as a kid were always Wagon Wheels & Curly Wurlies

dappled_leaves's avatar

@janbb Can I come? I’ve neither been to England nor had a Penguin!

janbb's avatar

@dappled_leaves Are you propositioning me?

ucme's avatar

I used to lick all the chocolate off a penguin & then nibble gently…just sayin

dappled_leaves's avatar

@janbb Maybe, but it sounds like @ucme has a better offer.

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